
Daily Ooo's: Monday, October 20


The Loopy-O
Yikes!!! It got *cold* here yesterday. Cold and windy, not my favorite weather pattern. OTOH-- much better--much, much better than cold and snow. Cait keeps telling me that she has read that it is going to be a worse winter this year than last. I saw a report from NOAA that the polar vortex won't be as strong. I am not sure it that makes a difference to us in NJ, but hopefully it won't be as bad as last year.

Happy Monday to all of you. Did everyone have a nice weekend? I loved seeing my godson yesterday. He is just so darn adorable. I know. I brag about him, but I just want to pick him up and cuddle non-stop. But, since he is 3, he will give me a super quick hug, then run away to play. I tried to get some pics of him, but he moves too fast for me. LOL

Not much happening here. I have to work, then get more &^%# done in my office. Phones calls to a County Govt Agency to start with. I am sure that is going to be a roaring good time./snark Finish up paying some bills for the month, get my food shopping list together. Fun day for all! hahahaha!!!

Me Me Monday:
Transfer all of the photos I took yesterday to my computer, see if I got any good ones of Christopher and scrap a page?

Hope that you all have a fantastic day!!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- that is a bummer that the Devils didn't win, but sounds like you had a nice time anyway. Were you able to get any pics of the ice show?
I am jealous of you puppy watching-- seems like my Baby and Puppy cravings are getting stronger lately. hehe!!

Hugs to everyone!


Well-Known Member
howdy. i'm still alive and kicking. just stopping by so you know i haven't run away from home or anything. in fact, i haven't LEFT my home for days, because clothing irritates this ^%$#@# rash. big fun. not. :rant: hope everyone is well and happy. :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning - It is cold this morning. The sun is out and the wind is calm but it is still cold. Got in a good walk and as I was walking along the river I came out our local Rubber Duck Derby. It was pretty funny seeing all these rubber ducks going over the falls. I was up falls so did not get great photos and it was very crowded with parents and kids. But it was interesting to see how they did the race. Today I begin my work at a puppy sitter. LOL

Chris I guess we can be happy that not much is happening! Good luck in dealing with the bureaucracy!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It poured all night long and now the fog is starting to lift and it looks like the sun might try to come out today! Yesterday was a pretty good day with lots of yard work done. DH has had a terrible cold, but finally feeling better yesterday and got both the front and backyards cut. We actually had a snack out on the back deck it was so warm! Unheard of for us this time of year as we usually have the patio furniture all stored away by now.

Chris - Sorry your temps have dropped, I know how much you love the winter weather :becky: Glad that you had a great time with your family and your special little man! Hope you got at least a couple of good photos of him! Hard to take pictures when they are running around at 100 mph!! Good luck with getting through the rest of your &^%# today!! It will feel good to finally have it finished!!

Phylis - Ouch poor you!! Hope your rash is improving! Is it shingles?? Heather's MIL just got over that and she said that it was hell!! I have been thinking of getting the vaccine, but my doctor doesn't think that I need it. Hmmmm what to do??

Nancy - What a fun sight that must have been, seeing all those little rubber duckies going over the falls!! Hope the winner got a great first prize!! I always wonder if they end up catching all those ducks in the end, or do some escape and go on a big adventure?? :becky: Have a great time puppy sitting today!

Yesterday I got to see my Son and his family on FaceTime, it is always so hard to get them all together, but it was my lovely DIL's birthday yesterday so we lucked out and caught them all at home. The kids are excited for us to come for a visit and wondering if we will be bringing them anything special (what a silly question of course we will!) We would never let them know that though LOL. Can't wait to see Isaac in his Karate class and Sadie in her Ballet class!! I miss them all so much! Ok I better get my butt off this chair and get my swimming gear together. Hope you all have a wonderful day!! :wave: