
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, September 17


The Loopy-O
gooooOd morning my lOvelies O's! How are all of you today? I am doing a-Ok. Happily caffeinated, in spite of spilling some of my coffee on my keyboard. More reasons to not clean: My desk smells like coffee instead of lemon oil. (not that this is a bad thing, but still...), and my mattress is finally dried after spilling an entire water bottle on it the day after I wash sheets/blankets etc. Let's see what damage I can do today LOL

I was able to get all of my gifts purchased yesterday. Art stuff for my niece, a cute candle for SIL and a nice wood pillar candle holder and autumn candle for the IL's. And I did it all while doubled over in pain from cramps. :whoo:
My poor mom- she was not liking the idea of me having a hystero, in her mind it is like a cesarean section, but after seeing me gasping for breath, she gets it now.

Food shopping today (blergh!) and then a little bit more cleaning and then scrapping perhaps??


The Loopy-O
Sara-- I scrolled down to see your last post, and I am glad that you are going to wait a little longer. That was going to be one of my suggestions. Puppies are truly like little babies and everyone needs time to adjust.
Is there a reason why Matt doesn't want to crate the puppy? Some dogs hate crates, others truly need them. We tried crating Harley but she was a stray on the street and became frantic when we tried that with her. Ray on the other hand, had been in a shelter for a long time before we adopted her and she absolutely needed a crate. We weren't going to crate her, but after a couple of days of her pacing non-stop, we ended up buying a new one. Maybe see if a friend has one you can borrow?
Another idea to try is to see if the breeder has something with her littermates scent on it. that can sometimes make a new puppy more secure.
If there is anything else I can think of, I will write more.

Phyllis- I have a desk calendar and I use Google calendar with email alerts and it syncs with my cell. And yes, I write in everything (except Bill Due dates) in pencil. LOL
I totally get where you are coming from on the cleaning responsibility not being mine. But I was brought up in a very crazy way that your home is a reflection of yourself, blah blah. My mom is the type of hostess where everything matches, never serves a meal from the pot, never a fingerprint/footprint in sight. I am not as bad as that (I always serve meals from the pot heh!)but it is hard to not clean before parties. It is also good, in a way. I let the fur and dust build up quite a bit, so this forces me to really get what needs to be done.
I guess b/c my family has such weird food tastes I try to have a good variety (this also goes back to my Italian heritage where you feed everyone whether they like it or not!), but I did draw the line for one of Cait's friends who is vegan. I can do vegetarian options and peanut free for my godson, but not vegan. I told her to bring her own food. ;)

but will you listen? NOOOOOOO!

I listen... on occasion.... :pound:

Jean- from a genealogy standpoint, I think it is fascinating. Is DAR a bad organization to be involved with? I don't know anything about it except for some stereotypes of snootiness.
The party is for 6 Sept b-days, including Scott's GF. This is her uncle and since the kids have been together now for 2+ years we are starting to combine family stuff.

Trudy- hope you got in a nice walk yesterday. It is supposed to be a bit warmer here over the next few days so I hope to get out there an soak in the last bits if summer too. I am going to have to check out your challenge, I have been getting better at some of the journaling ones.

Ack. late!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning! I am back from my vacation. I have missed you all. However the vacation was awesome, even better than I thought. The National Parks of Utah are as beautiful and amazing as I remembered and it was such fun watching my sister see the parks for the first time. We did some awesome hikes and I of course took lots and lots of photos. But of course after a vacation reality hits and I came home. I am not sure if I mentioned it but just before I left a car hit my car that was just parked in front of my house minding it own business. Well the insurance company says the car was totaled. The company sent me a form which I had notarized and mailed back home and all they had to due was take my signed form and add the title and mail it off. They could not do it! I would have thought that if my son wants a car he would have been motivated to get the check so another car could be purchased but apparently I was wrong.

Chris sounds like things are busy and moving along. Good luck with the party.

Phylis staying low sounds good. I have so much to do now!

Trudy hope you got your walk in and the rain waits awhile!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... still waiting for the :rain: to start, but did get my walk in yesterday. Clouds are here but they look pretty high in the sky so probably no rain for a while yet. I will go and do my laps this morning at the pool, but not until I have had my morning chat with DD and Mason. Did I tell you that he has finally started walking? He is so cute! His Daddy took a video and sent it to us of his first steps. I almost cried!! Darn he is so sweet!!! LOL I am hoping that we can also FaceTime with Isaac and Sadie tonight too, we haven't talked to them much lately and I want to find out how school is going for the two of them. They are such a busy family, it is hard to find the time to get everyone together to talk.

Chris - Ohhh Chris, you will be so glad when you no longer have to deal with that horrible pain!!! :hug: Uggh on the food shopping, I need to get a few things today too, not my favourite thing to do!! Glad your Mother is seeing how much you need to have this hysterectomy!! Hope you get that scrapping time in today too!!

Phylis - I am mailing a parcel out to my grand babies today also. Just small stuff, anything big that needs to go to them gets done online, postage is a killer here!! Hope you have a good day just lying low! Did you manage to stay away from all the Aliens yesterday?? :becky:

Nancy - Welcome back!! We missed you!! Sounds like your trip was amazing!! That really sucks about the paperwork you mailed home!! MEN!! Don't get us started on that subject!! Phylis and I have been dealing with the stupid stuff our hubbies say to us!! So frustrating :frusty: Hope you get all caught up with the things that don't get done while you are away, I know that it takes a while to get back into the swing of things!!

Ok I need some more coffee and a bit to eat, then off to start some Chilli for supper tonight. Having my eyebrows tinted and waxed today also. My eyebrows are almost invisible again, I get so blond from the sun that they disappear on me LOL. Have a wonderful day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon, O-ladies!

Sorry I had to cut short yesterday but we had to leave for an appointment. Turned out person we were meeting with was late and the one who made him late (long lunch) gave us a gift card for a nearby ice cream store. We used it for fancy sundaes that became our lunch. Actually very nice.

Sara, I hope giving it a little time works out. Its pictures are so cute that reality must have been a shock.

Chris, DAR isn't so bad any more, but I think they want members involved and I just don't have time to commit to another organization. As to your party and cleaning, I could never handle that size do and admire that you somehow can.

Trudy, how super to see Mason walking! So nice that you can "see" the others online.

Nancy, looking forward to what are sure to be fabulous photos from your trip. Amazing about the paperwork though. So many things are unbelievable in other people.

Phylis, low profile sounds good!