
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 15


The Loopy-O
Gah! I cannot believe that it is already halfway through April. Really.:lalala:

I have to make this super quick since I have to get in the shower and that is never a quick thing any more. The kids and I are heading down to visit Gary's grandma and my MIL today after my rads. Gary's grandma turned 88 on the 6th and we weren't able to make it, so we get a quick visit in with her today. Then we'll hang out with my MIL a bit then head home. Cait has a dr appt at 3 and Scott has another new student workshop at his college at 4. And I have to finish that book. I got all of the LO's done and uploaded into Shutterfly. Today I have to review the pages and make sure none of the text is clipped off of the sides. Then I will place that darn order LOL

Tip on Tuesday:
Don't get Lyme and Cancer at the same time, it really messes with your free time!!!! :pound:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - I enjoyed a down day while still being busy. I got my DIL to the airport for her spring break vacation. Luckily for me the traffic in NJ was absent. That just never happens LOL. Got in a great walk - it was windy but warm. Now today it is windy and by late tonight early morning the rain might turn to snow. Really snow - bad enough that today my DH is just finishing up our tax returns. Oh well. At least it will get done.

Chris you have a super sense of humor. Have a great day with family.

Phylls good to see you pop in! Hope you are eyes are getting better!

Trudy hope you had a great day!

Hoping everyone has a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Wow was it ever windy last night!! Always kinda scary because of the big trees that surround our house :fear: But this morning it is sunny and beautiful out, so hope to get in a great walk today! So much colour now with all the cherry and apple blossoms out and the air smells so sweet!! So much pollen though, it is supposed to be a horrible year for pollen this year, so glad that I do not have allergies!!

Chris - Enjoy your visit with your MIL and the birthday girl!! Hope you get to have a nice visit! A busy day for you and your family! You are truly amazing with your fabulous attitude about your Lyme and Cancer!! I love you :love:

Phylis - You are a trooper for popping in here each morning, sure hope that your eye thing resolves itself very soon!! :hug: I miss you!!

Nancy - Glad for you that the traffic cooperated for your trip to drop your DIL off. I bet she will have a fun time on her Spring Break!! Good Luck with your tax return! hubby got ours done before they shut the site down to send in your e-files because of that nasty Heartbleed bug. Everyone else who waited til now has to send it all in by snail mail. Hope the wind has died down for you today! Enjoy your day!

Not much happening here today, I enjoyed a great birthday! Hubby got me flowers, 4 more glass salad bowls to complete my set and a 75 minute Hot Stone Massage at my favourite Spa in town! Pretty great birthday! I am blessed!! Thanks to all of you for my birthday wishes too, you made my day!! :love:


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