
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, October 7


The Loopy-O
Hey there, O-zies!!! How is everyone today? I am having a hard time believing that it is only Tuesday hahahaha!!!!

I kicked BUTT yesterday. I didn't clean a darn thing, but I got through stacks of papers, cleaned up a bunch of emails, worked on my calendar, got my food shopping list ready, took some of the Halloween boxes out of the attic (not all, but that worked out ok, since neither kid of mine ended up being home for dinner), made kefir-sourdough starter for homemade bread tonight and a spinach quiche for dinner. Plus a 2 mile walk with my friend!
What an amazing homemaker I could be if I didn't have to work :p

Today I am working, but in the afternoon, I will be getting the rest of the decorations down with the kids. Gary is working hard on making a new spooky set up for our patio. He has a mannequin and it is standing in my dining room ATM. When Cait come home from her friend's house last night, she jumped a mile in the air! The same thing happened to us last year too. You would think that we would learn to expect things like that this time of year.:shock:

That is about it here.
I hope that you all have a fabulous day!

Tip on Tuesday:
I bought the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel nail polish, since regular polish simply does not last on my hands. Not even a day. I put this stuff on before the wedding on Sat, and it is still on! That is a miracle since my hands are in water, or knocking into things non stop. Pretty cool!


The Loopy-O
Everyone has been so quiet here. I hope that everyone is ok!

Hi Nancy! I thought of you yesterday when I saw a friend's FB pics form the Devils BBQ. He was a school friend of Gary's and probably has been a devil's fan for about the same time. Maybe you know him, John De Marco? I am sure he goes to a lot of the same events that you do.
That really bites about the way they are doing the perks. Makes me mad that it all come down to how much money you spend. I am glad that you got to express that, even if it doesn't make much of a difference. :(

Trudy- wow! That was some hike! Bet the views were gorgeous. Make sure you link us up when you scrap them (assuming that you took a lot of photos?) Bet that cold beer tasted great when you got home :)

Phyllis, Jean, and all of you-- hope you have a fantastic day!!!


Well-Known Member
howdy. just a quick one. not feeling my best at the mo, so i don't have much worthwhile to add to the conversation. i may not be in evidence for a bit. i'm in retreat mode again. just a question for anyone who stops by today: have you ever gotten to know something about a person you like that it was not really helpful or pleasant to know, and you just want to try to "unknow" it? how do you approach trying to "unknow" something bad? or DO you even try?

haha! as you can see, i'm not fit for company! :faint2:


Well-Known Member
good morning! Yesterday I actually cooked dinner, lasagna, and it was yummy now I don't have to cook tonight! Got in a good walk. Did some scrapping. Just a nice day.

Chris congrats on being so productive. Hope today goes well and you get up your all your Halloween decorations!

Phylis yes it is hard! It does change the way you think about the person and it can stay changed or you can make a concerted effort not to let it stay changed. The woman I walk with called me a "sap". I thought she was a good friend LOL. We still walk but it is not the same. I no longer share. I don't think she even has noticed. Each case so independent! What ever you decide it has to make you feel good. Hope this helps!

Trudy your hike sounds awesome! I bet the view was spectacular! And coming home to a cooked dinner must have been heaven.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all.. Late getting in here as I was at the Honda Dealership waiting for a part to be placed on our new CRV it was ordered before we bought it and they called to see if we could have it done right away no charge!! Hooray! Everything else looks really good on the car, so hopefully we will not be back for quite some time.

Chris - So happy that you kicked butt yesterday with all of your organising and paper shuffling! Have fun getting all that Halloween stuff out of the attic, I know that your family enjoys this holiday a lot! Me however... not so into Halloween anymore, not many kids come to the house and we are leaving for our visit to see the Grandkids in Alberta the day after Halloween and I really don't want too much stuff to take down before we go.

Phylis - Oh dear, this does not sound like a good situation with your friend! Was it something that they did to you? Or did they break the law? I guess it depends on how bad this thing is, everyone deserves at least a second chance to redeem themselves , but some things are just to horrible to try to forget. Not much help I'm afraid, but hope you get things settled with it! :hug: Hope you feel like coming out of your retreat mode soon!!

Nancy - Sounds like a very nice day for you yesterday, I am making Lasagna tonight also, so yummy!! Sorry that your friend thinks you are a sap :becky: nothing wrong with being a sap you are most likely a very caring person and that is a wonderful quality in a friend!!!

I am stiff and a bit sore from our very long hike the other day, but swimming yesterday helped that out a bit and lossened me up a bit. I did however get a bad blister on my foot so it is back to wearing flip flops for a couple of days until that heals up. Today I hope to make some homemade soup, some lasagna and then get out in my garden and put the perennial to bed before the major rains and colder weather arrive. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday and you get to do some scrapping today too!! :wave: