
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 23


The Loopy-O
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 23
goood morning/evening! How is everyone? It's the first full day of Fall. It was freezing in my house yesterday. Gary loves the "cool" (Read: frigid!!) breezes and had all of the windows open. I was wearing sweatpants, a t-shirt and a thermal on top.

It was sad to see my town in the news yesterday. I know that I always talk about the bears in my area and how we love seeing them. As long as we take precautions, such as using bears proof garbage cans, making noise when we walk through the woods, etc, we have never had a bad encounter. Gary has several times been outside grilling and had bears walk right past him. But some young men, from a city in NJ, came up to hike, and one of them got killed by a bear. The only thing that I know from the news reports right now is that a bear was "stalking" them- sorry if that sounds rude, but I have never heard of a bear stalking, they usually will leave the area if they hear/see you- and then they split up and ran away. I guess that I have been in Bear Country so long that it is part of my mentality that you don't run. Ever since my kids were toddlers, playing out in the sandbox or on the swings, supervised of course, we taught them how to react if they see a bear. Unfortunately, these young men didn't know what to do and ran, which is the *worst* thing you could do.

And now- all over the news sites and social media, people are clamoring for extended bear hunts. We do have a bear hunt- (you know me, I oppose that and would rather see sterilization being used to reduce population humanely)- but it is in Dec, when the bears are already in their dens. Such a mess. I feel bad for the family of this man, but I wish that people would be aware of their environment. I mean, would you dive in the reefs of Australia w/o being aware of sharks?
/end rant

Today is my appt for the ultrasound. It is going to be a weird experience- after 6 months of being naked waist up (biopsy/surgery/radiation etc) it is going to be weird going naked waist down Why can't I have something wrong with my toe and just have to have a naked FOOT!!!

I have an awesome Tip on Tuesday for you. I have a meat grinder attachment for my Kitchen Aid. It came with it when I got it 10 years ago and it has sat in my cabinet for those 10 years, because-- well- grinding meat? I was getting ready to mash the black beans I had just cooked to make burgers when I thought about the meat grinder. OMG- it was amazing!!!! I ground up 3 cups of beans in no time. The next day, I needed to make deviled eggs-- tried the grinder again... Perfect!!!!! I have a feeling I am going to be using that a lot this year. So if you have one hiding in your kitchen too-- try it out!



The Loopy-O
Hi Phyllis! Hope that your headache is getting better. Any news on the carotid test? fingers crossed for good news.
You don't have to tell me to stop next year, but you *can* remind me in early August to get organized for it, rather than waiting until the last couple of weeks

Trudy- How was your Skype with Mason? Try not to stress about the weight, and keep doing those laps. You will look amazing!

Jean- when your hubby gets home from food shopping can you send him to me? I hate food shopping, but I can't trust Gary to stay within our budget heheh!!!
Hope you got everything done yesterday that you needed too.

hugs, everyone!


Well-Known Member
howdy. carotid artery thing turned out OK, which is good. but still no insight into WTH happened with my eyes the other day. still staying off the computer as much as possible and wearing sunglasses a lot. everywhere.

Chris, i was wondering if the bear attack was anywhere near you. very tragic. i think there are a lot of people who think they can just go for a hike and everything will be just fine. not so.

ok. off to close my eyes for a bit! Happy Tuesday, everyone. :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning! I am cold and I am not ready but the sun is shining and that makes me happy. Yesterday was busy with grocery shopping which I hate and only to find that the store where I knew where everything was is going through a complete renovation. Now everything is like hide and seek. Yuck! And I have been catching up on the Outlander TV series. But the best was my NJ Devils defeated the NY Rangers 5-4. It is only preseason and means nothing but OMgosh to see hockey again was really fun. Got in a good walk and today hoping for the same.

Chris I could not believe news about the bear mauling. I agree a bear stalking is so rare and to run is crazy. Sad all around! If you are hiking in nature you have to assume there are animals out there too! So glad the party went so well. So glad you are looking healthy!

Phylis good to see you hear and hope the eye situation continues to improve.

Trudy hope the rain is needed!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... still waiting for the rain to start, they are promising lots of it, but we will see. Not much on the agenda today, but I did start a couple of pages yesterday and hope to have them finished today! Thanks for the mojo Chris it sure came in handy!! :becky:

Chris - That is so sad about the bear mauling!! Wild animals are always very unpredictable, perhaps that bear was starving or injured and not in its right mind? Unusual to have them stalking anyone unless they are hurt or you are between them and their cubs! We are fortunate not to have bears in our area, but where my brother lives there are many and they walk through their yard all the time. We only have to worry about cougars where we live :becky: luckily they are usually very timid and stay away from people, but you never know do you!!

Phylis - It is really too bad that you are having such a time with your eyes my friend!! Do you think it is a stress related issue? Are you stressed out about things?? I really hope that you get to the bottom of this soon and get back to being able to be here with all of us who miss you!! :hug:

Nancy - That sucks that you are already in the cold weather!! Glad that the sun is out and perhaps you can go for a bike ride or walk in the sunshine? I hate grocery shopping, I really don't know anyone that does like it do you? How are you liking the Outlander series? I love it and think they are sticking to the book so far. At first I was not sure about the Jamie that they picked for the part, but he is pretty yummy!!

Did my laps yesterday and felt I could have done a couple more, but it got very crowded in the pool and one lady was not doing the laps properly and was running into other swimmers, I tried to get her attention to tell her politely that she had to follow the sign and do the laps accordingly, but she was not listening to me or anyone else?? Perhaps she had ear plugs in and could not hear us? Anyway I got frustrated and just left. Hopefully it will not be so crowded on Wednesday or I will have to find a better time to go. Most of the lap swimmers go very, very early in the morning so I thought that if I went around 10am then it would be better, we will see what Wednesday brings I guess. Have a great day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Still a bit of morning left to wish everyone a happy autumn. Last evening DH gave in and turned up the thermostat so it isn't frigid in the house. Next few days should be very nice. Sunny now and I'm off soon to take my sister for lab work and shopping.

Trudy, what mess with the pool, especially as you like doing laps so much.

Phylis, hope one day you find out WTH and get something fixed! Hang in there until then.

Nancy, glad the Devils are providing happiness for you.

Chris, isn't it always something? Sorry to hear about the bear mauling in your area.