
Daily Ooo's: Monday, September 15: Monday, Already? Edition


The Loopy-O
Monday. eep. I had a pretty low-key weekend, and went to bed relatively un-stressed about the week. (Read: the stress level for this week is mostly what I am used to, not excessive over that!) But then, right before my alarm went off, I had a very stressful dream and woke up in a panic. In my dream, I had schedule changes, my car wasn't working right, all of my electronics were breaking, I had too many drs appts and no one was helping me.

I cannot imagine where any of those thoughts came from. :noidea:

Even though the issues in my dream were pretty darn close to real life, it was the crazy emotions that got me when I woke up.

And I guess that one of the bigger issues is that right now I don't have any clue as to how me week's schedule is going to shake out. I am supposed to have 2 appts with my gyn, but guess what hit me out of the blue yesterday? Gaaaahhhhhh! I have to call and let them know and see if they can still do the tests or not (ick).

Off to work today and then a bit of housework here too. Leah's aunt and uncle and possibly their son are definitely coming to the b-day party which means I really do have to clean my house a bit better.

Me Me Monday:
Keep on reading The Book of Life. I am halfway through!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning to you all! I had another fitful sleep last night and now my neck and shoulders are sore. I must have been trying to sleep in an awkward position or something? It is supposed to be another very warm day here and then some rain and cooling off, so desperately needed!! Yesterdays dinner with MIL and FIL was very nice and we sat outside on the back deck for most of the evening. Dinner was yummy and the wine was too! :becky:

Chris - Your crazy thoughts of doom and gloom probably stem from the fact that you are nervous about your GYN appts! I hope that your schedule for the week goes smoothly! I guess you will be busy cleaning your own house too, so hopefully you find some time to read the rest of your book!!

I am going to get to the pool and do some laps today, I am enjoying my new form of exercise and hoping that it helps to take a least a couple of inches off of this old body!! Enjoy your day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I cannot imagine where any of those thoughts came from. ha!

i'm not sayin' ANYTHING! well, hope your week is not a "nightmare," anyway. look at it this way. the dream was so weird that reality HAS to be a bit better! i hope it is for you, kiddo.

Trudy, was it YOUR wine for dinner? i am so impressed with your lap swimming thing. i absolutely HATE swimming pools. the last time i was in one (taking a class) there was so much chlorine in the pool that in three sessions all the elastic in my suit decomposed!

everybody, DUCK!! i'm having one of those crabby days, brought on by having to interact with people today. iwon't bore you with details, but i seem to speaking a foreign language as i move around the town today. i started out by going grocery shopping in a supermarket that would have done the Communist Soviet Union proud. about half of the shelves were empty! and it all went downhill from there. just generally speaking, do any of you feel like the people in this country who are between about 15 and 35 have been imported from Jupiter? honestly, when you ask them a question or to explain something, it's like they're alien beings from the 4th dimension.

i think i'll read and do laundry for the rest of the day. i'll just stay HOME! maybe have a Cheap Champagne Blue Snow Cone later on. sounds like a plan! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Phylis - I like your plan!! And yes the young people who are supposedly there to help you out are like they are from another planet. It's because they have spent most of their lives playing video games and they have no idea how to talk to a human being!!!!! What have we done to our younger generation??? :noidea:


Well-Known Member
I'm late getting here, but got up late then had an eye exam and just got caught up in my latest mad genealogy idea. The exam is my regular diabetic retina exam with a new PA. She turns out to be as nice as the previous two. Also the news is all good!! Terrific way to lift my spirits. Also the dilation left me less visually impaired than usual.

Trudy, I so admire your swimming. I really need exercise, but am SO resistant to it. Laurie does so well too. Wish I'd get some inspiration from you both.

Phylis, sorry to hear your contacts with the aliens. Really, some of them can be quite nice - but then there are the others.

Chris, you are always so maxed out that the dream/nightmare is no surprise. Wish we could all send you a few extra minutes a day.