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  1. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: November 15-16: Weekend Edition

    Chris. hmmm. time. well, i always try to think of James Taylor's advice: the secret of life is enjoying the passing of time. any fool can do it. there ain't nothing to it. no one knows how we got to the top of the hill, but since we're on our way down, might as well enjoy the ride. i...
  2. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, November 14

    Chris, those bad period days are God's way of reaffirming the hysterectomy! sorry you have to go through this but believe me--i GET it!! we had a dusting of snow yesterday, and this morning, according to the radio news, people are slipping and sliding and crashing into things all over the place...
  3. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, November 13

    'mornin'. i understand that National Pickle Day is imminent. the Heinz History Center here is having a Gala Event to celebrate. i never liked Heinz pickles. i'm more of a Claussen kind of girl. Chris, i know what you mean about not knowing WHY a pie turns out better than usual after you used...
  4. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 12

    i could scream. i looked outside when the sun came up and my yard is covered with leaves again. :hurt:
  5. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 12

    hiya. it feels like Monday, because Hubby was home yesterday because of the Veterans' Day holiday. i spent abut 7 hours over the last two days leaf-bowing out in the 2 1/2 acres. i feel like a truck hit me. you wouldn't think that blowing leaves would so that to a person. but it did. :faint2: DH...
  6. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, November 10

    hiya. i'm back again. not much to report. life is slow and calm-ish. i've been making my Christmas cards and trying to get the stuff that needs mailed wrapped and packed. my house is a disaster area. paper and tape and magic markers and Pop Dots and scissors and paper scraps everywhere. gotta go...
  7. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, November 7:It's gonna be a Long Day

    Chris, good luck with the loooooonggggg day. and good luck to the kids, too. did you ever try listening(-ish) to audiobooks on your iPod to get to sleep/ get back to sleep? honestly, i don't know what i would do without them. it's like having MOM to tell you a story. i always am up in the middle...
  8. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 5

    i forgot the QOTD: i never zone out at the computer.i am usually on for a reason, then i get off. can't look at the screen for too long. my zoning usually happens when i set out to get something in the house, then forget what it was on the way there, often because i get distracted by something...
  9. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 5

    hiya. wish i could sleep for longer than 6 hours. i've been awake since 3:48 a.m. spent some time looking at the election results and wondering what the Republicans will actually DO with their victory. i don't expect much. :yawn: Chris, i loved the canoli stories. your kids do such cute...
  10. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 4

    QOTD: i don't like all this early voting, mail voting, same day registration. i have no faith that there is NOT massive voter fraud going on all over the place. and losing faith in systems and institutions is step one on the way to oblivion. i believe in voter ID, proof of citizenship and an...
  11. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, November 3

    QOTD: i wish to be awarded the Awesome Though Clueless Computer Bitch trophy. after wasting almost the entire weekend dealing with the devastation of doing the iTunes and ios 8.1 upgrades, i deserve SOMETHING. word of advice: if you haven't done these upgrades, particularly the iTunes one: DON'T...
  12. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: November 1-2: Weekend Edition

    hiya. the weather stinks around here, too, Nancy. but i hear you East Coasters are getting a real storm coming up the coast. here it's just drizzle and cold and gray skies. blerg. not a fan of November.... Chris, we had our usual ZERO Trick or Treaters. I'm sure your DH feels happy when people...
  13. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 31: The Spooooooky Edition!

    Selena, HI! Chris, i'm still getting over the guy under the lawn mower in your DH's video. holy cow! you guys go all out! at my house, you wouldn't even know it was Halloween. as an Old Bag, plus the fact that no one comes on our little street, it's one of my many "why bother decorating"...
  14. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 30

    forgot the QOTD answer: generally speaking, i don't think i DO relax. for me, it's more a matter of diverting my attention from stress with something else. usually that's an audio book or video, while i'm ironing or something.
  15. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 30

    well. where IS everyone?? Hi, Chris! when you said you bought a gallon of paint to do your dining room, i couldn't imagine how that would be enough! sounds like a HUGE job. bet you're glad it's over with! i have a lot of painting that needs done around here, and i'm starting to feel like i do...
  16. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, October 29

    just a fast fly-by today. in answer to the QOTD, here's a short story i read a few years ago about the "china" that i have. definitely worth the read. very moving and i recognize so much in this piece: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/11/20/AR2006112000762.html have a...
  17. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, October 28

    Chris, bummer on the crappy start to your day. that always get things going in the wrong direction, early. sometimes it's hard to recover. hope you have recovered, and hope that Cait is feeling better. Trudy, i have to click on that link to see the place you went! i just can't ever get over how...
  18. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, October 27

    :behindsofa:hiya. out from under my rock i come! the weekend was uneventful,,except for measuring water in the cistern and trying not to use water. wow. this reminds me of the bad old days before we got the cistern. looks like we need a new well, so it's going to be a giant hit to the wallet...
  19. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 24

    Chris!! :cheer2: :whoo: on the hysterectomy! get ready for a MUCH better quality of life. feeling a bit better. the meds are starting to clear up everything. two more weeks to go. it's not clear what's going on with the well. the Well Guy found a rew cracks in the PVC pipes in the well, so...
  20. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 23

    hiya. still hangin' in there. still have the various maladies. but kn to more interesting stuff! our well stopped working yesterday, so no water except the emergency supply i have put by. the well guy just left, so we'll see how it all turns out. for the bird lovers. i got this in my inbox...