
Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 25


The Loopy-O
TGIF times 10000000000000000000000. I am so happy that it is Friday and that my boob gets a break for the weekend. It is starting to get pretty annoying. My skin looks like a cross between a sunburn and a tan, but I have to say I have never gotten a tan in these places before LOL

Today my mom is coming up and driving me down. It will be a nice change of pace for me. We will hit the diner for some breakfast/lunch and then home for another freaking nap. The one good thing is that I have been getting a lot of time in to read and this Joe Hill book-- I am totally hooked. The second that you think the story has to be winding down... Nope, it gets right back into it.

I hope to get some scrapping done, I have a couple of May challenges I'd like to do to help the Cheery O hosts get previews. I also have phone calls to make re: the kids' insurance plan, Scott thinks he has a cavity so I need to get him in. Both kids haven't had physicals in 2 years. I feel like such a bad mom.
But I have to admit, that when it comes to character, I have good kids. Scott's teacher emailed me saying that because is has an IEP, he is eligible to apply for a scholarship in the school just for classified kids. He never sees himself as learning disabled (even though he is multiply disabled-- but mostly due to lyme complications) and feels that he doesn't deserve to apply. His teacher wanted me to know that he was passing up this opportunity. When I talked to him about it,he said that he knew he was going to get Pell Grant $ and he didn't want to take money from someone who needs it more than him.
I wrote back to his teacher explaining his reasoning and that I could not disagree with it. When the SW was talking to me about financial assistance, she asked me if I were aware of food banks. I could not take from that since I have family that will help me with food (as long as I open my mouth and ask, silly Faery!). I get where he is coming from, 100%.
When he got home from school, he told me that he teacher got my email, agreed with how he felt and that he is a very good person. More proud mama moments.

Do you ever feel like the *only* things I talk about are my medical issues and how awesome my kids are?? hahah! I would say that those are not the only things going on in my life, but that would be a lie. :lie:

Finish it Friday:
I have a scrap page open on my computer for the last 2 days that I need to finish. How about you?


The Loopy-O
Hey Laurie and Phyllis! Hope you are doing great!

Nancy- I cannot take it any more!!!! It is too cold and windy!!!! Too funny about the car and the ribbing your son took :)

Sara I saw some of the pics at the museum on FB, looks like you had a great time!! xoxo

Jean- hope that you are feeling a little better every day!

Trudy- hope you get a sunny day today!
How cool is that for Heather!!!

Eva-- you rock!!! Can't wait to see it pink!

Gotta run.... see you all soon!


Well-Known Member
howdy. i'd better look fast. the SUN is shining. looks like days and days of rain in the week ahead. sorry about that, Chris and Nancy!! tell Laurie to STOP sending us rain!!

finally got to try out my new edger. not as slick as i had hoped, but anything that keeps me from hands and knees with trowel is OK by me. my yard is starting to look like The Enemy to me. 2 1/3 acres of STUFF to address.... the weeds in my flower beds every Spring ALONE are pretty daunting. geez. i think i'm starting to think like an Old Person. the trouble is, though, that Hubby is not the guy who will say: "Right. let's move to somewhere smaller with less yard." so, i'm stuck. BTW, he's also not the guy to HIRE someone to do this work. :faint2:

Chris, can you put anything on the burn, or are you restricted in what you can apply to your skin? well, at least you're moving toward The END of this!! loved your Proud Momma Moment. great kids. what a treasure.

Sara, i love reading what you're doing with Ben. it brings back happy memories of having a little guy. great times.

Jean, feeling a bit less zombie-like? hope the healing continues!

Eva, you go girl!! my hair hasn't been fun for...oh, i don't know...my whole life?

Trudy, is the rain messing up the dirt you already put down? we have to do the mulching soo, and that's always a lot of work. i have a lot of landscaped stuff in my yard, and if we don't do several truckloads of mulch every year, it's Weed City.

today, i guess i'm ironing dress shirts. (man. i can't wait for my husband to retire so i don't have to do THAT anymore. or at least not as often.) i should probably do some vacuuming and dusting, too. thrilling. :bored:

OK. off to start the day. have a good one, O-zs! :becky:


lOve the O!
Morning- I am across the river from NJ and will be in beverly NJ at 10:30 for the graveside burial of dh parents ashes. Hoping the day goes better than I anticipate. Do not want major family drama. Did eat at an amazing restaurant last night, where we were reminded we had the accent (or lack there of) by our waitress. Three people ate full meals, desserts and drinks and bill just over $100 plus we had to bring doggy bags. Okay- enough procrastinating, off to get dressed and head to the cemetery.


Well-Known Member
good morning Chris I did get in a walk yesterday and it was windy but was not as cold. Today seems much less windy. Phylis I would tell Laurie to stop with the rain except we need rain everything is so dry but I will say this. Laurie stop sending rain to Phylis just send it to NJ except where Chris lives. Today I have to hit the grocery store. Bummed. Then home to scrap and listen to a new CD I bought. Try and get some scrapping done need to catch up on my week PL pages.

Chris glad it is Friday for you! And you should be proud of you son!

Phylis glad you had fun with the edger.

Sara I remember days when I let me sons do something special and miss school. I think it adds a special bond between parents and kids that shows we think they are special.

Trudy congrats on Heather and being involved with the fashion show. That is so cool!

Everyone have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, the sun is trying very, very hard to shine this morning, so it might be a good day to get the rest of our soil. DH is still in bed asleep, he got up very, very early for god knows what reason, but is now back to the land of nod :sleep:

Chris - Hmmm sunburned boobs?? Ouch!! Can't say I would like that too much either!! :becky: glad that you are getting a break for a couple of days!!

Phylis - Your hubby sounds like mine, we will never move out of this huge house with lots of yard work until he can absolutely no longer get outside to cut the grass or whatever. He says we need the big house for when the kids and grandkids all come home. But really they only are all here at once for a few days, the rest of the time we lumber around in this big empty house!! We could be travelling instead!!! I want to see Paris and Italy and so many other places
The rain has not damaged our soil that is already laid down, we rolled it flat and packed it down really well and so far it is still in place and now waiting for the grass seed to start to grow, but we need some warmth and sunshine that is for sure!! Hope the sun shines for you and the weather man is wrong again!! Love that mirror smiley!! too funny!!

Laurie - I sure hope that the family drama does not happen for you and your hubby!! You have been through enough, you sure don't need that!! Glad you had a nice time at the restaurant though!

Nancy - Hope your walk today is warmer and less windy! Lots of cheering at our house last night as the Bruins won their game!! Neighbours must think we are nuts!!

Thanks for the nice comments about my daughter everyone! The fashion show was a big hit and she has already made at least one sale from it already. Hopefully she will have many more shoppers to her website now! Ok better put on a fresh pot of coffee and start something or other for breakfast, it could prove to be a very busy yard work day and weekend!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
"but I will say this. Laurie stop sending rain to Phylis just send it to NJ except where Chris lives."
hahaa! sounds good! it didn't occur to me that NJ was dry, but i heard there was a forest fire somewhere in central Jersey this morning. looks like all the water and snow hit Chris' part of NJ. and i don 't want to talk about hockey, for obvious reasons....

Trudy, glad the fashion show was a hit! sounds like your DD has found something fun to be involved with. the weather man appears to have been correct. the clouds have rolled in, now just waiting for the rain. :twitch:

Laurie, wishing you a drama-free day. good luck.


Mistress of Mayhem
I'm still a blonde. Been too busy to dye my hair today ... maybe later - or more likely tomorrow.