
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 30


The Loopy-O
Wow!! Last day of September!!! How fast did this month go for you? Very fast for me.

I made it through yesterday, tired, but I did it. I had a to-do list with 14 things on it and I got everything done except for one. I have a stupid question, since my brain and number= not a good combo. I finished the LO for the wedding gift. And I made a copy 8x10. Today I am off to get the frame, but does 8x10 have the same proportions as 5x7? JUst wondering in case I find a great frame in that size. I can always resize the 12x12 to 8x8, but those frames are harder to come by.

Today I am off to food shop, then frame shop with my mother and lunch too.Then after dinner, Gary and I have a bunch of Monday shows that we DVR to watch. Why does it seem like all of our shows are on Monday? LOL
What shows are you looking fwd to seeing this Fall Season?

Tip on Tuesday:
Cait was very disappointed that I wouldn't drive her to school and get a free Dunkin Donuts pumpkin spice coffee on the way for Nat'l Coffee Day. But I have a recipe to try for homemade pumpkin lattes.
I"ll let you know how it comes out.



The Loopy-O
And yes, I did get up with my alarm, but Cait slept through her's this morning. These dark mornings are not good for us, at all...

Whooo hoo Nancy!!!! What a great start to the (pre)season!!!! Congrats to your son and the new job! That is wonderful news all around!

Trudy- you are now officially an "Iantosca." (My family, for anyone who is wondering). The Iantoscas have a long history of driving CRV's.My parents each have one, Scott's is a hand me down from my parents, my SIL has one too. When my BFF bought one, she said that she is an Iantosca too. You should see our driveway when we have a family party! Its like a CRV parking lot :D
Best of luck to you! *throws in a handful of change under the seat*
I am not sure where that superstition comes from, but we always do that for new cars. Used to come in handy when driving on the Parkway and you needed change for tolls hahahah!!!
I am glad that you are feeling better and I hope this is stays that way. Love and hugs to you!

I hope that everyone has the best day ever today!


Well-Known Member
just crawling out from under my rock to say HI! on top of the 2 week long eye headache, i caught Hubby's cold, and i'm feeling stuffy, sneezy and cranky! but i'm pressing on to try to do Tuesday with some gusto. sort of. i did manage to finish downloading and renaming all the tombstone files from my cemetery project and getting them on CD to send to the coordinator of the GenWeb Tombstone Project coordinator in my county. so. that's DONE! i'm wearing sunglasses for all screen-viewing, and so far no more alarming probs.

Chris, i watched the season premier of Once Upon a Time, which was hammy and badly written and acted, as usual. but i keep watching the silly thing. then i watched the premier of season 2 of Sleepy Hollow. pretty good. plus i get to watch Tom Mison be gorgeous. dunno what else i'll be watching. i started watching "Tyrant, " but it's unnerving. i haven't watched the last two episodes yet. wish i had Super Cable, so i could watch "Outlander," but i'm going to have to wait until it's on DVD or iTunes.

Trudy, hope you're feeling better after your Skype with DD and Mason. i know my Sunday Skyle with my son and fam cheer me up a lot. then for the rest of the week i try to forget how far away they are!

gonna drive in some French Onion soup to DD as soon as rush hour is over and i get out of my jammies. have a lovely Tuesday, everybody!:becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning - Not sure where my day went yesterday LOL. Walked downtown to get lunch and had this wonderful conversation with a waiter at the restaurant. Then got a good walk in with my girlfriend. Then watched sports and got some scrapping done. But not much else. But the good news is that my car is still under warranty so fixing my water pump did not require me to pay anything. I was so happy!

Chris congrats on getting you to do list done. Hope this day goes as well.

Phylis thanks for checking in and still so sorry about your eyes and the headaches.

Trudy how was the skype time with you daughter and Mason. I am sure it was total fun! Congrats on the new car. I got my check yesterday from the insurance company so I can now go out and find a car but I hate looking for cars.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is cool and clear this morning, so hoping to get out for a nice long walk today! Swam my laps yesterday and felt like I could have gotten in a couple more when it suddenly got very busy at the pool. I came home and got to work on finishing a sewing job that I did for one of the RCMP officers, I sewed on her badges on her uniform and she paid me nicely for it. I got to drive my new CRV down to the office and then had a coffee with my sister and showed it off to her. :becky:

Chris - LOL so glad to be a member of your wonderful family!! We have driven Honda products for many years and love them, hopefully this one will not disappoint!! Chris yes if you want to change the size of your 8x10 to 5x7 it will work. Sometimes you can find a nice 8x10 frame with nice moulding to fit a 5x7 picture. Hope you find something that you like!

Phylis - Sorry to hear that now on top of everything else you have a cold to deal with :mmph: Sounds like you have been very busy getting the tombstone thing done! You will have to find a new project to keep you busy now. My time with Heather and Mason is always great, and it usually puts me in a good mood and lets Heather get Mason's lunch ready while we chat and sing songs together. Now my son tells me that they could possibly be getting transferred to Ontario, so my whole family will be even further away from us :hurt: but we won't know that for sure for a bit yet.

Nancy - Glad you got your cheque for your vehicle, I feel your pain for car shopping!! It was not my favourite thing to do either and believe me we have been doing it for a long, long time, DH researches everything before making a decision to buy LOL.

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!! :wave: