
Daily Ooo's: October 4-5: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Hello and happy first weekend of October!

I am so bummed out for the wedding today. We had amazing Autumn weather yesterday, blue skies and the sun felt good. Tomorrow, we should have the same. Today- the day of the outdoor wedding- cold and rainy. :Cry:
I still don't know what I am wearing, but I *do* know that I am not going to bother straightening my hair. It looks like the rain should stop in time for the ceremony *fingers crossed* The party is staring at 3pm, the actual ceremony is at 6.30. Then the party continues. Drum circles, bonfire, belly dancers, fire dancers, live band. It should be a very different wedding experience, ya think? I hope to get lots of pictures, but that means I will have to remember to actually do that.

I rocked my schedule yesterday. I printed out the LO, and it is drying and will be ready to pop into the frame. I collected morning glory seeds that I put into a champagne flute with a message that they symbolize love and affection and will be a part of our neighborhood for wherever she is. (She used to live next door to me). Ran errands with Cait, baked the pumpkin crunch cake and then made honey butter to put on the pumpkin pancakes Cait made for dinner (Traders Joe's Mix-- amazing!!!). The house I cleaned for was decorated for Halloween and it made me want to decorate, but I just couldn't bring all of the boxes down from the attic. But I did get out candy corn lights up. The only things I didn't get done were my nails and figuring out what to wear.

Today I have to make the stuffing for Mourning tea- my mom's "recipe" is going to be interesting to follow as she cooks by taste and texture and I am not going to have her here for guidance.

What goodness do you have going on this weekend? I hope that all of you got to sleep late (I didn't ick) and have fun stuff to do!!!



The Loopy-O
Nancy- great news on the eye appt! Looks like your vibes are helping Phyllis;)
It looks like we all had hair appts this week. We are a gorgeous bunch!

Phyllis- Breathe? What's that word?? LOL. Hope that each day brings you to feeling better and better!

Trudy- High Five, my friend!!!! You are really doing great with your laps!!! I hope that your weather holds for your hike tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
good morning! It is raining! We need it but not my favorite weather but it does give me an excuse to watch TV. Going to a hockey game tonight - last preseason game Devils vs the Rangers. Should be fun! Tomorrow is more hockey fun stuff. Meet and greet.

Chris it does not seem right that the only day out of the three is rainy! Have fun! Dress warm! And made me laugh to hear you say you will not straighten your hair.

Phylis good to see you posting!

Trudy I think it is awesome how well you are doing swimming your laps! You go girl!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good very early morning! It is 5am and I have been awake for over an hour now. Just browsing the internet and killing time hoping to get sleepy again and head back to bed. I really need to get more sleep if I want to stay awake for the hike and dinner with my Brother and SIL today. :sleep: I want to be able to sleep more than 5hrs a nite :hurt:

Chris - Such a shame that it has to rain on the day of the wedding, but some say that is good luck for the bride and groom, it poured the day we got married and the sun came out just as we were leaving the church. Hope your hair doesn't get to crazy with the moisture! Have fun and enjoy it!!

Nancy - Have a great time at your hockey game! I know that you will and hope the weather improves soon!

I am going to try to crawl back into bed for a bit, but I have a feeling that I will be up again shortly. :mmph: It sucks to get older!! Enjoy Sunday everyone!! :wave:


The Loopy-O
super quick fly by.
Wedding turned out GREAT- sun started popping out around 3, by the time we got there a bit after four is was a mix of sun and clouds. It got cold, but one they lit the bonfire (30 ft, yes you read that right-- 30 foot bonfire!- that warmed things up. Ceremony was just perfect for them and I couldn't have been happier for them and their kids.

Off to mourning tea in a bit. Was supposed to go food shopping tomorrow- but damn, I think I need a day to be home!!!



Well-Known Member

Chris, sounds like that wedding was something else! memorable!

Trudy, i took a look at the place you are going to hike to, and, WOW! i hope you did get some more sleep before you start! looks gorgeous! how can you stand living in Paradise every day?!! it is so beautiful where you are! well, if misery loves company, i've been up since 3:58. but i'm not hiking up a mountain today, either. as energetic as i plan to be is to iron some shirts for Hubby. and make dinner.

it is absolutely FREEZING here!! my furnace came on for the first time this season, so i guess it's time to crack out the humidifiers again. i don't want it to be winter!! :hurt:

have a warm and cozy day. :becky: