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  1. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, October 20

    howdy. i'm still alive and kicking. just stopping by so you know i haven't run away from home or anything. in fact, i haven't LEFT my home for days, because clothing irritates this ^%$#@# rash. big fun. not. :rant: hope everyone is well and happy. :becky:
  2. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 17

    Chris, i don't know about the iodized salt thing. i have some Morton Natural Sea Salt that isn't iodized. got it at the supermarket. just looked at my box of kosher, and i don't see that it's iodized. it just says: ingredients-- salt and some sort of anti-caking agent. yep. still itching. no...
  3. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 16

    Chris, here's the KIMCHI recipe. got this recipe from some Korean ladies at a party, right after i adopted my daughter: KIMCHI :target: 6 pounds celery cabbage or cucumbers (the cucumber kimchi is YUM!) 3 T Kosher salt 2 cups sliced green onions 4 cloves sliced garlic 1 T ginger root, minced 2...
  4. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 16

    Chris, i think i have a kimchi recipe. let me know if you want it. it's easy to make. just takes a little time to develop it's "kimchi-ness." still itching. sigh....:faint2: hopefully the meds kick in soon. have a happy day, everyone! sorry for the lack of personals. i'll get better at it when...
  5. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, October 15

    hiya. i'm still alive. and itching. honestly. as the name implies: what next. more goofy stuff going on, but nothing that can't be handled. in the meantime, art is the last thing on my mind. i do stop by every day to see what y'all are up to! i'm thinking of you all. be well. and Chris, stop...
  6. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, October 7

    howdy. just a quick one. not feeling my best at the mo, so i don't have much worthwhile to add to the conversation. i may not be in evidence for a bit. i'm in retreat mode again. just a question for anyone who stops by today: have you ever gotten to know something about a person you like that it...
  7. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: October 4-5: Weekend Edition

    hiya. Chris, sounds like that wedding was something else! memorable! Trudy, i took a look at the place you are going to hike to, and, WOW! i hope you did get some more sleep before you start! looks gorgeous! how can you stand living in Paradise every day?!! it is so beautiful where you are...
  8. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 3

    :plane: to say hi! still coughing a lot. but on the bright side, i haven't had another "eye adventure" since the last one a few weeks ago. thanks for the good eye vibes, Nancy! Chris, take a deep breath , dear person. Trudy, SKYPE twice a day with your fam. i would, if i could! Laurie, you must...
  9. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, October 1: The Faery is Scared Edition

    Chris, oh NO! is Cait better? someone must have really thrown HARD to have a tennis ball do that. Nancy, i always thought that it should be made impossible to use a cell phone while in motion in a car. but how would that be accomplished? it was bad enough when it was just people talking, but...
  10. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 30

    just crawling out from under my rock to say HI! on top of the 2 week long eye headache, i caught Hubby's cold, and i'm feeling stuffy, sneezy and cranky! but i'm pressing on to try to do Tuesday with some gusto. sort of. i did manage to finish downloading and renaming all the tombstone files...
  11. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: September 27-28:Weekend Edition

    hey, Hannah! hope your Saturday has more GOOD oomph in it! Hubby and i are supposed to go to an Octoberfest party tonight. i have to eat before we go so i'm not faced with a bunch of food i don't eat. they always have things catered with over-the-top food, so better safe than sorry, i guess...
  12. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, September 12: TGIF!!!

    Bossy Lady with Advice says: Chris,you have to be sure that you are COMMITTED to being good during the long-ish recovery period. everyone will need to help. then you should make sure they give you the big elastic band that you can wrap around yourself as you heal. it helps ENORMOUSLY. the last...
  13. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, September 25

    another fly-by to say "hi." sunglases are on. a real pain in the eye. snort. :pound: have a good one :becky:
  14. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 23

    howdy. carotid artery thing turned out OK, which is good. but still no insight into WTH happened with my eyes the other day. still staying off the computer as much as possible and wearing sunglasses a lot. everywhere. Chris, i was wondering if the bear attack was anywhere near you. very...
  15. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, September 22

    fly-by! i've has a headache for 3 days after the "eye adventure." seems to be getting better. i'm not taking anything to be able to tell what it's doing. my eyes hurt. had a carotid artery test. no results yet. trying not to "look" at much and to stay out of bright lights. Chris, great that the...
  16. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, September 18

    fast fly-by today and probably for a while. had an eye adventure yesterday, so we're looking into what's going on. some tests and stuff. and the computer screen is hurting my eyes again, so i'll probably be missing for a bit. hope everyone has a great Thursday and weekend and everything! :becky:
  17. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, September 17

    Chris, found this in my inbox today, so i guess it was meant for YOU!! http://www.macworld.com/article/2607275/how-to-spill-proof-your-laptop-and-how-to-fix-it-if-that-fails.html#tk.nl_macwk just laying low today. mailing a giant box with Halloween costumes to The Grandmen and The Peanut...
  18. whatnext

    Happy Birthday Mrstoa

    hope you had a peaceful, lovely day, J!
  19. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 16

    Sara, sounds like giving her back to where you got her is the best idea. do it now. there will be all kinds of emotion associated with doing that, but you know that it will be the best thing for everyone. so good seeing you here, though! Chris, how do you keep everything straight? do you have...
  20. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, September 15: Monday, Already? Edition

    i'm not sayin' ANYTHING! well, hope your week is not a "nightmare," anyway. look at it this way. the dream was so weird that reality HAS to be a bit better! i hope it is for you, kiddo. Trudy, was it YOUR wine for dinner? i am so impressed with your lap swimming thing. i absolutely HATE...