
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 1


The Loopy-O
YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Its April and the sun is shining and the snow is melting and its going to to be almost 50* So yayayayayayaaayyyyyy!!! :cheer2:

My "day off" didn't go as planned. I looked in the fridge and realized that I wasn't going to be able to make it until Thursday, my next free day to go food shopping. So I ended up doing that instead. But I am trying to focus on what the social worker said to limit the things I *need* to get done. I did my food shopping, set up my schedule for the week, and took a walk with my friend.
I also tried a new recipe for dinner- Butternut Squash and Kale lasagna, which was ok. As long as you didn't think of it as lasagna, and mashed up the cubes of squash, it was ok. Gary loved it, but the kids and I weren't thrilled. Tonight I am trying kale and caramelized red onion grilled cheese sandwiches. I'll let ya know how that goes.

Off to work and then hopefully a nice walk this afternoon.

Tip on Tuesday:
:tea: 'nuff said.


The Loopy-O
I feel kind of bad- It is April Fool's Day and I usually like to come up with some kind of prank. But this year, I got nothing.

Phyllis- oh yuck!! Did you get to the opthamologist? Any idea of what is going on?

Nancy- did the sun come out by you? It did here but it was colder than it looked esp. when the wind blew.

Trudy- same here, rained Friday, Sat and Sun. Hope you get the sun today! I am hoping for some spring flowers here, soon too. Hope you have a nice day off today!

P-oh yum, that looks FAB!!!!! *drools* I used to stalk the PW's blog all of the time, I think I need to start that up again.

Eva- I know! I wish she could come to my house and cook all of that good stuff for me ;) How is our Mountain Retreat coming along?
Your haircut question reminded me of a dream I had last night about me cutting my hair, myself and I did a very bad job of it! What did you decide?

OMG! Andrea, that is horrible!!!! Is there another surgeon you trust that you could get another opinion? Be safe!!

Sara, I know- the designer is just amazing! She has some more photos in her shop and there was a dead bride costume that was freaking amazing. It even had a white parasol that was all decaying.
You? SnarkY? LOL All friends need a snark to keep them sane under those kinds of circumstances.
No more snow for you either!!! Make it all go away! Only good thing it that if the ground isn't frozen, it won;t stay too long, right?

hugs to all of you!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
I need to finish that knitting today. Not that I'm on a dead line, but I want to get it over and done with. Not sure I'll do this again, we'll see. It sure takes time to knit. Nothing that I think of otherwise, since I do it while I'm watching TV, and things gets done when they get done. On the other hand, I don't get paid watching TV that often LOL

Also, I need to get some ironing done. And dinner - which I have no idea what I'm going to do yet ... other than that - no plans :)


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Oh, hair's still here. I really need to get my scissors into it though. The color is so old and tired, and the hair has grown like 2 inches of grey. Thinking of cutting of the colored hair and go all PUNK this summer. In short: lots of thinking and not much gets done :)


Well-Known Member
Quick good morning before I need to go. :)

Chris - I have kale, carmalized onion, chicken, and some kind of creamy, cheesy white sauce pizza for lunch. Matt went out last night and ordered it and then didn't like it, but knew I'd love it. So I get a good lunch!

Eva - I hope you get it done and it's worth your time. It was a great opportunity to try it though right?

Ok. I got to go. Have a good day ladies!


Well-Known Member
hiya. apparently some of my Younger Person Eyes thicker goo inside my eye let loose from the inside lining of my eyeball and has migrated into some of my Old Person (thinner) goo, thus making the giant floating blobs in my field of vision that are making LOOKING at things a little "interesting." supposedly this has to be watched to make sure it doesn't end up becoming a detatched retina, which is only a 10% probability. honestly. i specialize in annoying silliness.

have a happy day.

BTW: death to KALE!! i just canNOT get my brain around even trying it. all i can think of is BITTER. :puke:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - had a great day yesterday the sun came up and the temperature soared into the 50s LOL. Got in a good walk. And my Devils defeated the Panthers 6-3. One of the friends of my DIL won a suite for a night for renewing her hockey season tickets and Zach, Amanda and I were given tickets to the suite. It was pretty fun! Because the game started a good 30-40 min later than normal I missed my normal train but my DH met me and we had pizza and drinks while we waited for the next train. Funny date night LOL.

Chris glad you did not do too much. Kale is too bitter for me just as Phylis says

Phylis will the weirdness with your eyes go way or does the goo just keep dislodging

Eva have fun with your hair - so fun to know it always grows back and nothing is permanent

Sara and everyone have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... chilly frosty night last night, but the sun is shining brightly today and it is going to be a perfect spring day! I am going to try to get some weeding done in the backyard. Hopefully the grass has dried up enough that it won't feel like a squishy gooey mess as I walk over it! Sore stiff neck this morning, I must have slept funny last night. Ouch!! I am trying to get a military medal replaced for my hubby's Great Great Grandfather, We have all of his WW1 and WW2 war memorabilia and it has been in a shadow box for a long time. But I have to redo it as it is starting to fall apart and some of the stuff needs to be remounted. We have always been missing this one medal so I am hoping to be able to replace it and finish off this project!

Chris - I am so happy for you that spring has finally arrived to NJ!! It's about dam time!!! Enjoy it my friend and hope you get out for another lovely walk today!

Eva - Hope you get that knitting done today! Guess it was a good experience to try it and yes how many times do you ever get paid for watching TV? Good luck with deciding what to do with your hair!!

Sara - Was that you that blasted in and out of here LOL :dash: Have a great day!!

Phylis - My goodness you really do have the strangest things happen to you !! Is there anything that you can do to fix this problem with your gooo?? Hope that you have a better day today!!

Nancy - Sounds like you had a perfect Nancy Day yesterday! Nice surprise date for you and your hubby!!

Just got a message from DD that her little man Mason is sick today, first time since he was born. He is now 10 months old, hopefully its nothing more than a cold! Better get dressed and get this day started!! Have a great one everyone! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wave: Hi Laurie, hope the weather stays good for you so you can get outside!