
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, April 22, Better than Monday Edition


The Loopy-O
Whew! Much better so far this morning. I really don't know what happened to my alarm yesterday. I wonder if I turned it off in sleep? It went off perfectly fine today. I am on my second cup of coffee and will be ready to rock and roll.

I had to get weighed yesterday after treatment and ugh, I gained 2 lbs in the past week. I know that might not sound like a lot but since I am so short, it really is. All of this eating and sleeping is not good. I need a little bit of balance. I tried to do some yard work yesterday. I felt like I was getting ready for battle. I had tight leggings, socks pulled over them and then work boots. I braided my hair and then pinned the whole thing up and then sprayed the crap out of me! Came, in, did a tick check, showered again, and put my pjs on and took a nap. I got one small garden cleaned and was trying to rescue the daffodils that are buried under the road grit from the winter when I realized that even sitting down and doing that, was too much. I also got my period, which is making me MISERABLE!!!!!! :yell: At least that explains a lot of the food cravings. I cannot wait to see the medical onc and figure out what my plan is for the hormone therapy. Maybe I can talk him into doing a total hysterectomy. Or ovary removal? Do you still get your period if they remove your ovaries?? OMG, I soooo done with this shit!


Sorry. I'll behave again. :tape:

Tip on Tuesday:
Stock up on Claritin, allergies are full-bore here. *sneeze*


The Loopy-O
Good morning Laurie- how did the PT go? Hope your day was not too busy. Did you ever hit 80? It was nice here, but only 60*

Phyllis- does this new edger mean you don't have to do it all by hand? Yuck to the Eye Blob!

Sara- you are prob like me that you are more critical than you need to be and they the invites are gorgeous, I was going to offer to check it out but I guess they are all done and ready to go?
What are Kind Bars? And thank you for the link to the caramel bars too :)
Good luck on the bed shopping.

Trudy- just wait until YMG is fully retired and home all of the time ...;)
Did the weather hold off for you and the yard work?

Nancy- bet you are loving this weather too! Keep enjoying your hockey!

Eva- our school was supposed to have yesterday off, but b/c of the amount of snow days we used up they had to take that one away and add an extra day on in June, The way my day started, I was ready to give up and say that I needed that day off anyway. Cait felt the same.
Poor Mario! LOL

Sara, that is so handsome, I love it! I am sorry that you went through all of the hassle, but the end result is great!!

Have a wonderful day my lOves!!!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- my therapy was rough- cause I want to be further ahead than I am. After therapy, I asked a co-worker to dry needle my right upper trap. I had never had this done- it is a therapy technique that uses a thin needle like accupunture. It was an experience- felt like a charlie horse tightening, but then totally released. He did three spots and it feels much better, arm and neck. I have to wait till next week for another treatment, but since I store my stress in my right upper trap (don't we all?) I will go for round two. I want to be able to move and stretch and not go - I should not have done that. I had 5 patients no show or cancel so that also made the day go much better and we shall see what today brings!


Well-Known Member
Chris, as you know, i'm hysterectomy fan. because of the cancer/hormone issue, you'd really have to get some guidance from a doc who knows about the interaction and what it means in your particular case. i have never regretted losing any Lady Parts. nothing but trouble after 40, IMHO.

Laurie, hope you're feeling better. the needle thing sounds fascinating!

i never got out with the edger yesterday. i did something apparently harmless around 8 a.m. and ended up nauseous for the entire day. so lots of sitting around, keeping my head still. ridiculous. :mmph: and now today it's supposed to rain, so no edging today. so i'm doing laundry instead. I WANT GOOD WEATHER!!!!! for WEEKS in a row!!! :rant:

enjoy Tuesday! :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning - Phylis I want good weather for weeks too! Yesterday was lovely high 60s and sun but late today the rain should start. I am going for a long walk around our local lake as everything is in bloom and I want to take some photos before the rain starts and washes all the blossoms away. I am taking a new Jana Morton blending class so I am learning some new techniques that I never think to use. It is fun to keep my brain working. I did not get my car back yet. Hopefully today it will be done. But since I don't need anything or I can walk it is all good. But luckily for me I still have one live hockey game to see. Turns out that my AHL Albany Devils made it to the play offs and they have a game Sat. night. It is only a 3 hour drive and so easy to get to the arena. They offered tickets for only 7 dollars so my son, DIL and DH are going to go up on Sat. Several of the players from my NJ Devils are now playing for the Albany Devils so it will be fun to see. Watching hockey on TV has me upset as there have been two blatant instances of players injuring their opponents. I will never understand the need to win being so important that you have to injure the other player.

Chris so glad today is starting out so much better. Phylis is so right about talking to a doctor about hysterectomy or drugs. You have to make sure the doctor knows you whole medical history.

Laurie that needle procedure sounds strange to me but so glad it has helped you. Took me a minute for figure out that a trap was a muscle not a trap like mouse trap LOL

Phylis hope you feel better today. You can look forward to ironing with all the laundry you are doing.

Trudy hope the rain stayed away and you got your lawn done. I know what you mean about having a husband under feet. LOL

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... starting the day off with sunshine and clear blue skies, why could it not have been like that yesterday??? Oh well we got two truck loads of soil and built up the side portion of our front yard. Its all flattened down and has grass seed planted, whew! Then the rain started so that ended our dirt flinging for the day.
I am not even sore today, so I guess that means I must be getting used to all of this shovelling, soon I will have buff arms LOL ya right!!

Chris - Ugghh I so do not miss having my period!! But I suffered with hot flashes and the whole nine yards with menopause!! Now it is pretty much settled down thank goodness! I know that you will lose those extra 2 lbs quickly, you just need to not worry about gaining some weight and just get all this other stuff dealt with and then worry about the weight thing!

Laurie - I have never heard of dry needle therapy? Sounds interesting! Glad that it did give you some relief!! Wow 5 patients cancelled on you?? What a crazy day at work you must of had! Hope that your next therapy visit goes well!

Phylis - Uggh on feeling nauseous all day long!! WTH is going on with you girl?? I will pray that the good weather gods send you lots of sunshine and warm temps so you can finally get a few days outside!! You could always come and help me shovel more dirt!! I still have about 8 more truck loads to do yet. Whoooopeeee!!!!

Nancy - Watching hockey on tv has me all upset too!! Did you see that goal that they dis-allowed on the Montreal Canadians???? There is no way that should have been waved off there was no interference with the goaltender and yes so many trying to hurt others on the ice! Its just gotten out of hand! Even DH is complaining about the officiating, makes you wonder where they get these guys from and how much it cost to pay them off?? Ok I will shut up now :tape: it just gets my blood boiling again. Enjoy your hockey game, a three hour drive is a long way to me!! But I know that you will have a great time!

Ok lots of housework to catch up on as I have not been able to get it done with hubby around, handing out orders and making me spend every waking moment doing things for him LOL Really he is not that bad, I just love my time alone during the week and him being here totally upset my routine :becky: Guess I better get used to it as Chris says, he will soon be home all the time
Have a great day everyone!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Trudy yes I saw it that goal/no goal for the Habs. Even though I know there is no conspiracy I think they so want a Montreal/Boston 2nd round, a Pittsburgh/NY 2nd round that that it seems they are doing little things to make so those team win. It makes my blood boil too and my DH puts up with my rants LOL. Go Bruins!


Well-Known Member
Just a quick hello to say...hello!! to all.

It's funny, I heard some man say Lady Parts recently and thought that was so coy. I still have all mine and was graced to have almost no menopause symptoms, other that periods that fseemed like hemorrhaging. My daughter said it best...on her first period she was so so excited to tell everyone. The next month she said..."How long does this stuff go on???" LOL

Today is my dh's 75th birthday and a day above ground is a good day. I'm the one with more complaints these days and am seeing a chiropractor since I decided that my torn achilles tendon and torn knee meniscus had to be connected. I truly dislike having my neck adjusted but the leg and hip stuff is fine. My pain is being minimized and if I am a good 'girl' and go to my pilates, aerobics and chair yoga I feel ..well almost like 60 again!!!

I know I'll gripe when the heat and humidity come back but right now I'm telling winter "Don't let the door slam you in the ass on your way out!" Be well ladies. <3


lOve the O!
WEll, today- everyone showed up and I had an add on. I am drinking the remainder of this am's coffee to keep me awake long enough to go to sleep!!