
Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 11


The Loopy-O
TGIF! Can I get an :amen:??

I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning. Not one bit. Looooong day yesterday and even though I napped, it took everything out of me. I was hoping to be home by noon? Did not happen. We got back home at almost 1.30. Did my "morning" IV (so we were a little late ;) ), grabbed lunch and went to bed. Gary made frozen pizzas for dinner and I am so thankful for him doing that. He has actually been quite helpful since my diagnosis. Before it, he would cook if I asked him, and rarely got up to take the kids to the bus. I guess being so sick himself, he never saw or realized that I was in bad shape myself. I thinked him for doing something yesterday and he said that he would do whatever he could to make this easier for me. He even said that he was so sorry that I had to drive to the hospital every day (as we sat in traffic ugh). The hospital is about 35 mins away, no traffic, 45 if there is rush hour traffic and 30 mins if your son had the tip of his finger cut off or your husband is having chest pains. hahahah!!:pound:

The rads techs are now calling me "Spunky" b/c I am so cheerful and bouncy in the mornings. I told my kids they said that and they *laughed*-- they know I am not cheerful in the mornings but by the time I get there I have consumed several cups of coffee. So maybe coffee jitters make me bounce? LOL

Then off to Lyme dr- which went kind of as expected. She doesn't want me working at all. I knew she would say that. But I told her that I need to feel like I am doing something so we compromised that I am only allowed to clean one house a week. I have two small houses in one week so I asked if I could count them as one, and she lectured me that if I don't give my body time to heal that I'll never get better b/c my immune system will be on the floor.

but here was some good news and then some great news! The "good" was that I *finally* tested positive on both ELISA and Western Blot. I had tons of bands light up, which means my body was finally recognizing the bacteria and producing antibodies. She is now going to start fighting with my ins co to cover my treatment since I now fall into that CDC positive category. I am sure my ins co will find some way to get out if it but ya never know?

The great news-- someone had donated Claforan and syringes. There is only one other patient on Claforan and she is covered by ins so they gave me the whole box-- almost 2 months worth of meds. I almost cried right then and there. All I am going to need to buy are saline flushes. Just incredible. Gary always tells me when I get down, that things always work out in the end. And they really do.

And now- I am late. But since I am not working (yay!) I will have some more time later to check back.

Love you all!


Well-Known Member
hey, **SPUNKY**!!! looks like your light shines even brighter during dark times. glad to hear that Gary is stepping up. time for a Team Effort. :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am heading to town today to see what kind of trouble I can get myself into :becky: Have a very heavy parcel to mail out to my nephew and his new wife. A wedding gift from a bunch of us. We got them a beautiful set of Paderno Pots and Pans. The hardware store that I used to work for had a huge sale on them and they are such a nice set! Now to pay for the shipping
It will probably cost as much as the gift!!

Chris - It is so wonderful to hear that you have good news about your check up and your meds!!! Now to get your body all healed up and make yourself even more Spunky!! I am so happy that your Gary is helping you out more too!! Perhaps him having a purpose in the mornings and other times during the day will make him feel better too? :hug: Things do work out in the end don't they!!

Laurie - How is your shoulder feeling? You must be thankful that it is Friday also!! Hope your work day goes by quickly and you get to enjoy a beautiful weekend!!

Phylis - Hello my friend, hope your eyes are not driving you too crazy!! I miss your quick wit and wonderful sense of humour !! Here are some sprinkles to cheer you up today!

Alright, its time to get dressed, dr. appt at 12:30 for a prescription renewal, mail huge parcel, get a couple of pages printed off at the printers and then a visit with my sister. I will try to do some shopping downtown too. Oh and I am having a peekaboo beans virtual party starting today too. That's the clothing line that my daughter is selling, so if anyone is interested in some great quality clothing for their kids or grandkids, let me know and I will hook you up with a link to the website. Have a great Friday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon. I am one tired but happy lady. Yesterday went to Philly to see the Men's college hockey semi finals (frozen four) and the two games were amazing. The first was 5-4 Union over Boston College but a lot of the goals were scored when BC pulled the goalie with over 2 min to go. It was hectic and great saves. It was a upset. The second game was against to power house teams (Minnesota and North Dakota) who came with ice skating cheerleaders and a golden gopher mascot. The game was scoreless with less that 10 min to go in the 3rd period. Minnesota scored first but 36 seconds later ND tied the game. ND was given a power play with 1 min and 40 secs left in game. However it was Minnesota who scored short handed with 0.6 of a second remaining in the game. ND was stunned and devastated. So glad that I have no vested interest just enjoying good hockey. We did not get home until 1am and then I was up at 6:30 because I have an early morning hair cut appt. Then tonight I have a NJ Devils hockey game and a fireworks display. Must nap this afternoon. LOL. Got some good photos.

Chris so glad that your Lyme Dr. got you to cut back on your cleaning - awesome to hear you DH is stepping up. Things do work out!

Trudy have fun out and about today doing your errands. Things here are really starting to bloom. Happy walking.

Have a great day all!