
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, October 28


The Loopy-O
well, well. My morning didn't get off to a great star but I am going to try and turn that around. (Sucked down two huge mugs of coffee so that is helping. Go Team:tea:!!
I didn't sleep good, lots of back and hip pain. Woke up around 4.15 and stayed awake from there. Get coffee for cait, head upstairs and a cat pooped on the floor right next to the litter box. Grrrr. Go in to give Cait her coffee and she isstill in bed. She tells me she threw up last night and can't go to school. If you have been reading the Ooo's for a while, you know that school attendance is crazy and even though she has documentation of chronic illness, I still have to deal with the school when she has "excessive" absences. This will be her 4th and it is only the end of Oct. (2 more and we have to attend a hearing). So I ended up snapping at her, and walked out. Went back in, grabbed her coffee and drank that (Priorities, dontcha know?!) and felt a bit better. After cup #2, I am starting to feel human-ish. She came downstairs and I apologized and she is going to try to make it to school late.

I *looooooove* these kinds of starts to the day.And it is only 6am. :faint2:

But it should be a good day, sun is shining. Off to go food shopping and pharmacy. My mom is coming up and I have to go to Home Depot or Lowes to get paint for the dining room that I am doing tomorrow. I was thinking that I would change the color from plum to evergreen, but the rest of the family nixed that idea. The plum will look better, but I am getting bored with everything in my house. Most of it is the same as it was when we first moved in 19 years ago.

Yesterday I had a goofy experience. I was trying to text a client and I ended up getting Vicki, Momma O! It was too funny. She was awesome, and I was a dork, but it was all good!

Which brings me to my QOTD
Have you ever met any of the Ooos' or other online forums in real life? I have met Vicki, Sally, and Cynthia, WendyW. When Cait was little I met several moms that I knew from an online birth/playgroup club. When Cait was around 2, we were at Disney and two others lived in the area so we met for a day in the Magic Kingdom.
I wish I could meet all of you too!

Tip on Tuesday:
I saw this on life Hacker Get Rid of that “Old Book Smell” with Cornstarch
I have a sensitive nose, can't go into thrift/antique stores, the smell just gets to me. But I have some old books that I would love to read, but the musty smell is just bad. This might be worth a try!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis, on no!!!! A new well?? That BITES!!!!!!! But yes, 100% better to deal with it now than when the ground is snowy and frozen.
If I had 2 1/2 acres, I would not be raking either.
just look out there, sigh, and divert my attention by doing something else that doesn't involve days and blisters.
Very smart lady. I am trying to let things slide too, it is not worth the agita, but it is hard to do it.
I am so sorry that you won't get to see the Grands this Halloween. That is actually the reason my mom is coming up today. She wants to give my kids their Halloween cards/gift. Yes... my kids are 16 and 18, but I guess they will always be babies in her heart :)

Speaking of babies, Cait took Charleigh Flour Baby when we went pumpkin picking yesterday. She wanted to feed the chicken but she had to ask me to hold her while she did. She didn't want the chickens trying to peck at her. We even got her a little baby pumpkin and I took pictures of her on the front steps with it hahahahah!!! You know you will be seeing that in a scrap page!

Airplanes- I wish I could send no fear vibes to you so you can travel The only time I was scared on a plane is a few months after 9-11. There was a passenger who's luggage didn't match with her ticket and they pulled her off of the plane and searched all around her seat. Turned out everyone was ok, but I really had to take some deep breaths on that one.

Trudy- How was your visit with your SIL? Did she have a nice trip to Italy? My IL's travel a lot so I know that feeling of jealousy! The are going to Scotland next year. *green*
Did you see the pictures of the glass floor at the Eiffel Tower? I don't mind heights, but I would *not* want to stand on that!

Nancy- i would imagine that the Grand Canyon would be difficult. Hope that you got everything worked out with the car insurance, always fun (not).

Jean- that is too funny about the bridges, that we are opposite! And I cannot imagine flying in those little planes, they look like they would rip apart. We have a little airport in town about 1 mile up the road from me and they have flights over the lake/mountains at times. No WAY could I do that :)

Hi Cinda!!!! How have you been? So good to see you here!:hug:
Sales... I don't know of any definites but I am sure that there will be DSD sales and activities.

Hugs to all!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning - yesterday was a good day. Went over and played with my son's dog and it is amazing to me as I am not much of a dog person just how fast he is growing and he is really calming down. Came home and got a lot of wash done and have to finish today. Then had a good walk with my girlfriend. Watched hockey. My son said the new car was great and he was happy to have a car again. Me too! Decided I just could not not know what happens next in the Outlander series so got the next book. I am reading it slowly. I was also on Facebook and saw some really cute photos that my cousin's daughter posted of her kids. She was will to send them two me and so I got two pages scrapped. She was happy with the results so that made me happy! I will post them later. So it was a good day! QOTD: Chris I can't believe we have not gotten together since we are in the same state LOL. No I have not met anyone.

Chris I hated those school days when things went off plan. I then would use my commute to work to calm down.

Phylis hope you pop in again.

Jean I love flying and sometimes those little planes are cool. We rode a very small plane in New Zealand to land on a glacier and that was really fun and scary as it slid a bit down the glacier before stopping.

Trudy had did the lunch go?

Cinda good to see you back!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Thank you Chris and Nancy. I've been well. I'm still homeschooling our boys and I don't know where the days go. Our son's health is good now and he's as tall as both of us! My "swim taxi" is running five days a week. I kind of fell away from the Paleo lifestyle (still gluten free) and have put a few pounds back on. I've got a few knitting projects in the works. I feel so far behind on my scrapbooking, but I do have a couple layouts for this year done. There is a wedding, a NYC trip, and a Charleston, SC trip to scrap. I guess I'm easily overwhelmed! I'll have some me time in about a month so maybe I'll get a few layouts done then.

Chris, I hope your day improves and that your daughter makes it to school.

QOTD: When I was designing I met one of my CT members. She and her son went out to lunch with us and then hung out at our house.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Chris, bummer on the crappy start to your day. that always get things going in the wrong direction, early. sometimes it's hard to recover. hope you have recovered, and hope that Cait is feeling better.

Trudy, i have to click on that link to see the place you went! i just can't ever get over how gorgeous stuff is around where you live. re: trees. don't EVER plant oak trees. what a MESS, and the leaves don't decompose in one season, so it all keeps adding up. do you talk to DD and Mason every day? don't you just LOVE Facetime and Skype!!??

Nancy! "got a lot of wash done." i WISH!! this water rationing is getting to me. BTW, tonight's game should be interesting....

Hi, Cinda. i just can't imagine the work of being a home schooling mom. my hat is off to you! and don't feel bad about being behind with scrapping. i haven't made a page in over a year. pitiful!

QOTD: Applechick (Fiona) and her husband and i and my husband went on vacation in Maine a few years ago. it was a hoot! other than that, i don't think i've met anyone else on Oscraps, though i FEEL like i have! :becky:

have a happy day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies! Windy and :rain: here today as we are getting the tail end of a big storm system out at sea. So we will be picking up lots of branches and debris tomorrow!! :mmph:
Lunch with SIL was great and her photos were amazing, although I am sure they did not do justice to the wonderful sights that she saw. The bad thing however was the fact that the Christmas Store she wanted to shop at was closed!!! WTH?? who closes their shop on a Monday? Every other store in town was opened. Oh well I guess we will have to go back again another day.

Chris - Hope that Cait makes it through the day without having another bout of illness! I would not go on the glass floor at the Eiffel tower either, but she was not in Paris so no I did not see photos of that. I freaked out when we went on the space Needle in Seattle and they had a glass floor on the elevator!!! :fear: I almost had a heart attack!! LOL

Nancy - Funny the Grand Canyon did not bother me, but I was so excited to see it that I guess I did not think about it being so far down. Enjoy your next Outlander Book, I can hardly wait for #9 to hit the shelves, I read somewhere that she will be writing a tenth book and then that will be it for Outlander. :sad: But I guess it has to stop sometime as Jamie and Claire will be as old as the hills if she keeps going.

Jean - Isn't it strange that we are afraid of heights, yet flying in planes does not bother us? I have been on many very small planes also and they are just fun!!

CindaA - Nice to see you here again! Hope that you can relax at some point soon and are able to get back to scrapping! I imagine that there will be some great sales for DSD, just keep checking the shop!

Phylis - Yes Heather and Mason call everyday, it gives Heather a chance to get Mason's lunch ready while we read stories or sing songs etc. Then she can enjoy her lunch also before having to deal with the cleanup, he is so cute and loves to listen to music with me and read lots and lots of stories! I do live in an amazingly beautiful place, although it can rain for most of the winter, but the temps are pretty mild and the scenery is breath taking!! A lot of people who have lived here most of their lives don't seem to really appreciate how lovely it is here. I think everyone should have to live somewhere else for a while and then they would get it!!

QOTD - I have gotten together with Heather Prins from Alberta, we met at Coombs a cute little spot on the way to Tofino where she and her family usually go every summer. We had a lovely visit and she is a real sweetie!! Wish I could meet all of you!! Have a great one! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
QOTD: I've never met online friends IRL, but sometimes it feels like I must have. Still in touch with two from my original digi-scrap site that went under four years ago. One lives a few hours away, the other in Europe.

Chris, with all you overcome some days, I'm betting you'll get through today better than you expected. Wish you could get more sleep!! Funny about the oak leaves, never thought about it quite the way Phylis said it, but we have one in the back yard that hangs on to its leaves way past the rest.

Nancy, that small plane to the New Zealand glacier sound wonderful! Cool to get the FB photos and scrapped pages from them. Dogs aren't my thing, but sometimes there are ones that seem really nice.

Phylis, sorry about your water woes. You too seem to cope with what comes along better than you imagine.

Trudy, how nice you got together with Heather! I think we'd all love to visit your special part of the world to meet you. Mason and you sound fortunate to have those daily "chats."

CindaA, I agree that you must be really patient to homeschool. Hope you can find the time and energy to scrap again.

Hope everyone has a lovely day! Or at least not too bad. ;)