
Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 14


The Loopy-O
Hello and Happy Monday to you all. And a :bday to our Trudy!
What fun plans do you have to celebrate your day?

Today is the kids' first day off for Spring Break. They get just this one week, since they had to take away next Monday due to using way too many snow days. Not that I get a week off, grumble, grumble. But its all good....after this week I'll be almost half way through treatment. yay!

And OMG- the weather here this past weekend and today has been stunning!!!! Yesterday we did our (almost) 2 mile walk, and it felt great. Then I spent the afternoon fighting with my computer and Photoshop and Shutterfly. I still have 2 more pages to do for my book and the coupon expires tomorrow. :ranger: I have to get them done today. I am off to rads, then cleaning my one house this week. I had to keep my friend Maureen's house. She is the one who makes me laugh! And her house is small, so I should be back home by 1pm.
Just in time for a shower and a nap LOL

No, no!! Just in time for a shower and coffee and scrapping.... Nap is going to have to come later. But look at me, actually admitting that I need naps/rest times. I am getting spoiled. ;)

Me Me Monday-- :sleepy:

How about you?


The Loopy-O
Nancy- the bird watching sounds spectacular! I hope that today you have some down time in there. You amaze me how much you do.

Laurie- good for you getting those seeds in. Gary just started some red peppers, our kale is coming back too. And we planted some garlic bulbs that seem to be coming back as well. I wonder if he is going to try that potato barrel again this year. No luck with it last year, you apparently need a special kind of potato, not the ones you get at Shop Rite;)



Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday, Trudy!! hope you have a lovely day!! :bday:

Chris, you can't use store potatoes in the barrel thing. store potatoes are sprayed with something to prevent sprouting.

gotta get off now. the desktop computer screen is not my friend.

everybody, have a great day!!:becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning! My hockey season is over. Went in to Newark early to eat and go to the Devils fan fest. We ate at Hell's Kitchen LOL. Boys had Devil Dogs for lunch too funny. Got our special 5+ season ticket holder pins. Devils won defeated Boston 3-2 and it was probably Martin Brodeur's last game as a Devil. He still wants to play but Devils have Cory Schneider now. We also learned that our coach is coming back. I am glad as I like him a lot. Now it is two days off and then the play-offs begin. It is so fun to watch when I do not care who wins. But I will be hoping Boston does well. Today I am taking my DIL to the airport. She is heading to her girlfriend's for the vacation week from school. Should be a fun trip for her.

Trudy Happy Birthday! Hope you have plenty of sunshine and a really fun day!

Chris glad you realize you need a nap! Enjoy the more relaxed week with the kids home.

Phylis so sad that your eyes are still not working correctly.

Have a great day all.


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies. :)

Chris, I am so glad that you are enjoying the weather. Hopefully the front that moved through us yesterday doesn't destroy that for you! I am so jealous of your gardening skills. I can't even keep a houseplant alive. I don't really have the patience for it either though. Kale, garlic, potatoes, red peppers....definitely my kind of garden!

Nancy - How was Hell's Kitchen? I bet it was interesting. It's always bittersweet when a season comes to an end. Time to recharge. Our nearby college football team is like a pro team to us because we have no pro teams. The coach was embattled this year and they stood by him and kept him. So I think the break is good for the fans (and probably him) to recharge.

Laurie - How's it going?? :) Windy and rainy still? That's how our day started yesterday. The temp dropped and dropped and we ended up with a couple of inches of snow. After having almost 80 degree weather on Saturday!

T - I totally feel your daughter's pain. What kind of dog is ZLS again? Even the "hypoallergenic" ones make me itch and sneeze now. (They didn't when I was a kid.) But the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier doesn't seem to be anywhere near as bad. That will be so hard for you guys if you can't keep him. :-( Hang in there!

Chris - again - It sounds like you had an amazing time with your friend. So glad you did! It recharges you to have those nights doesn't it? What a special moment at the end though. I can tell there were some powerful forces pulling you guys together then. I have never heard of Alex and Ani. I will have to check them out. Matt is home for now. He has a lot of work to do from home now. They could call him back out again. I'm pretty sure that would happen until after Easter though. Ben has gone the last two nights without night terrors. So maybe he's done now. But he was coughing the night before last and has had medicine both nights, so I think it wasn't the most regular of sleep.

Laurie - Raspberries? Nummy! Do they require any effort? LOL

I'm home with Ben today. He's still coughing. I'm starting to get gunky. I've been joking over and over that I was going to take a "sick day" because I haven't taken one all year. Then yesterday, I was thinking about staying home with Ben because it would be an ok day to sit and get an assignment done, laundry done, etc. My sub wouldn't have too much trouble. Then I started coughing last night too and I'm gunky this morning. :-( Oh well. Brought it on myself! LOL At least I'm not super sick and can still get things done.

Ok girls. I should go eat breakfast and get my laundry hung up. My shirts are all sitting flat on the dryer in a pile and I really need to get them on hangers. And figure out what to wear this week. :) I also intend to scrap two pages and work on an assignment. Good lazy sick day. Talk to you later ladies!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies!! What a wonderful way to wake up!! All of these great birthday wishes are so appreciated!! You are such great friends to me

Chris - I am so happy for you that you are finally having such beautiful weather!! Good for you for getting out and going for your long walks! Read your post from the other day and what a wonderful thing that lady did for you!! Brought a tear to my eye, because you just don't hear that many tender hearted stories anymore!! There are still some great people in the world! You are one of them and I know that you will pass that bracelet on to the next one that desperatley needs it!! :hug:

Phylis - Thanks for the birthday wishes! Sorry that you can not spend much time on the computer these days!! Sure hope your eyes improve soon!! We miss you here!! :hug:

Nancy - Moving over and making room on the couch for you, We can cheer on the Bruins together!! LOL Can't wait for the playoffs to begin so that we can see the better players on the ice again!! Eating at Hell's Kitchen sounds like fun!! Hope you are enjoying the warmer temps and sunshine!!

Sara - Uggh!! Sounds like you are getting that darn virus that is spreading everywhere!! Sure hope it does not get any worse for you!! I am busy doing :washing: today also and should really get the clothes out of the dryer soon so they are not all wrinkled. Enjoy your time at home, hopefully it won't be spent feeling gunky all day!! :hug:

Ok this birthday girl needs some breakfast and I really need to start being a better CherryO too!! Time to leave some love in the gallery and get some pages done! Have a great day all!! I am hoping hubby takes me out for a nice dinner tonight! :wave: