
Daily Ooo's: Friday, April 18


The Loopy-O
:clap2: Yay for Friday! And double yay for my dr telling me not to work. Can somebody *please* tell me WTF I was thinking that I could do all of that?? I must have been totally :loco:

As it is, I have a stupid crazy day. I have to get to the food store by 7.30 so I can get back and unpacked by 9 and then leave here by 9.30. Yesterday, it took me almost 50 minutes to get there. They are doing tree work on the side of the highway for maybe a 1/4 mile. But they have the lanes closed over a mile in advance and the traffic had to have been backed up for at least 2 miles. At least Scott was with me and that gave us some time to talk.
Today, I have to decide if I want to get gas in town and pay 10 cents more a gallon and then take the back roads to the hospital or try the highway again and get gas at the cheaper place. Its probably worth it to pay the extra and not have the aggravation.

My BIL had his wrist surgery yesterday so I should hear how he made out today. They were fusing some of the bones in his wrist due to major ligament damage. I hope everything went well. He said that he was hoping to be out coaching his DD's softball games on Saturday. I think he is crazier than I am LOL

Crud, I have to post this, and then get into the shower. What a PITA that is. I swear tomorrow I don't care how much I smell, I am not taking a shower. I might just stay in my pj's all day and revel in the fact that I don't have to go anywhere!

Finish It Friday
My brain cannot even go there. Too much to do.

::grouphug to all of you!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- yay for sunshine! Even if it is cold, the sun makes the day so much better, doesn't it. Enjoy your weekend off.
How did the meeting with the basement guy go? I hope that you can get everything done that you need to- and I hope that you don't ever get water in there again!

Sara! A girl after my own heart-- PJ day!!!
Ugh to that family drama. Hugs to Ben-- its crazy how dramatic these weather shifts are. I can't keep up! Hope Ben is feeling better today. FAFSA mtg went ok, the man said that they don't process Fall apps until June. Had they just told me that in the beginning, I wouldn't have worried. But everyone kept saying 2 weeks. Thats a big difference! I think that Scott should be eligible for Pell Grants and his school is dirt cheap ($120 a credit!) whew! so he shouldn't have too much debt, at least for the next 2 years. What he does after that and where he goes, that will be another issue but not one I have to deal with today :)

Yes, come to NJ!!!!!!

Nancy- glad that your son was able to get that purse to the right people, and awesome about the tip! Gary and I once found a wallet with several 100 in cash. We took it into the nearest shop and popped back in a few hours later to see if it was picked up. No tip for us. Oh well! At least we know we did the right thing.
You are so good for getting in your walks, I haven't had a chance since last Sunday.

Hi Trudy! Hope that you had a nice visit with your GF!

Enjoy the day sweeties!!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- I was thinking when I woke up that I had a very busy day yesterday, but felt like I accomplished lots more than usual. Must be because hubby home early and because I have today off. We will find out later today what our basement options are. We have been told because the area is soooo large we will qualify for palette discounts- yeah us. Soon we will head to town to take 2/3 vehicles in. Then a not so nice weather day and I need to work in the basement so that will be on my agenda, that and uploading some layouts that I have done and not had time to share. Have a beautiful day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Can somebody *please* tell me WTF I was thinking that I could do all of that??

yeah, Chris. like no one EVER tells you to STOP IT!!!!!!! :rant: glad you're taking the advice to heart at last. slow down! :becky:

Sara, that pollen/Death Star thing made me laugh out loud. i just checked the allergy status on a website for that, and we're in Deep Trouble. i don't sneeze a lot, but, wow, have i been worn out and stuffy lately!

putting the final touches on our Easter trip to The Grandmen and Peanut this weekend. taking something as large as Easter Dinner on the road takes some planning and cooking and baking and packing. and lots of coolers and bags full o' things. we're having Easter dinner tomorrow, then coming back home on Easter Sunday, so everyone can get to work on Monday.

everyone have a beautiful weekend. begin again.


Well-Known Member
Well - after a flurry of nasty texts and dinner with my dad, the decision about Easter because easier and I am content to let things go. (No Disney song needed.) My dad and his wife are having brunch on Easter and we will go there and then do whatever we want after that. Yay!

Chris - Take a breath in there girl! Please don't push yourself too much today. Find some good audiobooks for the car!

Laurie - I'm glad you were productive, but between the basement and the cars it sounds like you've got some expenses ahead! Yikes!!

Phylis! I'm glad to see you. My husband bought two "room air filters". They look like standing fans almost, but they are supposed to filter the air and they have a light that is supposed to help kill germs and sanitize. Who knows if they actually work, but he has been running them nonstop and I feel a little better inside. Could be psychological though.

I really have to finish my project. I had planned on doing it yesterday, but the dumb emotional drama and tech problems we had at school sidelined me. We have to get Ben new shoes and go to the grocery store. Dye eggs...that sort of stuff. We'll see how much we get done. I decided to make rice krispy eggs for the kids like Ben wanted, Strawberry Trifle like my in-laws all want, and Salted Caramel Butter bars like I want! We'll see if I can get it all done! :)

I love days off!

Trudy and everyone else who pops in later...have an awesome day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Friday ladies!! I had a great day with my girlfriend and we went on a 2 hr walk on the Friendship Trail that leads into town, so pretty! Then we had lunch at this cute little place downtown. Mulligatawny Soup it was sooooooo good!! Talked and talked and just had a very nice time together. Crown is now in place on my tooth and so I was a bit tender in the mouth, but feeling much better today! So now this morning I am up at 5am tired of tossing and turning around!! On to my second cup of coffee and get this day going. Lots of yard work today, bring in new mulch and perhaps some soil to build up the front lawn. It has sunk a bit over the past few years and it really needs to be levelled out again. Ouch my aching back from all that shovelling !! :becky:

Chris - Glad that you have finally seen the light and are going to stop doing so much!! Its about time girl!! Hope you get to stay in your PJ's all day tomorrow and to hell with the shower!!
We can't smell you over the computer screen so its fine with us if you start to get a bit ripe :becky:

Laurie - Don't know how you do all that you do? Working on getting your basement done again must be so frustrating :frusty: Hope the weather improves for you and you get to enjoy some sunshine! You deserve it!! :hug:

Phylis - You get to see the Grandmen and your little peanut!!! How wonderful! What a wonderful grandma you are to supply Easter Dinner too!! I will hopefully be able to FaceTime or Skype with all of my grand babies. Packages have all been sent and have arrived at their destinations. So hopefully they are appreciated! Have fun with your little ones and safe journey my friend!! Happy Easter

Well I am off to start some breakfast and get this day started, hope you all have a wonderful friday and special Easter Weekend!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi Sara :wave: Sounds like you have a busy day planned!! Have fun dyeing eggs!! I miss that!!


Well-Known Member
good morning - had a fun day as I went to an autograph signing by NJ Devil Adam Henrique. My son came too so it was fun and stressful to go with him. We went late and it was perfect. The line was not long so there was not much pressure to move quickly you actually had time to talk to him. He is a cutie so there were lot of young girls there. Lots of good hockey to watch. One game went to a 3rd overtime. I had to go to bed so did not see the ending. More hockey to watch tonight.

Chris glad you are taking your doctor's advice.

Laurie always fun to feel you got a lot accomplished.

Sara so glad that you have figured out your Easter plans.

Phylis have a great time with your grand men and lady! Have a safe trip!

Trudy sounds like a wonderful day with your girlfriend. Have fun with your yard and careful with your back. Go Bruins!

Have a great day all!