
Daily Ooo's: April 19-20, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy Weekend my lOvely O-Fam! I am so happy today that 1. I have nowhere to go and 2. I took my last Tindamax aka abx from Hell yesterday. Hopefully things will be looking up!

I now have two weeks down for rads and 2 1/2 to go. I got this, I really do. Yesterday, I ended up waiting for my treatment b/c the machine fritzed out and needed to be reset. One of the other women waiting with me was talking about her chemo and my heart just breaks. It makes me realize how damn lucky I am even when it doesn't feel that way.

Today I am dying Easter eggs with My Four Kids -- my biological 2, Scott's GF and Cait's BFF.:) I am still scraping glitter off my my table from last year so I am sure it will be a good time.

That is about it, I hope that you all have a wonderful day and if you celebrate, Happy Easter!


The Loopy-O
My SIL emailed me an x-ray of BIL's wrist-- he has so many screws in there, he looks bionic. I asked her if I could start calling him Darth Vader. :jedi: But he seems to be ok and is staying on top of the pain.

hey Laurie! Goodluck with the basement estimates and I hope you get as many discounts as you can. I have some LO's I have to post too, thanks for the reminder!

Phyllis- who me???? Ignore good advice??? :rofl:
Have a wonderful weekend with the grands!!!!!

Sara I am glad that Easter worked out, even though it sounded like it was pretty tense for a bit. Can I come too, all of those desserts sound delish!!!

Trudy- ow! I bet your back is hurting with all of that yard work. Can you take a nice long bath today? Your walk and time with your GF sounds wonderful!

Nancy- I am going to have to google Adam Henrique- all hockey players are cute, so he must me something special ;)

Hope that everyone who stops by today has a fab day!!! xoxo


Well-Known Member
Good morning dearies!

Chris, I'm so glad that you have a day to do what you want at home. I bet you will have a blast coloring eggs! We did ours yesterday with food coloring. Never done that before and it made me so paranoid. But they certainly are bright eggs! We were going to save some white ones to draw on with sharpies, but Ben wanted to color them all. We'll see if we end up wanting to draw on them now that they are colored.

We stuffed eggs and made rice krispy treat eggs. And I made the salted caramel butter bars...mmmmm. I just have to make the strawberry trifle. And I get my hair done today which is awesome.

My hypochondriac, drama filled cousin tried to text me that she was sorry yesterday. I responded with that I knew she was sorry. I was just done talking about it all. Then she said she was going to the oncologist next week. I said I was very sorry to hear that and she never sent anything back. I'm sure she thought my reply was cold...not asking for details or anything. But she makes so much of this stuff up. And she is constantly sick, in the hospital, getting treatment, etc. And most of it is exaggerated. It's exhausting. I am very sorry to hear it and I will send help her way if she truly is sick, but I can't take her drama anymore. I'm too old for it. Family...you can't pick 'em!

That's about all I got. I'm excited for the nice weekend. Nice family time the next couple of days and then we still have Monday to recoup! Yay!

You all have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
good morning - the sun is shining and should be up near 65 degrees. I will be walking for sure. Yesterday I walked to my local bagel store only to find it was shut for renovations so I walked to another which is good as it was a further walk. Came back and my girlfriend could not walk so I did another and then 5 pm she txted to ask if I wanted to walk. How funny was that so I got in 3 good walk. Also did lots of laundry. Wish I could put the winter duds away but going to wait a bit longer LOL. Having fun watching hockey but not much scrapping though I am taking my photo a day.

Chris sounds like you have a great day coming up. Enjoy the sun!

Sara it is so true that you cannot chose your family. Wow all that baking sounds pretty good. Colored eggs I remember those days.

Everyone have a great day!


Mistress of Mayhem
Easter is the most effing boring holiday of them all. Not even any good food traditions (other than candy, candy, candy) that are worth bothering about. We celebrated today by vacuuming the house. DH downstairs and I upstairs (win for me - upstairs are smaller than downstairs LOL)

It's only Saturday, and I'm already sick of it.

Am I the party pooper or what? :D


lOve the O!
Good afternoon all. I am chained to the basement, cutting out the wedding invite covers I said I would help with for a friend. It is a tedious process and I have put it off for far too long. We have not heard about the basement yet. It is not as warm today as yesterday. Tomorrow will be nice. I will plan on getting out after Easter dinner to work off a few of the calories I am sure I will be eating!!


The Loopy-O
Happy Easter my sweet O-Fam! I know that this is a special and joyous day for many of you!
It looks like it is going to be a nice day here, the sun is shining and we should be near 60*. I *finally* mopped my kitchen floor yesterday. Then I had to do it again after scott spilled coffee. Then had to wipe a few more spots later, then had to do the same after I spilled crap. See? This is why I shouldn't even bother, right? :p

I know Phyllis will be proud of me on this one- I started scrubbing at my fridge, and stove and got a bit winded. So I called my mom to say hi and to make myself take a break. well, my mom was so stressed about everything, getting mad at my dad and my brother (who wasn't even there!) and I had to tell her to chill out. I knew she was getting into that Bad Head Loop (I know that one well, personally LOL) and had to yell at her a bit to get her to stop it. She gets worked up, my dad and brother start to needle her and instead of telling them to shut up, it ends up eating at her. For Years. No lie/exaggeration. Years.
But she called me back a bit later and said that she was feeling better. She always says I am right but she has a hard time changing how she reacts. Don't we all?

Anyway, we are having Easter up here, but the only thing I am cooking are Deviled Eggs. And I think only my parents and Leah's mom are coming so it will be small and cozy.

Sara, by the time the kids got "ready" to dye the eggs, I was ready to move on to my next project, so I didn't really get to enjoy it as much as I had hoped. But they had fun and I guess that is what matters. And I didn't take one photo. I am in a photo-rut. Scrap rut, photo rut, its so bad.
Yum yum!! I really want to come to your house!!! Sounds so good! Did you ever post the recipes for the salted caramel bars? If not, can you do that for me, they sound soooo good!
I wanted to make Matzoh Crack but never got around to that either.
That is too bad about your cousin. Its a hard choice but you can only handle so much drama.(OTOH, I swear that all of you must think the same about me and my crazy life!!!! if I didn't know I was real, I would think I was a Troll for sure!!! :rofl:)
Have a great day!

Nancy-- all of those walks!! Awesome! Are legs sore at all? I was able to get a walk in yesterday with my friend. It was cold when the wind blew but nice when it wasn't.

Eva- hah!! At least you made out ok with the vacuuming. Its kind of a boring holiday for me as well. But at least we get Italian Easter Pie!!!yum!!! Cait went down this year to help my mom so between the two of us, we can continue the tradition when my mom no longer can.

laurie- hope that you had some good music or tv on while you were doing all of that cutting.
I am so excited, Orphan Black started Season 2 last night!
Sara, do you watch that? If you don't, I think that you will like it. Sort of sci-fi, geeky stuff, but just amazing.
Enjoy your dinner today Laurie- are any of the kids coming or will it just be you and YMG?

Trudy and Phyllis and everyone else- hope you are all enjoying good food and family time!



Well-Known Member
Happy Easter everyone!

We have gotten up and done the basket and egg thing. (I had to delay Ben so I could go hide the eggs...he never wakes up before us, but he did today!) We are headed to church shortly and then to pick up donuts and have brunch at my dad's house. Should be a nice morning.

Chris dear - I definitely don't think the same thing of you. You are so happy in the face of adversity. Her complete opposite. And you don't manipulate people and suck everything out of them. And...you stay with your family. You don't cheat on your husband or run away constantly to other cities for "work". Please don't ever compare yourself to her! You are not a troll!

Here's the salted caramel bars recipe: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/56646907786719771/

Nancy - I wished I walked as much as you do! It would be great for me! I hope the weather keeps holding out for you!

Eva - You are funny. If you are not all that religious, Easter is a bit of a bummer. Hang in there!!

Laurie - I hope you got out of the basement! I too am going to have consumed far too many calories at dinner last night and brunch today. Roll me home please!

Well - I'm off to take some allergy medicine before church. Have a great Easter day ladies!!


lOve the O!
Happy Easter O fam!! We have been to service- my husband bought donuts for breakfast, so I am going to eat everything in the name of love today. No music yesterday the cutting machine makes a horrible racket! Today if I go poke out the pieces I will play videos on my laptop. Yesterday I scrapped!! I even uploaded a layout before we left for church at 6:15 and church was packed when we got there! Time to scrap before we head out to brunch. I need to put my finch feeder out, just saw and hear one. Maybe I will even get the hummer feeder out as well.


Mistress of Mayhem
Even when I was a church goer, I always avoided Easter and Christmas. Place is crowded then LOL I think it's just we never had any traditions around Easter - not even a particular kind of food to eat. It's just candy. And nowadays you eat candy everyday, it's not that special anymore.

It's the rebel punk teen girl still alive and kickin in me :D


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies!! Happy Easter to you all!!
I have been very MIA lately, but with good reason! I have been the mulch spreading queen of my neighbourhood LOL. Sore back, sore legs, but everything looks so much better in our front yard. If the weather cooperates we will be getting lots of soil to put on the front lawn to build it back up. Then we will be spreading more mulch in the backyard. Also purchased a few new plants for the front, a purple dwarf rhododendron , a japanese barberry and a pretty fuchsia coloured Azalea. So lots of spring colours for our front yard. :love:

Chris - Say hi to your mom from me, hope that she is feeling better and not letting those darn boys get to her!! I hope you have a wonderful Easter dinner with your family!! You are not a troll!!! Believe me you are NOT a troll!!

Sara - Hope Ben had fun finding his Easter Eggs!! I really do miss all that fun! Hope you enjoyed getting your hair done!! I always love that too! We have a couple of nut cases in our family too!! I think that everyone must have!! I have chosen to not associate with one of them as she is a soul drainer!! Exhausting!! Just not worth listening to, they make bad choices in their lives, but we should not be the ones to have to deal with them!! Hope you have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

Eva - Sorry you are not enjoying Easter! Perhaps you need to make your own traditions for this holiday and pick some of your favourite foods to serve! Make it a special day in your own way!

Laurie - Sounds like you have been very productive over the last couple of days! I wish I had your cutting machine!! Maybe one day!! right now I can't even get a layout done, no time with my DH always needing me to help him with the yard work :mmph: but it really is nice to be outside all day!! Enjoy your Easter brunch!!

Now I have to get some breakfast (brunch more like it) and then get back out in the yard to do a bit of weeding before the next truckload of mulch gets picked up. Send me strength and lots of Advil please!! :becky: Enjoy your Easter everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
just a fast fly-by to say Happy Easter! (except not to you, Eva. :pound:) just got off the Turnpike from the whirlwind trip to visit the Grandpeople. whew. time for a nap.....:becky: