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  1. whatnext

    Daily O's Friday edition May 2, 2014

    hi, Trudy! where is everybody? we are SOOO not at the right time to do any planting around where i live. and it won't stop raining..... hope your day is lovely. nothing much going on here. went out to look at sofas that DD is thinking about getting. spent a lot of time rubbing my eyes. allergy...
  2. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 30

    Enter the OTHER Weather Bitch!! (MEEEE!!!) :rant: if it doesn't stop raining, i'm going to just go live in the basement. i can't take looking out the window at this mess for another day!!!!! Chris, i sympathize with you. it's fairly cold here, too. ENOUGH!! hi to everyone. just a fly-by. have...
  3. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 25

    Nancy "but I will say this. Laurie stop sending rain to Phylis just send it to NJ except where Chris lives." hahaa! sounds good! it didn't occur to me that NJ was dry, but i heard there was a forest fire somewhere in central Jersey this morning. looks like all the water and snow hit Chris' part...
  4. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 25

    howdy. i'd better look fast. the SUN is shining. looks like days and days of rain in the week ahead. sorry about that, Chris and Nancy!! tell Laurie to STOP sending us rain!! finally got to try out my new edger. not as slick as i had hoped, but anything that keeps me from hands and knees...
  5. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 23

    eeeeeee!! Outlander!! my favorite of all times. Great writing, and what a fabulous tale!
  6. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 23

    another gray day here. :pout: honestly, if summer is going to be like this, i don't know what i'm going to do. the winter was so rotten. i can't take a Summer That Never Was!!!! Trudy, i just HAD to use that GAAAAH emoticoner. i laugh every time i see it. i especially laughed when you used...
  7. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 22, Better than Monday Edition

    Chris, as you know, i'm hysterectomy fan. because of the cancer/hormone issue, you'd really have to get some guidance from a doc who knows about the interaction and what it means in your particular case. i have never regretted losing any Lady Parts. nothing but trouble after 40, IMHO. Laurie...
  8. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 21, The Icky Monday Edition

    Sara! Beautiful! it looks so professional!
  9. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 21, The Icky Monday Edition

    my plan today includes eating my low-carb toast, then going outside in a bit to try out my new edger. so much yard work to do, so little time. have a happy Monday! :becky: p.s. the Eye Blob remains....
  10. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: April 19-20, Weekend Edition

    just a fast fly-by to say Happy Easter! (except not to you, Eva. :pound:) just got off the Turnpike from the whirlwind trip to visit the Grandpeople. whew. time for a nap.....:becky:
  11. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 18

    yeah, Chris. like no one EVER tells you to STOP IT!!!!!!! :rant: glad you're taking the advice to heart at last. slow down! :becky: Sara, that pollen/Death Star thing made me laugh out loud. i just checked the allergy status on a website for that, and we're in Deep Trouble. i don't sneeze a...
  12. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 15

    Chris, you are something else, my friend! cheers to you, kiddo. :becky:
  13. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 14

    Happy Birthday, Trudy!! hope you have a lovely day!! :bday: Chris, you can't use store potatoes in the barrel thing. store potatoes are sprayed with something to prevent sprouting. gotta get off now. the desktop computer screen is not my friend. everybody, have a great day!!:becky:
  14. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 11

    Hockey Rule #1: pulling the goalie is usually a BAAAD move!
  15. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 11

    hey, **SPUNKY**!!! looks like your light shines even brighter during dark times. glad to hear that Gary is stepping up. time for a Team Effort. :becky:
  16. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 9

    hi, guys. still having a bit of a problem"looking." like reading anything, looking at the computer screen. as long as i am just generally walking around doing stuff, i don't notice The Blob too much. hopefully it will thin out and i can get back to some "looking!" swell. a multi-stabbing at one...
  17. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 7

    hiya. just flying by to say "good luck!" on your appointment today, Chris. you're doing the right thing. and i love your parents!!
  18. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 2

    Chris, i like that 3 thing per day idea. make sure you STICK to it!! hope you get at least some gas $$$. every little bit helps. yeah, the eye thing is just my right eye. apparently it happened to my left eye last year and that was when i went in for an increase of floaters then. she just didn't...
  19. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 1

    hiya. apparently some of my Younger Person Eyes thicker goo inside my eye let loose from the inside lining of my eyeball and has migrated into some of my Old Person (thinner) goo, thus making the giant floating blobs in my field of vision that are making LOOKING at things a little "interesting."...
  20. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 31

    Chris, i keep forgetting to give you this link from The Pioneer Woman: http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2014/03/heavenly-hummus-wrap/