


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Have you seen a layout in the gallery that makes you go "wow!" ... if so, we want to know about it.
  • Share it with us here and link us up so we can all say "wow!" together!!
  • It's not just the CheeryO's that can showcase pages here, anyone can post!
  • So if you see something you think is worth sharing, please show us!!
  • Be sure to add the name/username of the person who created the layout you are posting
  • Use the Copy GALLERY BB CODE so that the layout is linked to the gallery
    (Makes it easier for other people to click on it to go and leave some love on it.)
I love this layout by @wombat146. I really like the way Ona used the gesso as a photo mask and the way the gesso splatters look so awesome on the dark background. A real stand-out, Ona. ♥
I love this layout by @wombat146. I really like the way Ona used the gesso as a photo mask and the way the gesso splatters look so awesome on the dark background. A real stand-out, Ona. ♥
Thank you Betty Jo for adding my page here, always such a thrill!!! :) and the gesso splatters of Vicki Robinsons' are just stunning!!!
The bridge photo is amazing, but your treatment around it just makes it amazing!! The blending is wonderful and I love the cute little butterfly!

