
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, September 25


The Loopy-O
Happy Thursday, O-Fam! And Happy New Year to everyone who celebrates Rosh Hashanah. I hope that everyone is having a great day as they read this.

Yesterday was a long day, again. My drs appt was at 11, so I ran around the house trying to get stuff organized and worked on my food shopping list for today. I had invited my parents up for coffee and to pick up some party dresses and winter coats for her to sell at a garage sale this weekend.
I get to the drs, and only waited 15 mins. That I can deal with. :)
But when I get in there-- she told me she was doing the endometrial biopsy. When I rescheduled the appt, I asked if it was for the biopsy or just a follow up for the u/s and they told me follow up. If you have never had an endo-biopsy, can I just say that it hurts! Wow! Had I known I was getting that done, I would have taken some advil beforehand.The rest of the day I was all crampy and tired. My parents came up soon after I got home and then a bit after they left, my neighbors called and invited us to their house for dinner. They had 2 couples coming for dinner and one had to cancel due to illness. I was really looking fwd to getting into my pj's but I was not looking fwd to cooking. Walking next door won out. :pound:

But the u/s came back normal-- no fibroids and the biopsy results should be back in a week or so. The dr said that either an endometrial ablation of a hysterectomy are acceptable medical options- my choice. She is still warning me that while an EA is less invasive, shorter recovery (by a lot!), it might not work for me. They hyster is obviously major surgery, but then pain/cramps are gone-- forever. I am trying to look online to see some of the real life experiences while keeping in mind, most people post only their extreme experiences- either love or hate.

I wish I knew what was right for me. I would love to try the ablation but if it is not going to work and I need a hyster. anyway... what's the point? But major surgery? Help!!!!!! (Not from you dear Phyllis- I know what you will say :rofl:)

Today is food shopping then off to work. Cait is making her super delicious tortilla soup for dinner and man, I can't wait for that!

Temptation on Thursday:
Buy all of the dark chocolate in shoprite and eat it all. Hey-- it's got health benefits so that makes it good for you hahahah!!

Hope that all of you are having a wonderful day!!!!


The Loopy-O
Hi Nancy! We never really got much of a hot summer, and it really has felt like fall for a while. I am glad for the rain today though. Driving past the Wanaque Reservoir yesterday, i was shocked out how low it is.

Jean- your comment about a blank mind made me laugh!! That is my mind most days. hope you were able to get out and enjoy your beautiful weather!

Trudy- I am so happy that you got scrapping done. The pages on FB were just stunning!
Thanks for the "no major upsets" but as you see up there^, it didn't last bwuahahahah!!!

Hope that everyone who stops by has all good things coming to them!


Well-Known Member
another fly-by
to say "hi."
sunglases are on.
a real pain in the eye.

snort. :pound:

have a good one :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning! It is raining and chilly. But yesterday I got a lot of walking in so that felt good. Had a lot of fun having coffee with my girlfriends. And of course having fun watching hockey and a little bit of scrapping.

Chris glad the wait was shorter. It is always hard to wrap one's brain around which procedure to select. Glad you chose to walk rather than cook. Enjoy your dinner tonight! How fun to have her cook for you.

Phylis so sorry you cannot be on the computer.

Trudy I just am saving the other Outlander books for a while. I of course liked that they moved the story to the colonies. Fun reading about that time.

Jean love the blank mind comment.

Have a great day all!