
August 2022 - Standing O's

I felt every moment of your journaling! Such a wonderful way to commemorate a bittersweet time! I love the big photo of the cricket. It reminds me of when we went to Crete and the cicadas were out. The buzzing was overwhelming!!! Your color choices are wonderful!


Another home run from you, Ana!!!! Your photo treatment is amazing and your blending and masking is perfection! You captured the "foggy" times of the Golden Gate Bridge!
This one is fantastic!

I hope you feel better and are able to move around better soon!! We went to Niagara Falls back in 2001 and it was magnificent. You really captured the misty charm of it! I love your blending and your title cluster!

This LO by @Dady is so uplifting. The sweet happy photo has made me smile and smile and smile. Great artistry and fun elements. I just love it!
