
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, November 13


The Loopy-O
brrrrrrrrrrrrr! The temps here are dropping and we are hearing that it might snow tonight. Hopefully it doesn't amount to anything, but I am seriously not ready for seeing any sort of cold precipitation yet.

How are all of you today? Did you have a good day yesterday? I got the house cleaned, and made one of the best apple pies ever. No idea what I did different but it was really good. It is just cortland apples, lots of cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg. I was cursing at myself however as I was making it. I had cleaned the kitchen, scrubbed counters, under appliances, mopped etc. Then I make homemade pie crust and peeled apples and dropped the peels and dusted flour on the clean floor. SMH!

I also had both kids home for dinner. It feels so "right" having them here. They are both so busy with school, friends and working that I think this was the 1st time all together in almost 2 weeks.

Today I am off to the Christmas Tree shop, I want to get some paper goods for the coffee party in Sat and to start looking for Gift Ideas. That is frightening on so many levels!
Speaking of the coffee party, guess what stopped working on Tuesday?
Our old Keurig. Yup, the one that was handed down a couple of years ago from my IL's. It stopped working, Gary tried to clean it out and descale it and it still won't brew full cups. We will try it again. Things in my house have a tendency to stop working, then somehow start. Or things go missing and then pop up randomly. But it looks like the new Keurig will come in handy. Now we are down to 3 working coffee pots on my counter instead of 4.:pound:

That is about it from here. Cold. Christmas and Coffee. Sums it up, right?

QOTDWhat three words would describe your day?

Temptation on Thursday:
Book a trip somewhere WARM!!!!!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I know that truck feeling all too well. It is crazy how the leaves just seem to keep coming and coming. The trees in my front yard are all done, but the back is not. But the wind just flies them all everywhere. Sorry that your DH didn't listen about the oaks, but no surprise here. Men!
How did your car bill go? Hopefully not too much! Yeah, we are not fixing Gary's car. It is not worth it. I have some stocks that my dad started for me when I was a baby and one good thing about this economy is that the price of it is doing well. Its not a lot in there, but we can take out a couple of thousand and get a beater car.
QOTD: in line with my misanthropic personality, i would use my magic wand to move every house and person within 2 miles of me further away.
This made me literally-- yes, proper usage of literally- laugh out loud. I can see you on your front steps waving that wand like mad!!!

Trudy- hugs and chicken soup coming at you from NJ!!!! What a horrible way to end your trip. :(
I can't wait to see your photos!

Nancy- that is crazy about your friend's son and the iphone password! Kids these days!!!
I find that I, who used to be pretty tech-savvy, and now moving into Luddite Land in comparison to kids. LOL

Phyllis- oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! More leaves????

Jean- oh a magic wand for a less achy body! I wish I had thought of that! Great idea!!
Same here-- I always and sad to see trees come down.

Hi Anika!!! Happy Birthday!
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Well-Known Member
'mornin'. i understand that National Pickle Day is imminent. the Heinz History Center here is having a Gala Event to celebrate. i never liked Heinz pickles. i'm more of a Claussen kind of girl.

Chris, i know what you mean about not knowing WHY a pie turns out better than usual after you used the same recipe. i always think of this one pie crust i made years ago, when i tried to make a green tomato pie. the crust was perfect! dunno why. but i will never make a green tomato pie again. :puke: speaking of :puke:, guess what's in the forecast here today? snow flurries....

Trudy! poor you! like Chris said: what a way to end your trip. i hope you're feeling better today. it almost sounds like the flu, not just a cold. take it easy! re:Christmas shopping. i had to get myself organized early because it take a few weeks to get my packages from point A to point B. packing all this stuff is crazy!

Nancy, too bad you had to miss the Devil win! i'm pretty glad i missed the Penguins/Rangers game. erg.... nice that your husband keeps on touch with some of his students. that's one of the advantages of teaching older students. most of the kids i taught over the years were wee ones. i was surprised last year,when shopping in Macy's, a girl in her 30s behind one of the cosmetic counters asked me if it was ever a music teacher. turns out, she was my student when she was in fourth grade!

Jean, i just hate it when trees are cut down. although i might turn my head if i could get someone to cut down these blasted oak trees that are constantly avalanching leaves all over the place! there's a wealthy suburb around here that has these truck that go around and vacuum up the leaves from your yard, if you get them to the curb. i think D.C. did that, too, when my son lived there. THAT is what i want!! except the piles would be 15 feet tall.

Anika, hope you had a wonderful birthday!

today i have to go to the framers to pick up the hand outline needlework i had framed. that will be the FINAL Christmas gift that needs wrapped and packed. then i have to make more cards and try to do some house cleaning. i am up to my neck in paper of various sorts.

QOTD: Just Another Day.

enjoy today! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - it is a crisp fall morning! Today is my oldest son's birthday. Amazing how fast those years have gone. Got him a giant Lego set - The Death Star from Star Wars collection. It has special figures that are found in no other kits. I would have thought with a new house he might have wanted something for his home but nope Legos. Too funny but some what glad to see he is still a kid a heart. Also found out that his best man who was married last year is now expecting his first baby. Now I really want to know where the years have gone. Yesterday was great. It was still warm and there was fog and then the sun burnt it off. As I was out on my walk I was crossing the bridge and looking the ducks in the river when I noticed that two of them did not look the same. I got a closer look and sure enough there were two male wood ducks. They are really colorful ducks. I called my son who was home to quick bring me my good camera and I got some really nice photos. It is always fun when I see an unexpected bird. Got some scrapping done.

Chris I just don't have the need to make a home made crust. I totally agree that it is fun to have a whole family for dinner. Missing those days. Not missing the school or teen problems.

Phylis I still have trees with green leaves. So annoying. Congrats on getting all those gifts done and ready to mail. Yes I was hoping your Penguins would beat the Rangers. I was very disappointed.

Jean I too just had my neighbors cut down their trees. It is so sad.

Trudy welcome back. So sorry you were under the weather. Colds are just the pits. Glad you DH and son go their deer and you got to enjoy your grandkids.

Happy birthday Anika.

QOTD - More than 3 words but here it is - Happily retired lady of leisure

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... yes this cold was more than a cold it was the flu and I was down and out for most of the day yesterday. Chills and fever, I just could not get warm. Today I am a bit better, but coughing constantly not in the mood to do much of anything. The one nice thing about the day is that the sun is shining and its beautiful outside. Not that I will be outside at all today, still not ready to get out of my pjs. :sick:

Chris - Nice that you had your whole family together for supper! It is funny that sometimes a pie turns out better than others, perhaps its that little dash of love that you put in it?? Sorry about the Keurig machine, but at least you have a new one now! Hope you find everything you need for your party!

Phylis - you were right, this turned out to be the flu and not just a cold! Lucky you, you will be all done your christmas gifts before most of us have even thought about them!! We are not doing too much in the way of gifts this year as we are planning a trip somewhere warm and will be spending Christmas alone. Even my son just want us to buy for the grandkids and not them as they are also planning a trip to Disneyworld with the other In-Laws sometime this winter. Sot they don't want to buy for us either. Which is fine because we sure don't need anything!! Hope you don not get the snow that is forecast for your area!! :smow:

Nancy - That is funny that your son still wants his Lego!! Can't wait to see your wood duck photos, they are a very colourful bird!! DH is very disappointed with his Big Bad Bruins, they played horribly last night, but they are missing their best players.

QOTD - Mucus, coughing, Tired!!

Have a great day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
It is snowing here, or something. Still above freezing so the grass is a little white but precipitation keeps falling. Soon it will be below freezing and then, look out. They finally came for leaves today. They have a weird setup to do it using snow plows and other equipment. Still quite a few leaves on some trees though. We met a friend for lunch and got to see her pix from a long visit to China. She had a super time and got some fantastic photos.

Chris, funny about the pie. I don't know what the difference is, but chili is something I often make and it always seems just slightly different though usually with the same ingredients. Sorry about Gary's car! and the Keurig.

Phylis, good to hear you're on the homestretch with the Christmas goodies. Wonder if you'll be getting the white stuff too.

Nancy, how fun to find the Wood Ducks. Love the lego story.

Trudy, so sorry about your flu! Guess you'll have to take it real easy for a while.

QOTD: Cold. Snow. Indoors!
I had a snow scene as the desktop photo on my Surface and had to change it! Now it is a pretty pic from July.