
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 2


The Loopy-O
gOod mOrning O-zies! How are all of you today?

It was actually a pretty decent weather-day here. Bit chilly went the sun went it, but it actually felt like Spring. A March version of spring, but I will take what I can get! And Guess WHAT???????? Now that most of the snow is gone, I can see some of my lilies popping up!!!!!!! They are literally buries under road-grit (my town uses grit instead of salt a lot of the time, and it just makes a mess!) but if I have the energy today, I might try to scrape that away. I loooooooove seeing my flowers come up! And the other good news is that I finally took the fake evergreen garland and red ribbons down from the fence. There was a ton of snow and I couldn't reach them but now I can :)

I am also working hard on doing my 3 things. Instead of a crazy to-do list, the SW is working with me on prioritizing things that need to get done and letting the rest go. So I was able to do that yesterday. Actually, I only did 2 of the 3. I needed to update all of our calendars, since April/May/June are my "Insanity Months." Almost everyone I know was born in those months and now I have 2 proms, Scott's HS graduation, plus all of my treatments, its gonna get :boom:
Then I worked on a couple of applications for assistance for cancer-treatment. I only applied to 3 charities, and I don't know if any of them will accept since my situation is so much less than most other patients. But it is worth a shot. Even if I get a little bit of $ for gas. The gas alone is going to kill me having to drive to the hospital every day.

I am still waiting to hear from my Lyme dr about when/if I am to go back on IV. And I still haven't heard back from my ins co. about the Home Infusion. She was supposed to be in contact with my dr but *radio silence*
That is going to be one of my 3 things today, to track any info down on that.

I wish that things would fall into place a little bit easier sometimes.
I want to get outside and enjoy the weather although it might be rainy the next few days.
I want to scrap a few more pages of my godson so I can get a book done before his b-day in 4 weeks....
I wish I had more energy!!!!!



The Loopy-O
Eva- isn't it funny how you can do something for the fun of it. but then when there is "responsibility" attached, it kind of kills the mood? Hope you had a wonderful day!

Sara, that pizza sounds sooooo good! We didn't make the sandwiches last night. Cait was at a friend's and the recipe was her pick, We'll try it tonight.

Phyllis- that sounds really weird what is going on in your eye. Is it just one eye? And there is nothing that they can do about it? Sounds very annoying!
And no!!! Kale can be really good! I tired it sauteed and yes, it was bitter. I much prefer spinach or broc. rabe cooked that way. But in "stuff" or baked kale chips-- it is so good. And I am so proud that my fam will actually eat a "Super Food.":)

Nancy- we broke 50 yesterday!!!! :cheer2: Feels great!!!!!
How awesome to get in the suite for the game! But I bet you missed being down by the boards ;)

Hi Laurie!!! Hope you got some fresh air after work! So good to see you start the Posting Challenge thread too!!!

Trudy- fun, fun!! Yard work!!!!! You know that I am 100% serious about that too:) We are still way to muddy but I cannot wait to get out there! I did get a walk in with my friend, I am still taking it easy, just doing one half, so its almost a mile. My legs are tired from that much but I am sure I'll get my strength back if I keep that up.
Good luck finding the medal. That projects sounds amazing. Hope that Mason is feeling better today!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Finished the knitting and will mail it today. Took a total of 25½ hrs to make - no way they can pay me enough to make that a decent per hr payment. Sad really that handmade/homemade isn't seen as valuable as it should be. But then again - who would pay like $400 for a sweater to a toddler?

No plans for today, other than getting to the post office. Think I'm gonna make a layout now, and then see if I go down to town. DH went to work without leaving me the MasterCard, I have to go get that first. Sun is shining and it will be nice to get some air. Advantages of not having a driving license :)


lOve the O!
Happy April Showers morning- got my run in for couch to 5K on the treadmill this am- my 6'7" coworker asked me yesterday if I did it, so I decided I better. Off to work then shopping, then home, then ready for tomorrow's errands, including a visit to ortho dr for my shoulder- yikes- really nervous about that one.


Well-Known Member
Chris, i like that 3 thing per day idea. make sure you STICK to it!! hope you get at least some gas $$$. every little bit helps. yeah, the eye thing is just my right eye. apparently it happened to my left eye last year and that was when i went in for an increase of floaters then. she just didn't explain it to me last year. i'm assuming that, over time the Young Person Goo just integrates with the Old Person Goo and i go back to Less Annoying Floating Objects.:twitch: hopefully you get our yesterday's weather today at your house. it was 68 degrees and sunny!!

today, it's go to a cemetery in the rain. :eek:hwell: i always take a rose to my dad on this day every year. (he died on this date years ago.) better wear my gardening shoes as everything is going to be a goopy, wet mess.

Trudy, i saw there was an earthquake off the coast of BC. did you feel anything?

hope the sun is shining where you are. Happy Day, O-zies! :becky:


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Oh, I'm such a stupid idiot!!!
Sorting my digisupplies, and found the collab Moving Forward in the wrong file ... and I just used my birthday coupon for a free collab kit yesterday to buy me Moving Forward. Now I've bought it twice ... great! LOL At least one of the copies were free LOL


Well-Known Member
good morning - had a fun day yesterday. The new owners of the NJ Devils are trying really hard to make the season ticket holders feel really special and they are doing a great job. For the past two weeks they have been hosting receptions based on how many years you have been a ticket holder. Last night was for my group 5+ years. We are each getting special jersey with patches that will never be sold. Each time you pass a 5 year mark you get another jersey. But the really fun part was having meeting up with others from our section. We all then went on the ice for a group photo. It is funny but all of them including my son met or reconnected with some one they met at the Devils hockey games. How funny is that. The reception was done and I met up with my DH and we rode the train home together and then watch the Devils lose in Buffalo in a SO. Got in a good walk with my girlfriend as the temp, as Chris said, got above 50. Today I am off to have dinner with one of my girlfriends and her sister's family. It is always fun catching up with them. Hoping to get some scrapping done.

Chris I love your SW - 3 important things/day is a lot. Wow what a busy time you have coming up. But I am sure it will be fun too as HS graduations are such an accomplishment!

Phylis glad the eye problem will resolve. Wow 68 mush have felt like a heat wave!

Eva congrats on finishing up the sweater. And I think everyone has purchased the same kit at least once - I know I have LOL.

Laurie congrats on workout and hope the doctor's visit goes well.

Trudy so glad you are able to get out and do your gardening.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... just a quick fly by :plane: for me today I am off to the Dentist to have a tooth capped :mmph: anyone want to trade places with me?? Then I have a few scrap pages that I want to get printed out so I will drop off my data stick to the printer and let her do her thing. Looks to be a sunny day again, but that will change tomorrow and we will be back to the usual downpour for the next three or four days :rain:

Chris - I am so happy for you that the temps are warmer and that your lilies are popping up!! They will be happy for you to get them out of the goop that the city has left behind! WTG for still getting out and walking although I am sure it must feel exhausting for you right now. Keeping my fingers crossed for your assistance to come through!! Every little bit helps!

Eva - LOL yes no one would pay $400 for a childs sweater :becky: It will be interesting to see what they will pay you for all that work! I bet if you ask Vicki or Clara very nicely that you would be able to trade that kit you bought twice for another one. Worth a try!

Laurie - Keep us posted on how your shoulder is doing! WTG for doing your run this morning! April showers bring May flowers :becky:

Phylis - Glad that the eye thing will gradually get better!! No I did not feel the earthquake yesterday, but then we have earthquakes almost everyday around here and once in a while I feel a bit of tremor, but nothing major thank goodness!! I know that one day the "Big One" will happen! I really need to get my earthquake kit updated!!

Nancy - What a great way to keep the season ticket holders happy!!! How nice that you got your photos done too!! Sounds like they have a fabulous PR team!! Enjoy your get together with your girlfriend and her family!!

Ok I better hit the shower and get this dentist appt. over and done with!! Have a wonderful spring day everyone! :wave: