
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 16


The Loopy-O
happy Tuesday!!!!

Remember how I have said in the past that I wish that someday I can wake up and my day will go as I planned? Well, it has happened again. I got a text late last night that my Friday cleaning client isn't able to have me clean tomorrow. I had switched to Wed b/c I was supposed to have a drs appt on Friday which I had to reschedule to next week. I was going to go food shopping early today before me drs appt I had today but now I don't have the drs appt either and since I am not cleaning on Wed, I can go food shopping tomorrow.

Didja get all that?? :faint2:


It was also confirmed that Leah's aunt and Uncle are coming on Sunday and that the uncle is allergic to cats so I have been trying to really get some deep cleaning done here, to vacuum as much cat hair as I can find-- which you know is just about every nook and cranny in the house.

I am going to ask you all a favor. Starting in late August of next year, I need you to all remind me, every day if need be, to NOT have a party here.
Can you do that for me? Thank you in advance!!!!

That is about it in my insane life for now. I am sure that something else will pop up, most likely sooner rather than later!

Tip on Tuesday:
I want to try this recipe:

Doesn't that sound yummy????


The Loopy-O
Trudy-- sending you gentle hugs and a nice lavender scented heat pack. Did you sleep any better last night? Hope that you did and that you got unkinked.

One other silly thing-- I put my water bottle, phone and ipod on my bed last night, went to the bathroom and when I went to the bed, the water bottle had leaked entirely over my comforter/blanket/sheets. I had just stripped the bed/flipped the mattress/washed the sheets, blanket and comforter on Sunday. I was too tired to strip it all again, so I blotted it up, told Gary that he was sleeping on the sofa and I slept on his side of the bed. Some days -- this is me :brick:
But the good news is that I slept really good on his side! When we flipped the mattress I found a madela that I had made for him years ago- to help him sleep better. I wonder if that helped me?

So nice that you have had some late summer weather by you, sipping wine on the deck sounds wonderful! And really proud of you for doing laps. That has to help unkink the back and neck too.

i'm not sayin' ANYTHING! well, hope your week is not a "nightmare," anyway. look at it this way. the dream was so weird that reality HAS to be a bit better! i hope it is for you, kiddo.
Not so sure about reality being any better, but I am not feeling as panicked as I did in the dream. At least not yet!!!
Sorry that your food shopping trip was bad- and yes, Jupiter sounds about right. I am really blessed that my kids are from a planet a bit closer, so I can understand them a little bit more often :D
Hope that your day went better and that reading and laundry was nice to you.

Jean- what is your mad genealogy idea? I am intrigued!! Great news about your eyes and your new dr. That makes such a huge difference, when you like and trust them.

So happy to hear that you are feeling better Laurie!!!

Hugs and love to all!

PS: Does anyone know when Nancy is coming back? I bet she is having a great time traveling and photographing and exploring. Can't wait to hear all about it.


Well-Known Member
Hi girls. I hope you all are well. I haven't been able to keep up around here at all, so I guess it's good that I took a hiatus.

I popped in because I need to vent.

Is it ridiculous and awful that after only three days, I don't think I can do the dog thing? She can't stand to be penned/kenneled. Three days straight of howling and barking and freaking out for at least six of the eight hours. I can't live like that. On top of it, Matt doesn't want to crate her, but she won't use the litter box she supposedly was trained to use. So she's pooping and peeing in the exercise pen constantly. She almost refuses to go potty outside now. We've set her up for failure.

Ben is scared of her. She's just being a puppy, but he won't get on the ground with her and play with her. He is constantly running away from her, putting himself up high where she can't get him, or going into his room with the door closed.

I hate it. I am not enjoying a second of this and am thinking I made the dumbest mistake ever. And on top of that, I've woken up with red eyes the last two mornings.

What do I do? I'm so sad and miserable that I did this to the dog and us and ruined everything. And that I'm not good enough to handle a dog. What's up with that?



The Loopy-O
Sara, I promise I will write more but it is OK to change your mind. Some dogs, or any pets just don't turn out to be a good match.
When we first moved here, we decided to adopt 2 huskies that were sisters. Gorgeous dogs, but totally untrainable. They were 8 months old and it was a nightmare. We had to give them up-- thankfully the guy who put carpet down for us wanted one and his neighbor wanted the other. You know how much I adore animals and it was hard decision, but it was the right one, for all parties, including the dogs.

So good to see you in here, but sorry it is b/c you need help.:(


Well-Known Member
Sara, sounds like giving her back to where you got her is the best idea. do it now. there will be all kinds of emotion associated with doing that, but you know that it will be the best thing for everyone. so good seeing you here, though!

Chris, how do you keep everything straight? do you have a date book, or Post-it notes or WHAT?? you know, the thing about the uncle being allergic to cats and still coming to your house is driving me a little CA--RAAAAAZEEEEE!! why should that be YOUR problem? he's gonna come and his eyes are going to get itchy, no matter how many hours you put into cleaning, then who knows what happens next, and he's going to have to leave and then YOU get to feel bad. to hell with THAT!! you should communicate through someone that it is unlikely that you'll be able to guarantee that being in your house won't be a big problem for him. put the problem back in the person's lap where it belongs!! it's like me being invited to dinner at someone's house, then telling them all the things i don't eat and expect them to plan a dinner around ME. i don't DO stuff like that. girl. i am going to be first in line telling you not to do parties. but will you listen? NOOOOOOO!

Jean, i want to know the mad genealogy idea, too!

Laurie, you sound "ON!" ready to tackle the day!

i gotta get to a podiatrist appointment this a.m. then i have no idea what i'm doing. i've been randomly cleaning out closets and drawers and stuff like that. i wish i could convince myself to donate at least HALF of what i have in this house. but i keep thinking up reasons why i might at some point NEED to use the two old sets of kitchen silverware i'm hanging onto.

OK. off i go to do Tuesday. wish me luck and that i have no alien contact today.:becky:
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Well-Known Member
My idea sounds more interesting than it is. I have an ancestor who served in the Am. Revolution who has had DAR applications for all but two of his children. Naturally mine is one of those two. It is a little tricky to document, so I think applying would force me to do the work. Problem is I don't want to get involved with the organization. So how crazy is that?

Chris, I agree with Phylis about the cat allergic uncle. NOT your problem. Do understand you want to make nice with the family, but hey...how did uncle get invited in the first place?

Sorry, got to leave now.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... you all sound like you are having busy days! I am off for a walk this morning as it could be the last of the nice weather we are having for a long time. Sounds like the fall weather will be upon us and the rains are on there way too. So I will soak up the last of the warm sunshine. Then I would like to get some more of the weeds out of my garden :mmph: boy they never seem to be bothered by the heat and lack of rain LOL!

Chris - ITA with Phylis, no matter how much cleaning you do if your cat is in the house then your company who is allergic will still be itching!! That is his problem not yours. But I know that you would like to have a sparkling clean house for your company, I am the same way when we get dinner guests I want my house to be clean and sparkling.

Sara - The same thing happened with us, got a cute spaniel that was abandoned, but this poor dog was not a good match for us, the kids would never walk him or feed him and I did not have time to deal with it. So the poor thing went back to the SPCA and they thankfully found a wonderful home for it. The kids were a bit mad at us, but they got over it very quickly. Better to have your sanity it will make everyone happier! So nice to see you here, we miss you!! :hug:

Phylis - Good luck with your podiatrist appointment, hope all is well. Stay away from the aliens today, you are in no mood to deal with them :becky: Too funny about your silverware collection, as I have four sets of silverware and not really sure why I am hanging on to any of them?? Guess one day when we sell this house I will finally have to let go of them.

Jean - Wish I had the energy to delve into my family history, but it all seems like an awful lot of work and I could never keep any of them straight in my head :loco: I don't have any room left in my brain to remember old dead relations LOL. So nice that you do this though and good that at least one other member of my family has got all the history down on paper. Thanks goodness!! :becky:

I have a challenge to get finished today for the October Journaling challenge, hope that you will all participate when the time comes!! It should prove to be an interesting one! Have a great day all!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
You girls are so wonderful, has anyone ever told you that? You let me come in and spill my guts when I haven't even talked to you in several weeks. Thank you. Today was better, but we will see how the night goes. Ben decided today that he loves her and isn't as scared. I decided to just let my husband do everything and we will seem if she howls most of the night or my allergies get worse, we're in trouble. We will see.