
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 30


The Loopy-O
Can I just bitch and moan about the freaking weather here? It is freezing!!! Brutally cold for almost May and windy and rainy. We put our electric fireplace on in the afternoon because I could get warm at all. i think we got up to 41* yesterday. After such a long and cold winter, I am ready for some heat here! I promise, I will not complain about hot and humid. Not that I did anyway, but c'mon, Mother Nature...Please!!!???

Not much else going on here. Same old same old. Guess that is good though, right?

I wish/want Spring Weather!!!


The Loopy-O
Hey Laurie- we are supposed to be getting that heavy rain today. Some areas of NJ-- 3-4 inches. I hope that it is not us, or we are going to have a swimming pool in our basement. I asked Gary if there was any way to put buckets under the leaks in the basement wall and just empty them, and all he could do was look at me and laugh. It was a thought. ;)
Hope your basement stayed dry!

Nancy- Good for you for figuring that car stuff out. I used to be much more reliant on myself. Its a good feeling. I personally haven't seen any bears yet, but I hope that I do. They are so cute and make me remember why I moved way up here, away from highways and malls and general society heh.

Trudy- hope you got lots of time with your book. I figured out how to listen to audiobooks on my phone in my car so that gives me something to listen to instead of commercials and crappy music/news.yay!
hahaha! That is so funny that you remember how the bears took off with our bear can last year. Now we keep it chained to our fence.

Jane- great to hear that your mom is doing well.

Sara, hope that the concert wasn't to crazy to tape. Is Ben's Communion this weekend?

Awesome news about that needle tx Laurie!

Eva! Looooove the hair/avi!!
Yeah, I hear ya on the 2nd time around. It can be a bit of a let down. But if you explain that him that is normal, it might be better for him to expect it so when it happens its not such a shock?

Ok time for me to run, love you all!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- forgot I messed with the alarm last week and it is set for pm not am- just woke up. Anyways I broke my favorite coffee mug with lid last night while doing dishes- guess that is an excuse for a new one. I finished my last layout for the month. After work, I am going to help a co-worker with her photos. Think I will take my computer along just in case!


Well-Known Member
Enter the OTHER Weather Bitch!! (MEEEE!!!) :rant: if it doesn't stop raining, i'm going to just go live in the basement. i can't take looking out the window at this mess for another day!!!!! Chris, i sympathize with you. it's fairly cold here, too. ENOUGH!!

hi to everyone. just a fly-by. have to go visit one of my aunts today, will meet up there with my sister. driving on a truck-filled interstate in the pouring rain is not my favorite thing. i think i will be cranky today. :twitch: and double :twitch:

hope the sun is shining where you are. if you're anywhere in the Eastern US, i doubt you'll see the sun today. :hurt:

have a good one, guys. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning and yes it is raining and has been raining on and off since yesterday. I did get my walk during a short rain stoppage. My Aunt from Colorado called yesterday and I spent a good 90 min catching up with her. She is a sweetie and in her 80s and she really wants my sister and I to go visit this summer. I am sure we will. I love listening to her stories of growing up with my mom. I never answer the phone when I don't know the number but it was from Colorado so I took a chance. Sure glad I did. Watched hockey and scrapped.

Chris I too am never going to complain about the heat this summer either! It can't get here soon enough.

Phylis have a great visit with your Aunt.

Laurie so sorry about the mug.

Trudy I will not being seeing in blue smoke as I know the Bruins can take care of the Habs.

Jane so glad your mother came through the surgery so well. I am sure she is so grateful she can recover at your home.

Eva love the hair!

Sara hope the taping went well!

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Getting ready to head off this afternoon to a different conference this weekend. DH is going too but will mostly go off birding on his own while I'm attending genealogy stuff. He's not happy it's supposed to rain everyday!

Eva, love the hair color! You look adorable.

Sorry for the weather everywhere it seems.

Hope you have a good day despite it. ;)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am sorry that you are all having such lousy weather!! We are finally out of the :rain: and cold and are having a beautiful sunny warm day. Don't hit me please

Chris - Glad that you have been able to listen to your audio book!! I am disappointed that the second book I am listening to has some hiccups to it and I am going to have to find a replacement I think. it is making me frustrated! Sending you some sunshine today, but doesn't sound like it will make it this week :sorry:

Laurie - that just ruins the whole day when the alarm does not go off! Hope you find a good replacement mug, I am alway on the lookout for a nice coffee mug, one that is just for me. Hope your day at work goes by quickly and you happy that you got your last layout done, I will have to check it out!

Phylis - Sorry the weather is making you miserable!! Driving on a truck filled rainy highway does not sound like something I would like to do either!! Wish they had separate roads for the the big rigs!! I could not believe how many were on the road when we did our trip down the Oregon Coast! Its scary!!

Nancy - Nice to know that you will be cheering those Bruins on with us tomorrow! Hubby figures they will go to six games, but the Bruins will come out on top, hope so or boy will he be grumpy !! :becky: Sounds like your Auntie is a lovely lady, I had a favourite Auntie too, she was very English and would tell us all about my father's side of the family, loved her so much!

Jean - Enjoy your conference, sorry that you will be in the crappy weather! Hope your hubby finds some interesting birds while he is out in the wet!

Ok my back is still killing me and it might be time to see the Chiropractor? Off for a walk to see if that helps to take the stiffness away. Enjoy your day everyone even if it is going to be a wet one . :wave: