
Daily Ooo's: Friday, September 12: TGIF!!!


The Loopy-O

Eeesh, what a week. Exhausting! Thank goodness I have a quiet weekend.Out town is hosting a three day township-wide garage sale. I had considered doing it, but I am reeeeaaaallly glad I decided not too. Cait and I are going to see if we can find some baby clothes for her Flour Baby. Today in Child Dev. they are watching a movie on how babies are born. If that doesn't scare the bejeezus out of her to not get pg, I don't know what will. I remember seeing a movie like that when Gary and I took Lamaze, and I thought I was going to faint!

I did some more research on the hyster vs the ablation. I am 90% leaning towards the hyster. There are some other factors that are not good with the ablation- like I wouldn't ever be able to take tamoxifen in the future if I have more issues with breast cancer. And it triggers an inflammatory response in some people, and mine is already very high from the Lyme. Those are 2 pretty big issues specific to me, and then there are others, like the pain doesn't go away even if you don't get a period, and many people end up having a hyster anyway.

I wish I didn't have to deal with any of this! :hurt:

But woo hoo,, it is Friday and I am happy about that. Working this morning and nothing planned for this afternoon. I still have to put away some of the party goods, but that should take long. Its just that I need to drag out the ladder, climb onto the counter, and then rearrange the cabinet.

Yikes!!! Catzilla just climbed up onto me. Better post this before she messes it up.

Hugs and love!!!:love:


Well-Known Member
Bossy Lady with Advice says: Chris,you have to be sure that you are COMMITTED to being good during the long-ish recovery period. everyone will need to help. then you should make sure they give you the big elastic band that you can wrap around yourself as you heal. it helps ENORMOUSLY. the last thing is to go up stairs backwards during your recovery. going up frontwards uses all the muscles that will be healing and hurting.

need i say again: you will be GLAD.

have a good one, everybody.:becky:


Well-Known Member
Hi girls!!!

We have the day off school today because we had Parent/Teacher conferences the last two days. So I thought I would pop in. I can actually take a breath today and I am looking forward to a nice relaxing day. Ben and I are going to go Putt-Putt (his choice) and PF Chang's for lunch. (His choice with an assist from me.) Then back home to play and relax. Should be great.

Chris - I just had a conversation yesterday with a gal at work about the two! She was leaning towards ablation, but I don't know how much pain she's in. I think for her it's more about the flow issues. I know someone who had an ablation waaaay too early. Like probably five years ago when it was still pretty new in this area. And she relied on it too much as birth control. She ended up getting pregnant and her son has some issues as a result. It was not a great situation.

Hi Nancy! - I would love to read Outlander! I've started it, but I just can't find the time to continue it. Too much going on now.

Hi Phylis! - I'm sorry your eyes have been bugging you.

Also hi to Trudy and Jean and whoever else pops in.

We "sold" Betsy last night. My allergies were getting worse and worse with her. It really sort of broke my heart, but I just couldn't continue like that. And I tell you, my friend's little girl was desperate for a good little puppy like Betsy. They slept together all night long. Which is more than we let Betsy do here. And I'm sure she loved it. She hated being penned, but Matt didn't want to let her run around seeing as how she might chew and have accidents. She was really starting to get good about going outside to go potty. She hadn't had an accident in a week. Then Wednesday night, I took her out and she went potty, then I gave her a bath. After the bath, she scratched at the door. I thought a) you just went potty and b) you're still wet. So I didn't let her out. She promptly went over and squatted on the carpet. Totally my fault! So I think if they listen to her, she will be fine.

I know it was the right thing to do, but it breaks my heart for Ben and even for Matt. He kind of liked having someone at home with him. It will be ok though. It will just remain a sad point for us for a while.

So...what do you know about hamsters? :-D

I am swamped with work for my two classes. I hardly have time for anything else right now and its a bit crazy. But I'm hoping Spring Semester will be better. Good news is that my "leading" project for one class will be done on Wednesday and I got a big chunk of my stats project done this past week. Actually, my professor got it done. He told me to click here...do this...run this...this is significant...this isn't...etc. He basically did it for me. :) By the end of October, I think a ton of stuff will be done! Yay!

So how are all of you? What's new? I'll come back later today and check in!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I was MIA yesterday, it was a strange day for me. I was very weepy and just out of sorts. Guess I am missing everyone
but I won't bore you with all of that. I am better today and have a busy day ahead of me. Grocery shopping Ugghh!! Then off to find a new printer for DH's computer (his died) also I am looking for a D-Link Power line to extend the wireless signal to our new TV in the living room we keep losing the signal when trying to watch Netflix. It is so frustrating!!! :frusty:

Chris - I'm with Phylis on this subject of your hyster! I don't think you would be happy with the ablation and will most likely have to have the hyster anyway! Glad you will be having a more relaxing weekend! Give Catzilla a hug from me!! I miss my fur baby! LOL I miss everything these days. I have to get over this!!

Phylis - Hello my friend, I hope you are feeling a bit better today! Sure wish you could find out WTH is going on with your eyes!!!

Sara - That is too bad that you had to get rid of your puppy, but it sounds like it was the right thing to do! Don't feel too badly, I think most of us have had to go through the same thing. Hope you can get all of your work done for your project! Sounds like you and Ben are going to have a fun day!! Enjoy!!

Ok I better get my stuff together for swimming my laps and then will talk to Heather and Mason before I head out. Then after lunch I will go shopping. Hopefully I will get some scrapping done sometime this weekend. Working on the last few stairs on the back deck, they look great so far. Another job done, about 20 more jobs to do before the cold weather sets in. Have a great day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Afternoon, ladies. Basking in another day of sunshine and blue skies. Need to store this up!!

Have appt w primary care Dr this afternoon - I avoid her as much as possible, so who knows what she'll have to say. Then we have a (very early for us) dinner with a number of folks and the speaker for tomorrow's seminar (genealogy). That should be fun.

Sara, sorry about the puppy, but glad you can breathe easy now. Have a great day with Ben.

Trudy, I may know a little of how you feel as some days it just doesn't seem to be all there. Maybe the talk with H&M will help.

Phylis, still wishing for some resolutions on your eye problems!

Chris, I have no advice, but from what I'm reading here it is sounding like the choice will probably be made for the hyster, BUT you see the words of wisdom about the recovery period. You will HAVE to take it easy. Hard to imagine you actually doing that. Hope your pm is relaxing.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to be so late in posting but I received such sad and devastating news. One of my favorite young couples (friends of oldest son) who I attended NJ Devils hockey games. She is pregnant with their second child and due in late Dec. They just found out that their baby does not have kidneys and it is only expected to live a few hours after birth. They are the nicest kids. I know they will be alright but I hate to see them going through all this pain. After living as long as I have one knows that life is not fair but this hits way to close and seem too unfair. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers. And I had such a nice day yesterday with my girlfriend and her daughter (who is also pregnant) at a DimSum lunch and got in a good walk and Derek Jeter ended his Yankee career perfectly with a walk off winning single.

Chris glad you are getting settled in your decision. And do prepare everyone that you will need help to recover. Have fun with the flower baby!

Sara have fun today! So sorry that the dog had to go but you have to be able to sleep and especially breathe.

Trudy it is hard to go from a full house to an empty house even though you have done if for a while. Glad you are feeling better today!

Jean enjoy the day! I have sun and blue sky too and I love it.

Have a great day all!