
Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 3


The Loopy-O
GooooOd morning!!! How is my O-Fam today? I hope that you are all having a fantastic day. Me-- another busy one. Babysit, work, then get all of the stuff ready for the weekend. I have the wedding tomorrow and the Mourning Tea on Sunday. I have to make a dish for each, and I have no idea of what I am wearing for either. I still have to finish the gift and I have papers all over my desk that need to be dealt with and some bills have to be paid. Gah.

I did have a really nice time catching up with my MIL. Always fun to chat with her. But I worked hard and was so tired when I got home. Today I am cleaning a house that I haven't been to in a month. That always makes it a bit more time consuming.

That is about it from me, I feel like I have a pretty boring schedule, with the exceptions of Random Chaos, ie: bloody noses, and car breakdowns, oh and drs appts-- always a good time hahahaha!!!

Finish it Friday:
See Above ^^

Love and hugs and happy Friday wishes!!!


The Loopy-O
Hey there Nancy! Eye appt went well? Any chance you can send Good Eye Vibes to Phyllis? :nerd:
The weather has been so weird here, but I am glad to see you are still walking. I was shocked when I drove down to MIL's that her trees were all still green. We are mostly orange and yellow already. Are you green too?

Trudy- yay for cuts and color!!!! I love that you Skype with Mason. He must love seeing his grandma! MIL 's BF from HS has twin grandsons in Virginia and has only seen them twice in 2 years. I was telling MIL that I could not handle that at all. I already am spoiling Caitlyn's Flour Baby. I was in the Dollar store and found a Minnie Mouse bib and frilly headbands. I am gonna be a lunatic of a real grandmother (in 10-20 years from now LOL).
I really really hope that your son doesn't move!!!!

Hi laurie! Good for you for decluttering.Hope it went well and you got rid of lots of stuff!

::grouphug to everyone who stops by


Well-Known Member
good morning! My eye appt went well and my eyes have not changed in 2 years which I find shocking but so happy. Came home and had a good walk and then went to get ready to go to my hockey game only to find out that no one was going. My son had work, my DIL txted me late that she did not feel well, and my other son found out he had to work late so I did not go. But since it is preseason not a problem. They won and in a Shoot out which the Devils have done in a long long time! Today I am off to the get a cut and color.
Then just a fun relaxing day.

Chris sounds like you are super busy! And I still have a lot of green. Only the sugar maples are turning. We have brown leaves as we have not had enough rain.

Phylis as Chris suggested I am sending good eye vibes your way!

Trudy so hard not having family near. I talk weekly with my sister which is awesome but wish I was closer! I am grateful for how much technology helps!

Have a great day all! Still can't believe it is October!


Well-Known Member
:plane: to say hi! still coughing a lot. but on the bright side, i haven't had another "eye adventure" since the last one a few weeks ago. thanks for the good eye vibes, Nancy! Chris, take a deep breath , dear person. Trudy, SKYPE twice a day with your fam. i would, if i could! Laurie, you must have the cleanest house ever!

off to cough a bit more, close my eyes and listen to Anna Massey read "Rebecca."

happy Friday! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning my "O" friends!! I am off to do my laps again this morning, it is a sunny morning here, but oh so chilly!! Hoping that the nice weather holds until Sunday when we will be taking a hike with my Brother and his wife to the cross at the top of Mt. Tzouhalem. Then they will stay for supper. Not much more time with them and they will be heading back to Australia again for the winter. I am so jealous!! I will miss my brother :cry:

Chris - Hope you find the time to get everything done before the wedding!! You will be busy for sure, but what else is new eh?? Try to find some time to just take a breather and relax!

Nancy - Glad to hear that your eyes have not changed, mine are the same for the past four years now, so hopefully they will never get any worse than they are now. Both my parents had pretty good eyesight, so I really hope I inherited that!! Sorry you never got to see your Devils play, but they did ok ! Enjoy your day!!

Phylis - Darn you still have that nasty cold!!! But happy to hear that your eyes are behaving themselves so far today! Please rest and take care of yourself so you can join us again here
sending you healing thoughts and virtual chicken soup. :becky:

Ok gotta run and get to the pool, hope to see you all here later this afternoon!! :wave: