
Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 21, The Icky Monday Edition


The Loopy-O
Yup, it's Monday and already off to a rocky start. Thank goodness that Caitlyn gets up on her own but knows that I always bring her a cup of coffee as soon as I get up. For some reason, either my alarm didn't go off or I slept through it, but she came to wake me up at 5.30. But she brought me coffee instead, so that was a good thing :tea:

Catzilla is also in rare form ATM, so I am going to post this and try to ignore her as best as I can, but its not working so well.

Hope that you all had a wonderful Easter and have a fantastic Monday too!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- off to a busy start for me- therapy before work at 7:40, then if my schedule goes as it was written, a very busy day from 8:30 until 6pm followed by home and crash- well, maybe not. It is supposed to be nearly 80 today. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
my plan today includes eating my low-carb toast, then going outside in a bit to try out my new edger. so much yard work to do, so little time.

have a happy Monday! :becky:

p.s. the Eye Blob remains....


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone. Sounds definitely like Monday is off to a wobbly start. Sorry for that!

Mine has been fine, but that's because I don't have to go anywhere. :) I'm working on Ben's First Communion invites. I've redone it several times and still don't like it. I think it's because I don't like the colors in the kit I bought. But, I need to get them done today and mailed tomorrow.

Matt wants us to make homemade Kind bars and I want us to go look at beds. We hate the one we bought in the fall and we can return it and get a different one. I'm scared to commit though...what if I hate that one too?

Chris - Sorry you got behind this morning! 5:30 is awfully early. Even if it was late for you.

Laurie - Hope the day goes well!

Phylis - What are we going to do with that darn eye blob?? I wish it would go away!

Well, Ben's finally awake and I should make him some breakfast. Have a great day everyone!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... sounds like a typical crappy Monday morning!! We are hoping that the rain holds off today so we can finally get our soil for the front yard! Hubby has today off and he also took Thursday off, so he has been underfoot for 5 days now
. Oh well getting lots of yard work done! But if the weather turns bad, it could get ugly around here
LOL I need to have some scrap time and get caught up here!!

Chris - How sweet that Cait brought you your morning coffee!! Hope the rest of your Monday goes smoothly!!

Laurie - Hope the therapy session goes well this morning! Wow what a change in temps for you!! No spring for you, just directly into summer!!

Phylis - sounds like you will be busy in your yard today also! Stock up on Advil!! I have been living on the stuff lately between my darn crown giving me trouble and all this yard work I have been on a steady diet of the stuff!

Sara - Thats too bad that you don't like the colour of the kit you bought! Perhaps you could change the colour a bit using the hue/saturation on your photoshop? Enjoy your Monday!!

Ok off to get breakfast for me and DH, he is watching the weather but I have not heard any complaining yet, so perhaps it will be ok! Hope that you all have a great start to this week!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - a very late post from me. Missed wishing every one a happy Easter so I will say it now! Had a great day as I got in a good walk and made it home to watch hockey - I sound so predictable LOL. Went out to a lovely Easter dinner with my girlfriend's family and then to her house for desserts. So nice. Had a nice talk with my son. He is so funny. Now today I was up and out of the house by 6:50 am as my car had to go in for a recall problem. But luckily my son does the servicing so I know it will be done correctly. Came home to relax and watch hockey but all it did was leaving me questioning. Bad calls that are never explained just ruin the game. But the San Jose Sharks came back to win 7-2 over the Kings so that made me happy.

Chris sorry you Monday started out so badly but I would take the positive and realize how wonderful it was to have coffee served to me by such a loving daughter.

Phylis have fun working in the yard. Hoping the eye is getting better.

Sara hope you find a bed you like and get your invites done.

Laurie sounds like a busy day!

Trudy so glad the Bruins came back and have shown Detroit that the Bruins are for real. Glad you had a nice Easter in your yard.

Have a great day all!


Mistress of Mayhem
Best thing about Easter is that today is a holiday here in Sweden. DH have had a long weekend off (1/2 day Thursday, and then Friday-Monday off). We've gotten a lot of things done in and around the house. Can you believe: in the bottom of that HUGE pile of junk I had beside my computer was a table?!?!!! Who would have guessed? Apparently it's been a while since we last saw it, cause Mario got totally scared and didn't dare to walk on it without all the junk on top of it LOL That cat is stupid :)

I have some more stuff that needs to be done, but today it's so hot it feels like my brain is melting. Maybe later ... or probably not since it's 6 pm already here LOL


Well-Known Member
Ok...one off-site purchased kit and two Oscraps kits later, I ditched all of that and went with my stand by papers and Merkee's Cross It. *sigh* Don't you hate it when you kind of waste your time?



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi Eva... hope you manage to get the rest of your purging done!! You will be amazed how liberating it is!! :becky:

Sara - That invite looks fabulous!! Perfect colours for your young man's big day!! But ya, it is kinda crappy when you waste your time with things you just know are not the right fit!!