
Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 7


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday to all of my O-Fam!

How was your weekend? I am happy, I got 2 more pages scrapped for Christopher's book, and maybe I will have it done before the 9th?? I kind of doubt it but you never know. :ranger:
I made a pretty yummy dinner last night and I posted it in the What's for Dinner Thread. I have a couple of new recipes that the family enjoyed and I hope to get them in there too.
Last night we watched "12 Years a Slave." That was so heart breaking. And I def. got teary at the end.

Today, I have "Dad's Limo Service" coming to pick me up and take me to my first rads appt. Then my parents are taking me out to lunch. So cute of them.:)

Me Me Monday- my usual Go-To was to take a nap but I have been doing a lot of that already. Maybe a glass of wine with dinner.:partywine

Have a fab day!!!


The Loopy-O
Sara- OMG! That sounds so crazy about Matt's job! So he left already and you don't know when he will be back? Gah!!! That would make me :boom:
Be careful with your BP too. hugs!


Well-Known Member
hiya. just flying by to say "good luck!" on your appointment today, Chris. you're doing the right thing. and i love your parents!!


The Loopy-O
*pounce* Hi Phyllis!!!!!!
Hope I didn't hurt you with the pounce, but I have missed you! How are you feeling?


The Loopy-O
And thank you, I adore my parents too! Cait thinks my dad is the cutest thing. She truly does not believe me when I told her how we couldn't be in the same room when I was a teen. I think we have both mellowed a lot :)


Well-Known Member
I realized last night that my BP might be better if I took my medicine! LOL

Hoping we get a better idea today when Matt will be back. At least tonight we have no errands or activities.

I hope radiation goes ok Chris. And definitely enjoy that wine with dinner!

Good morning Phylis!

Ok. Gotta run!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning - Chris good luck with appt. I am sending good thoughts. I did get in a good walk yesterday but then I spent the day reading. I was watching a Sunday morning news show when they mentioned a new book and then said that a previous one was amazing. I looked it up and bought it and then spent the day reading it and finished it around 11pm. It is called Room. It is written from the point of view of a 5 year old little boy who along with his kidnapped mother have lived in Room. It was a page turner. I highly recommend this book.

Sara well glad your DH only had to go LA and not overseas. Hope you have a calm week.

Trudy can't wait to hear about the weekend. I bet the party was awesome!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies.. Well I survived the Party!! It was lots of fun and so great to see some relatives that we have lost contact with over the years! Good food as always and lots of wine and great conversation! But then we also had some excitement at the party too. The little grocery store just down the road from the In-Laws got held up by this silly young man and he took the cash drawer from the register and fled right down to where we having our party. Well he dashed into the neighbours yard and was hiding under the deck of their house. My SIL Sharon just happened to be outside for a smoke and noticed someone over at the usually empty house next door. (its a summer place for a couple from the Big City) anyway the store owner after calling the police came down and asked if anyone had seen this guy. SIL pointed out where she thought he was and the guy goes in after him. Well the kid runs out and goes down to the lake and proceeds to go into the water. We are all out and watching by now and we are like... are you crazy, its freezing in there and where do you think you are going to go??? You have to swim for miles to get away from anyone. :loco: So he decides to just stay right where he is until the police get there and take his sorry ass away to jail. So of course hubby being ex RCMP helps to get him arrested and they call the Dive team in to retrieve the weapon that he used at the robbery which he threw into the lake. So that was our big excitement for the weekend. Sad to say that this young man has ruined his life and will spend time behind bars. Probably needed the money for drugs or something. SAD!! How was everyone else's weekend?? LOL

Chris - Good luck with your radiation treatment today!! Have a nice lunch with your parents, tell them that we all love them !! Enjoy your wine with dinner tonight!!

Phylis - Please let us know how you are doing!! We are all worried about you my friend! Hope you are feeling better and that those darn squiggly lines are getting better in your eyes! :hug:

Sara - Yes your BP would be better if you took your medicine!! :becky: Yikes on your husband's job!! Hopefully he gets to come home again very soon!! At least he did not have to go to Germany!! I know that mom's are not as much fun for little boys as their Dads are but I am sure your son is happy that you are there with him!!

Nancy - Wow that book must have been a really good one for you to read it that quickly!! I will have to find that one for my collection!! The party was awesome, but I suffered for it the next day and when the clean up was finally all done, we were beat and headed home for a nice long nap!! LOL.

Ok lots of things to get caught up on today, its :rain: here again today so its a good day to stay inside and get the cleaning done! Hope you all have a great Monday! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Hi! I'm on my way home from Denmark and Copenhagen. I get a threatment there every third month and it's boring to be in the car for 5 hours just one way. But glad for the possibility to have the threatment abroad and not have to pay for it because of our membership in EU.

Chris - I'll have you in my thoughts today. Sounds ģreat to have your parents with you today. I think they appreciate that they can give some help and be with you.


lOve the O!
Good evening all- Chris hope all went well today. I had my first therapy today. Boy am I weak. It is so strange to be both a therapist and a pt where I work. My training for the 5k is going well, and the scales lost a few pounds this week! That is exciting.