
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 16


The Loopy-O
Wooooo hoooo!! No plans for me today. I say that now, who knows that the day will bring? :noidea: But hopefully I can blow through my to-do list quickly and get some down time in. I also promised to make an apple pie today. I am making a veggie quiche and it will be easy enough to double the pie crust recipe to make both.

Its raining pretty good here. I am glad in a way. We need the rain desperately. Not as bad as California but still badly. And if the weather was nice, I would want to spend the day outside, but if I did that, then my office would never get cleaned. ;)

Yesterday was a nice day even though I pooped out by 2pm. I was able to get my SIL a nice gift, and everything I needed at the health food store. I love that the basmati rice is so cheap there. The kimchi, OTOH, was $9 for a small jar. I have *got* to find a way to make that myself.

What are all of you up too today? Hope it is all good stuff!

Temptation on Thursday:
Take everything- every last piece of paper/magazine/receipt and throw it all away, one clean sweep!!!

what's your temptation?


The Loopy-O
I have to do this quickly, since I am running late.:oops:

Vicki- Hi there! What a beautiful page you shared!!

Nancy- the weather here has been crazy! The other day, it was 77*, yesterday was around the same, but humid as all heck.
Woo hoo to the Devils, I bet you cannot wait until Sat to see them!

Phyllis- itching now? Ugh! LIke you said, what next? Thanks for checking in. I worry when I don't hear from people, just like a good Italian Mama does. :)
Yes, I am not going to keep dragging my feet. It's just hard that when I feel normal, it's easy to say, well, that wasn't so bad, I can deal. But then 3-4 weeks later. :brick:

Maureen- Thanks for the support too. You and Phyllis are my hyster cheerleaders LOL Great news about the PT! Great advice for Trudy too.

Trudy- that is so weird about your MIL keeping food that isn't good, esp when cooking for a holiday.
Did you have a nice chat with Heather and Mason? Bet you did!!!

Jean- were you able to get a lot accomplished in the DR? I have to paint mine too, but thankfully it is small and not much in it.

Eep! Really late, gotta fly!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Chris, i think i have a kimchi recipe. let me know if you want it. it's easy to make. just takes a little time to develop it's "kimchi-ness."

still itching. sigh....:faint2: hopefully the meds kick in soon.

have a happy day, everyone! sorry for the lack of personals. i'll get better at it when all this ;:&$ resolves! :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning - it is wet out this morning but Chris you are so right we need rain. Should be some sunshine by the end of the day so that is good. Got in a good walk yesterday before the rain came. And hope to get in another today when the rain stops. Got some more scrapping done. And the best was my dentist gave me a thumbs up on my teeth. I love the feeling of my teeth after a good cleaning.

Chris glad you get to have a day with nothing much planned. Enjoy. Glad you got the present.

Phylis so sorry you are itching. Hope the medicine kicks in soon.

Trudy enjoy the pool! If you are having rain maybe people are in the pool since they cannot be exercising outdoors! Hope you have more space today!

Maureen good luck with the exercises.

Jean good luck with the painting. I wish there was an easy delete button in my home to get rid of the junk!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Chris, here's the KIMCHI recipe. got this recipe from some Korean ladies at a party, right after i adopted my daughter:

KIMCHI :target:

6 pounds celery cabbage or cucumbers (the cucumber kimchi is YUM!)
3 T Kosher salt
2 cups sliced green onions
4 cloves sliced garlic
1 T ginger root, minced
2 tsp. powdered ginger
3/4 tsp. dried chili pepper

Shred the cabbage into strips one inch wide, or slice the unpeeled cucumbers. Mix with half the salt and let stand 30 minutes. Wash and drain. Mix the green onions, garlic, ginger, chili peppers, cabbage or cucumbers and remaining salt. Pack into a crock or glass jars. Add enough cold water to cover the vegetables. Cap the container and set aside in a cool place for 5 days. After 5 days, taste to see if the vegs are pickled enough. If not, let stand in cool place for 2 more days. Chill and serve. Yields 2 quarts. I'm guessing you can mess with the hotness, the saltiness, etc., to taste.
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Well-Known Member
DR coming, yesterday removed contents of 4-dr file cabinet to boxes and moved it around the corner (DR has an "office" corner where I work). I've gotten a hold until Saturday as I'm working on the talks for our meeting, doing both morning and afternoon plus user group. Need to keep my focus.

Phylis, the Kimchi sounds really good. Keeping up hopes you feel better soon.

Wet here too, Nancy, and maybe we could use it for this month, but about six inches ahead for the year.

Chris, pitching stuff sounds good, but I'm a chronic packrat, sometimes a good thing for a genealogist.

Trudy, Maureen, and everyone, hope you have a good day.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hey O-zies... I am out of here in a minute :bolt: gotta run some goodies over to DH's office for a little luncheon that they are having and I have been busy scrapping all morning in preparation for a couple of things coming up later in the month. Sorry no personals today, but wanted to :wave: hi to everyone and hope you all have an amazing day!! :wave: