
***CLOSED*** October Challenge #5 - Poems & Lyrics

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All members that participate, can everyone
PLEASE ensure that you read all the rules for this challenge
so that you can claim your challenge points. Thank you!

Hi everyone, Sylvia here welcoming you to the Poems & Lyrics Challenge for October.

I hope you’ll all enjoy scrapping along with me.

♥ ♥ ♥

For this challenge I chose an old but very well known song as inspiration.


When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty
Will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart, what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows
Day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be

Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome
Will I be rich
I tell them tenderly

Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be.
Writer(s): Ray Evans & Jay Livingston


Now it's on you to choose an inspiration from this lyrics,
- a part of the song
- one or two sentences of the song
- even one word
- the full song

BUT the main title of your layout has to be

que sera, sera

my layout


I used



Have fun!


Can't wait to see how this song inspires you!

  1. Use the lyrics que sera, sera (watever will be, will be) as your inspiration.
  2. Your main title has to be que sera, sera.
  3. Please use 80% Oscraps products that are currently in the store.
  4. Non-Oscraps products or retired O designer products can be used whether the designer is selling elsewhere or not.
  5. You need to credit all the products used on your layout.
  6. Your page must be posted in the CHALLENGE 5 GALLERY by midnight PST 31 October 2023 and linked back to this thread (see below on how to add your linked layout).
  7. And do not forget to update the CURRENT MONTH'S TRACKING THREAD to be eligible for your coupon.

Adding a linked layout from the gallery to a thread:
  1. Upload your layout to the gallery first. In your forum post click the gallery embed icon (little camera).
  2. This will open your gallery, simply click on the layout you require, then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the continue button.
  3. Your linked layout is now in your post, the image will appear once you have clicked the post reply button.
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A very different take on Doris Day, but I had fun making it work in my book. ;)

What a great and creative take on the challenge. This is so cool. I always think it's great to think outside the box. Your layout is just perfect in every way.
Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.


This made me feel pretty nostalgic and a bit sad. I remember my mother singing this song so much when I was a little girl.

Yes, this song brings back many memories, especially when you are older. Your youth photo is just wonderful and so perfectly framed by your outstanding floral clusters.
Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.


So my page is a *little* different from yours. (just a tiny bit!)
My mind took me to a weird place, but it was a fun take on the challenge :p

The Spanish title is really inspiring and fits perfectly with the sombrero. Maybe he is waiting for the perfect woman or the lottery jackpot ... LOL. I love the stackings behind the photo and all the little accents The combination of your title and the string is just too cool. Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.


here is my page for the challenge (i added the translated journaling in the description box)
Brilliant AJ page. Your journaling is so true and you found the right words to express the meaning of the song title. I agree with you on everything. Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.


I love this song. I have never been that good with "que sera sera" but I'm trying to learn it now! As always, a fantastic challenge!

Gorgeous layout. I just love the masked photo and that everything is so beautifully composed. Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.


Hi Sylvia, thank you for hosting this challenge and the "Ohrwurm"! Can't get it out of my head :lalala:

Das war meine Absicht LOL ... :lalala:

Dein Layout ist so toll mit dem Rand oben. All die winzigen und so perfekt schattierten Akzente.
Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.




Thanks for the Challenge!!
I remember my Mom, singing along with Doris Day, with the old radio in the kitchen.

I love the couple in front of the sky line and the blended news print paper in the background. Your page is so harmonious and also nostalgic. Nicely done.
Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.


Great challenge, Sylvia! Thanks for the inspiration! I used to sing along with Doris Day when she would sing this at the opening of her TV show.....back in the day, LOL!

Happy belated birthday Vicky. I love the great photo of you both and how you have framed it. Your journaling is so touching and true.
Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.
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