
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, October 15


The Loopy-O
hoo-weee! October is half over!:bolt:

Well, yesterday was an "interesting" day. My cramps this month hadn't been so bad, so I was rethinking the hyster. bit. Then BAM! Yesterday, they hit me. I texted gary from the supermarket "I'm dying here." LOL I must have freaked out the other shoppers as I was panting and swaying my way up and down the aisles. Guess that means the hyster. is still on the table.

Coffee with my BFF was great. I had a chai tea latte actually and man, that was yummy! She has so much craziness going on that it was good to listen to her get it out. She texted me later apologizing for talking the whole time, but I said back that I had more than my share of monopolizing our coffee-talks this past year ;)

Today, my mom and I are doing a bit of shopping. I have to get a b-day gift for my SIL whose party is on Sunday. I also have to get some stuff at the health food store. I did really well at the supermarket yesterday but I guess after the health food store, the leftover $$ will be gone.

I wish that healthy food was less expensive. Or at least there were good coupons and sales on the good stuff.
I want to find the perfect gift for my SIL!
I wish and want that all of you have a super day!
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The Loopy-O
Maureen!!! Hey there!! How are you, besides prepping for the knee replacement? Sooo good to see you in here! That is great that you are doing pre-op PT, I am guessing that will help the healing process? Yum to the Italian Wedding Soup, my mom makes that whenever we are sick. She swears by its healing properties. Strengthens us up, as she says. :)
I haven't tried freezing oatmeal, but I bet Cait would like to try that. How do you do it?

Trudy- I knew that my BFF and I were going to be discussing some heavy things, so I had to start off with recapping The Walking Dead premiere. OMG-- we were freaking out! It was so suspenseful and emotional!
Oh no to your stomach and your MIL's cooking!!!! That is brutal to get so sick from it. Are you feeling better today? Sending you some ginger tea to settle the stomach.
Last year Scott was 100% vegetarian at the time, and he and Leah went to a Carnival and he ate so much junk. The Fried Oreos did him in. He was not used to all of the grease and he spent the night throwing up as well.

Phyllis- check in with us soon!!!

Nancy, Jean, and *everyone* Have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
good morning - well my hockey team is off to a really good start. They have won 3 in a row. Last year it took them along time to win 3 games. Saturday is the home opener so excited to see them in person. The weather has been way above normal with temps in the 80s. Today rain is coming but still in the 70s nice to still have my window open. Leaves are falling and I will have to start raking soon. A huge buck was in my backyard yesterday evening. Amazing. Still working on my vacation album. I have been getting in good walks so that makes me happy.

Chris so sorry about your shopping pain (both cramps and cost). Glad you had a great time with your BFF. Have fun shopping!

Trudy I can't believe how bad her cooking must be to make you sick that fast! WOW hope you are feeling better today.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
hiya. i'm still alive. and itching. honestly. as the name implies: what next. more goofy stuff going on, but nothing that can't be handled. in the meantime, art is the last thing on my mind. i do stop by every day to see what y'all are up to! i'm thinking of you all. be well. and Chris, stop fighting the hyterectomy. you're gonna look back on your waffling and wonder WHY you were hesitating! love to everyone! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Hi all...

Chris, I totally agree. Say hello to surgery and goodbye to those nasty symptoms. You're too young to feel like you're dying and you really don't need what should probably come out. I'll find you the directions for the frozen oatmeal...it's beyond simple other than having space in a freezer for a muffin tin.

Trudy, next Thanksgiving BRING a turkey and pass on hers. Your turkey, her pies, sounds like a good meal to me.

Phylis, glad you have a handle on the current issues. Hope itching isn't shingles.

Nancy, not sure where you are but we had humid 70s yesterday and slept with the a/c on again. It's that Indian summer bit before a cold snap tho himself says it isn't getting cold soon. We'll see who's right!

Today's PT was good even if it was 0dark early. I got there before my PTherapist who misplaced her keys. That's an awful way to start your day as well I know. In any case, she said I'll be fine with doing my exercises at home and don't need her unless I feel I need to come in. That way I can save my allotted appointments for after surgery as you only get so many per calendar year. I'm glad to know that except for a 10degree loss of motion on my right knee I'm fine. That means that while I can kick my rear end with my left foot, I can't get all the way with my right foot. Since I don't do a lot of kneeling (or ass kicking), it's not a big issue. Kneeling does hurt because I have bone on bone but that part will be taken care of with the surgery.

This afternoon I have a Yoga session over at the Hospice I was volunteering at. I hope to get back to doing something there after they have a major organizational restructure. It's a beautiful drive across the Chesapeake Bay and I can stop at the Outlets on my way home! Total win win for me, eh?

ciao, y'all
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... A very dark and :rain: day here today, but its a good thing! Temps still nice and mild and still no need to wear a sweater outside. Seems so funny to be so warm for the middle of October! Man was it crowded at swimming yesterday!! Guess everyone was catching up like me on their laps as the pool was closed for the Thanksgiving Monday. Hopefully it will be less crowded today!

Chris - Have a great time with your Mom!! Hope you find that perfect gift and it doesn't break the bank!! Yes it really is a shame that eating healthy is so much more expensive than eating badly!! I think that is why MIL's cooking is so bad, she buys the cheapest of everything and it doesn't seem to matter if its freezer burnt or looks like it might be going bad :scared: I don't know why??? Its not like they can't afford to buy the good stuff!! She used to complain about her mother doing the same thing, keeping things in the fridge forever and never throwing anything out. I don't get it? :loco: Perhaps I will be the same way when I am 80?? I hope not!! I think the reason that I got sick was the grease, my stomach is just not used to that anymore.

Nancy - You are having a wonderful fall! Good weather, wildlife in your yard, lots of great walks and your hockey team is doing great too!! Lucky you!! Hope it continues for you!

Phylis - Yikes now you are itching?? Hope things improve for you dear friend, and you feel like joining us a bit more. I still have my fingers crossed that you will start to scrap again, you have such a great talent for it. Perhaps one day!! :hug:

Maureen - Nice that you don't have to continue to go to PT before the surgery! I think your idea for next Thanksgiving is a good one, but she would never let me bring the Turkey, she thinks she is the best cook ever...oh dear how do you tell a sweet 80 yr old that she is not :noidea: I won't , we will just leave it be. Enjoy your yoga, it is such a great thing to do, always makes me feel great anyway!

Ok my Skype will be ringing soon and I have to have some breakfast before the call from Heather and Mason, then off to swim some laps again. Enjoy the day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Right this minute the sun is shining on the colorful leaves! More clouds and rain at other times. Have to do laundry and still working on getting dining room ready for painting. Ugh. (lots of things/junk to delete or move...)

Maureen, wonderful to see you here. Hope all goes well with the knee.

Phylis, hang in there lady, and do try to think art.

Trudy, wish you could find an answer for the MIL cooking woes.

Nancy, good for the Devils! Hope it's a sign of things to come.

Chris, always wishing you find it's a good day today.