
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, September 18


The Loopy-O
Hello my darlin's. How are you all today?
Thank goodness, I am feeling better than I did the last couple of days. And double thank goodness, my day yesterday was uneventful. :clap2: I survived food shopping, was able to get outside and do some yard work and made a yummy dinner.

Today I have my fingers and toes crossed tight-- we see our Lyme dr and I want her to pull my PICC. Its been 7 months, and that is a long time to have one in.I can't afford the meds and supplies any more and I am really done with administering the meds, its so time consuming.I need a break from it all. Can you all cross your fingers for me too?:)

Have you seen the new collab and collab challenge?
This kit is absolutely so much fun and I think it is one of my new favorites.

Temptation on Thursday:
If Dr F doesn't pull my line, I am tempted to do it myself!
Well. Not really. I couldn't look when she pulled Gary's, I can't imagine I'd be able to do it on myself.:faint:


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- that is too funny-- good timing on that article. But putting a laptop in an oven?? Even though it says how to do it properly, that would scare the s*** out of me!!!
What are the g-kids going to be for Halloween?

nancy!! Welcome back!!! I bet you got fabulous photos! I am going to have to start stalking your gallery soon :)
Sorry to hear that your DS didn't get the paperwork in on the car. I swear, it's like the uterus gives women superpowers that men cannot fathom- such as filing paperwork, or finding things. (uh-oh!!! If I have mine removed, does that mean my Uterine Super Powers will disappear????)

Trudy- How awesome for Mason!!! I bet he is motoring around quite happily! Has Heather had any luck with finding a helper? Hope that you get to FaceTime with the other G-kids.

Jean-mmmm, fancy sundaes sound like a perfect lunch.:hungry:

I have to get rolling myself- hope that youall have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
good morning - yesterday was a pretty dull day as I am getting back on NJ time. I did get the info mailed off to State Farm so hopefully I will have a car soon. Being stuck without a car is not fun! But I guess I should then being using the time to get everything cleaned up. Time today to get photos organized. But the best is my NJ Devils start training camp today - the rookies started on Monday and today the veterans start. The first preseason game is Monday. I am so happy to have hockey back.

Chris so glad that your day yesterday was so good. I will keep my fingers crossed for your doctor's visit.

Trudy glad to hear how fun Mason is becoming! Bet the other kids will love face time with you.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
fast fly-by today and probably for a while. had an eye adventure yesterday, so we're looking into what's going on. some tests and stuff. and the computer screen is hurting my eyes again, so i'll probably be missing for a bit. hope everyone has a great Thursday and weekend and everything! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Nothing much happening today, so I need to be sure things will be ready for the genealogy meeting on Saturday. Hard remembering to actually DO everything I'm supposed to.

Chris, I am sure you will retain all powers. Some of us just have those parts dry up, but it is about the same as removed in the end.

Nancy, how exciting for you that hockey is back. I count the days until spring training (actually the day the equipment truck leaves for Arizona) once baseball is over.

Phylis won't see this with the eye issues, but sure wish they'd figure out what's wrong - and FIX it! Sure hope that happens.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hey ladies, I am late getting in here today and a quick fly by :plane: from me too!! Seems everyone is in the same boat!

Chris - so glad that you had a great day yesterday. Heather still has not found any help, but she says she is coping much better than she thought she could, so that is a great sign!!

Nancy - hope you get to have your new car soon! Hooray for Hockey starting again!!

Phylis - darn your eyes again?? Hope you get to the bottom of your problem!! Take care my friend!

Jean - Hope your memory is in tact so you have everything ready for your meeting on Saturday!!

I gotta run downtown and grab a few things, then back here to paint and hopefully scrap a bit too!! :wave: