
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 23


The Loopy-O
GoooOd morning or whenever it is by you :)

I am really happy that it is Wednesday, that means after tx today, I will only have 2 weeks left to go! Today I have to go food shopping before tx, and then an appt with the social worker. I am still stressing about certain things and she really helps me to prioritize. Not always easy to do but I'll take whatever bits of help and advice I can get.
I do have to admit, it was very nice not having to work yesterday. I really don't think I could have physically have done it.

Not much else going on here.

Hope you all are doing great!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- that is pretty cool about that needle/muscle reaction. How long do you expect the relief to last? Glad to hear that you had an easy day too, hope that gave your muscle some time to recuperate.

hee hee! I knew you would say that Phyllis! I think I might need to kidnap you and bring you to my next appt with the GYN. You can convince him that I *must have* and hysterectomy :pound:
Not such good weather here today but it has been nice seeing the sun. Hope you get that soon!

Nancy- we are about 2 weeks behind the rest of NJ for spring blooms, but I see some of my forsythia and daffodils trying to open up. But my nose has been so stuffy. But you are excited for Saturday's game!

Trudy- your yard is going to look almost as good as your buff arms! Have a great day today and hoping you see the sun again!

Hi Maureen!!! Great seeing you here again! Hope you stay pain free as well.

Laurie- sorry to hear you had such a busy day yesterday. There are days I feel like there is not enough coffee in the world to keep me going.


Off to the shower, always an adventure- my PICC waterproof cover is all stretched out of shape and now I need to put saran wrap over the spot where the line goes into my arm, then cover that with the stretchy cover, then the rubber cover, then elastic band it all closed. Then- hope for the best! (All while trying to keep the sharpie marks all over my boob from getting washed off. Is that fun or what????)


Well-Known Member
another gray day here. :pout: honestly, if summer is going to be like this, i don't know what i'm going to do. the winter was so rotten. i can't take a Summer That Never Was!!!!

Trudy, i just HAD to use that GAAAAH emoticoner. i laugh every time i see it. i especially laughed when you used it in concert with talking about your husband being around home. you must absolutely threaten him with MAYHEM if he gets underfoot. :rant: i've been warning my husband about that for years, in preparation for his retirement. it's hard to get used to there being another person in the house all the time. especially one who thinks the day should revolve around what HE thinks it should.

Chris, taking a shower sounds like a real "adventure." are you going to be able to get a new stretchy thing? is the radiation making you feel more tired than usual? i'm glad you have the social worker to talk with. if she's good, which i sounds like she is, it can only help. just remember to LISTEN to her!!

Watching hockey on TV has me upset....
imagine watching a team who acts like they don't even WANT to win??? the Penguins are getting killed in our local news media, as well they should be.

Maureen, i'm right there with you with your advice to Winter and what the door can do.... do you think the northeast is even going to GET a summer??

Laurie, bummer about all those clients!

today? not sure. i have a few things i have to do, but they don't need done today. if i look outside in a few hours and still see 50 degrees and gray and cloudy, i might just pull down the shades, stay home and clean out some drawers or something. thrilling. :bored:

enjoy Wednesday! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies. Quick hello before work, since I didn't slip it in yesterday.

Family drama is too much. At least, the stuff with my cousin has died down and now it's my sister-in-law causing problems....like usual. But I'm not the brunt of it for once! Whew.

Taking a personal day tomorrow. Was supposed to go to the Nebraska Science Festival, but I don't think we can get in now. I think it's only open to school field trips tomorrow. Whoops. Didn't plan that well. Now I have to figure out something educational for Ben and I to do to justify letting him "skip" school.

Yesterday the weather was amazing. Today it is stormy and rainy. No complaints here, we desperately need the rain.

I hope to catch up more tonight when I get home.

See you later!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning - had a great day walking through the park - all the flowering trees are in bloom and the reflection in the lake was so pretty. Made my day. Also walked with my girlfriend and it is so nice to have someone listen and understand. My car was done yesterday but could not get up there will go this morning. Goldfinches in their bright yellow are now coming to my bird feeders. They are gorgeous.

Chris so glad you are seeing that your job is to take care of yourself and that cleaning just has to wait. Taking a shower sounds like getting ready takes longer than the shower itself.

Phylis yes I imagine that the media is getting on the Pittsburgh Penguins. They are too talented to let CBJ win this series. Hope your day gets brighter.

Sara glad your family drama is not focused on you! Hope you have fun on your personal day off.

Trudy buff arms sounds like a wonderful outcome for all the yard work. Maybe I need to look at my yard work that way instead of some chore I don't like. Glad to see the Bruins look like the Bruins again in their win over Detroit.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone... :rain: on and off today, so I guess it will be a great day to stay inside and get some scrapping done! My new crown is still bothering me and I am on a constant diet of Advil, I guess I better call my dentist and find out what the heck is going on, I can't take much more of this and might just tell her to pull the damn tooth!!!

Chris - Have you read the "Outlander" series of books by Diana Garaldon? I have started reading them and loving it!! Such an adventure and love the Scottish comedy of it all! My mother loved her books and my sister has been trying to get me to start them for a long time as she has read some of them 2 or 3 times! I thought that you might enjoy them that is if you haven't already read them. :becky: Hope that your shower adventure goes well!! Surely you must be able to get a replacement water proof cover for your your PICC?

Phylis - I suppose I had better get busy telling hubby to not expect my undivided attention when he is retired!! He gets so excited when he can get outside and start doing yard work, that he thinks we should spend every waking hour outside, except of course when its time for me to get lunch ready :becky: but really he isn't too bad and knows that I like to have my alone time and tries not to disturb me too much! We work well together and actually have a grand time working in the yard together!!

Sara - Hope you find something fun and educational to do with your son!! Sounds like it would be a great day to skip out of school!! Glad that you are able to take a personal day! Nice that you are getting the well deserved rain!! You can have some of ours here, I am waiting patiently for the sun to return!

Nancy - Your walk sounds heavenly!! I love the spring time and when all the blossoms are out the sweet smell of cherry and apple blossom is just beautiful ! Reflection on the lake must have been so nice! Did you manage to get a photo? Hubby kept switching between watching his Bruins and those Darn Montreal Canadians, another win for them so looks like it will be the Canadians and Bruins next round. I don't think I can watch, as I know the officiating will be so one sided.

Ok I am heading to the shower and really going to try to get a couple of pages done today, my mojo has left the building and I just don't know what to scrap?? Should really head to Walmart and pick up a few things that are needed too. :bored: Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy, I'm just back from having "the damn tooth" pulled. I had a crown replacement and endless difficulties after. The dentist has a fancy new 3D x-ray machine with which they determined it was abscessed in both roots and had to come out. We'll see if this actually gets rid of the infection. Not a happy camper!!! Hope your outcome is better.

Hi all, hope you're having a sunny day.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ouch Jean!! I sure hope it is not an abscessed tooth for me!! Holding off one more day before heading to the dentist as the pain has subsided for now, but we will see!!

Phylis - I hear that they are making Outlander into a series on STAR I can hardly wait to see if they can capture this wonderful writers tales on film!