
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 4


The Loopy-O
Election Day here in the US and my GOODNESS I cannot wait for it to be over!! It really seems to me that it gets nastier and more ridiculous every year. No candidate answers questions, they just attack the others, cherry picking quotes, and repeating annoying sound bytes. And the yards signs. Everywhere - yard signs. They get put up earlier and earlier, and more and more of them. I am surprised I haven't seen any "Christie for Pres: 2016" :)puke:) signs yet.

I shouldn't rant about it, but it is so discouraging that our voting/political system is a farce.
But I already voted, I love mail-in ballots!

Yesterday was busy but I got a lot done. Food shopping was not all that bad- sales on holiday baking are already coming up so I stocked up on choc chips. Gary and I stopped at the bank to cash out Scott's CD that came due on the first. Now he has a little bit of money since he is not working. Then I came home, and baked a loaf of bread and a lasagna for dinner. Relaxed with the Walking Dead after dinner :)

ETA: I got a call from my GYN, and my hyster appt is set for Jan. 15th. That's great! Bad (very bad!) news is that its scheduled for 12pm. No coffeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! *wails, cries and stomps feet* I can live w/o the food part, but the coffee? OMG, I am going to be a lunatic!

ETA Part 2: I just realized that aside from Gary, you are the only other people that I have told that my appt is official. :)

When/if you vote, would you prefer mail-in ballots, or do you enjoy the pushing of buttons/levers. When I was younger, I loved going to the ballot box. There was something very satisfying about that. When Cait was little I would go after I got Scott on the school bus and she would come in the booth with me and thought it was really cool. Now I love the convenience of the mail-in. No waiting on lines or trying to find the time and energy to do it.
How do you prefer it? Does your state/country if non-US have different options for voting?
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The Loopy-O
Laurie-- woo hoo on Ready to Tackle the Day! My mojo seems to be coming back too and I have LOs and photos running through my head that I want to scrap. Need to find more time!!!

Nancy- so good for you to keep walking! There is a woman in my neighborhood who I see walking every morning, na matter what. You are both rock stars!
Did you ever get your laundry done? It's awful when real life gets in the way of scrap time!

Phyllis- :rofl: at your Award. I know I shouldn't laugh, but i will never ever understand itunes updates. They screw things up over and over... its crazy!
Was the Apple Store able to help figure it out? I hope so!

Hoping that you all have a lOvely day!!!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- today's award for the day would be perseverance in learning quickbook award- can I just say arghhh. I may be calling the accountant on Thursday when I have tons of time to really learn it! Once I know how to do it, I am sure it will be much simpler than I am imagining. Thankfully they will do all the tax stuff!! Okay back to fun scrapping - I will reward myself after work with some digiscrap play!!


Well-Known Member
good morning! Yesterday was awesome, no laundry but got in a really good walk and got a lot of scrapping done. Walked with my girlfriend and we did it late and it was strange to walk in the dark. Watched hockey the Rangers and the Blues. It was a great game but scary to watch the Blues as that is the team my Devils play tonight. The game did go to a shoot out so maybe they will be tired but I doubt it LOL. Today should be nice so a great day to walk to vote. And I am doing laundry right now.

QOTD - I feel very strongly that if you don't vote then you do not get to complain. I am not sure how much my vote counts but it could be my vote that counts and that is what matters. I only voted absentee when I was in college now I truly enjoy going down and into the booth to vote!

Chris glad you have your surgery date! Seems like a good idea to wait until after the holidays. Glad your day went so well yesterday!

Laurie good for you for persevering and learning new things! Have fun scrapping as your reward!

Phylis my son upgraded and he had no problems. I still have not because and this is silly but I have so much on my phone and iPAD that there is not room for the upgrade! I hope Apple folks solved your problems fast!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
QOTD: I really like mail-in ballots. It is so convenient.

Have to get ready and head out to a meeting, so that's all I think of for now.


Well-Known Member
QOTD: i don't like all this early voting, mail voting, same day registration. i have no faith that there is NOT massive voter fraud going on all over the place. and losing faith in systems and institutions is step one on the way to oblivion. i believe in voter ID, proof of citizenship and an in-person visit with docs to an official office in order to register to vote. i'm sure that all this new stuff is convenient. but it holds the door open for all sorts of skulduggery and chaos. i think voting shouldn't be like rolling off a log. it should take some effort. and anyone who doesn't want to put in the effort makes the choice to be uninvolved.

hahaaa! so THERE!! just voted myself. it was more crowded than usual down at the polls today. no one can use the weather as an excuse not to vote around here. sunny and beautiful!

i'm busily making my Christmas cards and a ghost costume for one of The Grandmen, who, for some unknown reason, wants a ghost costume for Christmas. my house just seems to be getting messier and messier, so i guess i'd better do some cleaning, too.

hope the sun is shining where you are. Happy Tuesday! :becky:


aA Creative Team Member
QOTD: i like to go to the polls (otherwise, i don't get a sticker!) ... really, i feel better watching my ballot get counted and swallowed by that big machine. we got SO much stuff this time that i'm glad it's over.

So glad you finally have your surgery date, Chris.

Phylis, your Christmas cards are awesome :)

Nancy love that you are back to making hockey pages!

Hi Jean! Hope your meeting went well.