
October Challenge #5 - Poems & Lyrics

October Challenge #5 - Poems & Lyrics

Sometimes there are those moments when I wonder what the future holds for me. The future is like an unwritten page, a blank canvas on which the brushstrokes of destiny will appear. "Que sera, sera."

This simple phrase, cloaked in the softness of Spanish, carries a profound message. It reminds me that there is beauty in the unknown, and that the path ahead will not always be clearly marked. It invites me to trust in the rhythm of life, to accept with an open heart what is to come.

How many times have people tried to predict the future, to control the course of events like a conductor controls an orchestra? But just as the river finds its own way through the landscape, so too does life have its own winding paths. And that is where the true magic lies: in the surprise of the unexpected.

Sometimes life brings me wonderful gifts, wrapped in unexpected forms. And sometimes I face challenges that invite me to grow and become stronger. But in all these moments, big or small, there is a comforting knowledge: "Que sera, sera"

This means that I must face the journey of life with an open heart and a courageous spirit. It means having faith in myself and in my ability to deal with what comes. Dancing to the melodies of destiny, watching with wonder the beautiful symphony that is my life.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Lynn Grieveson
Brilliant AJ page. Your journaling is so true and you found the right words to express the meaning of the song title. I agree with you on everything. Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.
Brilliant AJ page. Your journaling is so true and you found the right words to express the meaning of the song title. I agree with you on everything. Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.
Thank you for your kind comments Sylvia

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