
Daily Ooo's: Monday, September 22


The Loopy-O
Yay! The party was a success!!!! Everyone showed up and seemed to have a wonderful time. (I was freaking out a bit b/c Saturday morning Scott was telling me about a fight that he and Leah had and I selfishly kept thinking-- if you 2 are going to break up, wait until Monday!! Ahhhhhh! JK! Sort of...). But just wow. I got to talk to my SIL, got hugs from my godson, my BFF whom I missed terribly came up-- just so happy to be surrounded by so many people I love. Leah's aunt and uncle also come up and it was so nice to have them be part of our family. Leah mom was telling me how happy they were to see Leah surrounded by crazyhappyloving family. She didn't have that when she was a kid, so it made them happy to see her have that now.

I wish my brother and his wife were there, but they had the memorial service for their friend's parents. Very big deal, Gov. Christie was there as well.

So that is about it here. I have a few more dishes to wash, off to work, and then perhaps collapse?:faint2:

Oh! And one other high point, several of my family said that I looked healthy!!! The last month I actually have been feeling less Lyme-y, so it makes me happy that it seemed to show. Worried that now I am off IV abx, I might relapse, but I am going to everything in the world that I can to keep that from happening!

Me me Monday-
Hmmm.... not sure about that, but I really would love to scrap.



The Loopy-O
Laurie!!!! That is beyond exciting!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!! And the page is amazing and I can't wait to see what other stuff you come up with!!!!

Jean!!! Wow to you tooo!!!!! Congrats on having an article in the journal!!!

Nancy- a gender party?? That is new to me too. I know most people do want to know the gender (I am old school too, didn't want to know gender, even when I was in preterm labor and was having several ultrasounds, I made sure I turned my head and made Gary do the same), but I haven't heard of a party for it. Sounds fun though.
I didn't take any pics at all yesterday. :(

Trudy- That is too bad about the Church fair having mainly junk.
Sorry that you haven't had much scrap time, but your house and yard are going to look awesome!!

Phyllis- I hope that your eyes are doing better. Check in when you can!

To everyone who stops by-- hugs!!!


Well-Known Member
fly-by! i've has a headache for 3 days after the "eye adventure." seems to be getting better. i'm not taking anything to be able to tell what it's doing. my eyes hurt. had a carotid artery test. no results yet. trying not to "look" at much and to stay out of bright lights.

Chris, great that the party turned out well. do you still want us to tell you to STOP next year?? :rofl:

i'll stop by again when i can. (((hugs))) to everyone.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Well it has cooled down a bit today and we are supposed to get rain for the next 3or 4 days, but we will see, so far the weather guys have not been too accurate with the rain and we need it badly!! Teachers have finally decided to take the last offer given to them and get back to work. So I believe that school will start again tomorrow. I bet there are a lot of very happy parents out there! :becky:

Chris - Yay!! glad the party was a success !! How wonderful that everyone thinks that you are looking so healthy too!! Send it out to the universe that you would love to keep it that way!! I will send it out for you too!! Hope your work day is not too tiring for you and you get to scrap a bit!!

Phylis - How nice to see you here again, even if it is just for a quick minute. Ouch on the headaches and I sure hope you find out what the heck is going on with your eyes!! We miss you here, but we are all hoping for a speedy recovery for you!! :hug: Take care of you!!!

I am waiting for a Skype call from DD and Mason this morning, then off to the pool for some laps. I am starting to get frustrated as the weight is coming back on slowly but surely.
guess I better start to watch my meal intake a bit better :mmph: I just want to fit into a nice swimsuit this winter for our holiday. Weight Watchers again :frusty: Have a great Monday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Chris, congrats on the wonderful party. You make it sound worth all the work. Great too that you are visibly looking healthy. And thanks for the congrats!

I don't remember yet what I'm supposed to be doing today. DH is at the grocery (he does most of our shopping, ladies!), after that I know I'm working on a talk for next month but there have to be a dozen other little things.

Trudy, hope you get the needed weather and get in some laps. Sorry the weight wants to come back.

Phylis, trying to send some good vibes for the eyes!

Thoughts for a great week to all!


The Loopy-O
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 23

goood morning/evening! How is everyone? It's the first full day of Fall. It was freezing in my house yesterday. Gary loves the "cool" (Read: frigid!!LOL) breezes and had all of the windows open. I was wearing sweatpants, a t-shirt and a thermal on top.

It was sad to see my town in the news yesterday. I know that I always talk about the bears in my area and how we love seeing them. As long as we take precautions, such as using bears proof garbage cans, making noise when we walk through the woods, etc, we have never had a bad encounter. Gary has several times been outside grilling and had bears walk right past him. But some young men, from a city in NJ, came up to hike, and one of them got killed by a bear. The only thing that I know from the news reports right now is that a bear was "stalking" them- sorry if that sounds rude, but I have never heard of a bear stalking, they usually will leave the area if they hear/see you- and then they split up and ran away. I guess that I have been in Bear Country so long that it is part of my mentality that you don't run. Ever since my kids were toddlers, playing out in the sandbox or on the swings, supervised of course, we taught them how to react if they see a bear. Unfortunately, these young men didn't know what to do and ran, which is the *worst* thing you could do. :(

And now- all over the news sites and social media, people are clamoring for extended bear hunts. We do have a bear hunt- (you know me, I oppose that and would rather see sterilization being used to reduce population humanely)- but it is in Dec, when the bears are already in their dens. Such a mess. I feel bad for the family of this man, but I wish that people would be aware of their environment. I mean, would you dive in the reefs of Australia w/o being aware of sharks?
/end rant

Today is my appt for the ultrasound. It is going to be a weird experience- after 6 months of being naked waist up (biopsy/surgery/radiation etc) it is going to be weird going naked waist down Why can't I have something wrong with my toe and just have to have a naked FOOT!!! :pound:

I have an awesome Tip on Tuesday for you. I have a meat grinder attachment for my Kitchen Aid. It came with it when I got it 10 years ago and it has sat in my cabinet for those 10 years, because-- well- grinding meat? :puke: I was getting ready to mash the black beans I had just cooked to make burgers when I thought about the meat grinder. OMG- it was amazing!!!! I ground up 3 cups of beans in no time. The next day, I needed to make deviled eggs-- tried the grinder again... Perfect!!!!! I have a feeling I am going to be using that a lot this year. So if you have one hiding in your kitchen too-- try it out!

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The Loopy-O
Hi Phyllis! Hope that your headache is getting better. Any news on the carotid test? fingers crossed for good news.
You don't have to tell me to stop next year, but you *can* remind me in early August to get organized for it, rather than waiting until the last couple of weeks LOL

Trudy- How was your Skype with Mason? Try not to stress about the weight, and keep doing those laps. You will look amazing!

Jean- when your hubby gets home from food shopping can you send him to me? I hate food shopping, but I can't trust Gary to stay within our budget heheh!!!
Hope you got everything done yesterday that you needed too.

hugs, everyone!