
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 5


The Loopy-O
Woo hoo! Happy Hump day!

For school kids in NJ, it is actually Friday. We have off Thurs and Fri for Teachers' Convention. It is also called Jersey Week in Disney b/c of the huge influx of families from NJ taking advantage of extra time off. Although, now that NJ has such a PITA attendance policy, who knows if that is still the case.

Yesterday's weather was beautiful here! Cold in the am, but it warmed up to the upper 60's. I just *had* to go out and rake my front lawn again. It really did need it, plus I took down a lot of the lawn decorations from Halloween. I only stepped in one pile of hidden dog poop so it a win. ;)
It is supposed to be nice today, but not as warm. I really need to get some work done in the house. I took one look at Gary's tub and ICK! Soap scum... Argh!

Last night, Cait texted Gary from work. She is a counter-girl at a local pizzeria.She asked him to pleeeaaasse call and order cannolis. I thought that she just wanted him to call in, she would answer, and get the practice of that. So he calls and orders 2 cannoli (one for her and one for me), and then she tells him that will be $5.78. We give Scott the $ and he goes to pick her up. I am kind of bummed- normally I would never spend $6 on cannoli unless it was a special occasion. But when she came home she told proudly me that she was the one who filled them, so I guess that makes it a special occasion. :)

Off to work this morning, and then tackle Gary's tub. Scrubbing Bubbles and Magic erasers are my BFF.

(This one comes from real life, ATM!!)
Do you ever find yourself staring blankly at the computer screen, and when you "come to" have no idea what you were thinking/typing/etc?
I do this a lot. I also do it a lot in my speech. I'll start saying something, trail off, and then...*nothing* I'd love to wear an EEG hat (are there EEG hats? LOL) just to see what happens when I lose all outward brain activity!

I wish I could just go back to bed for a few hours.



The Loopy-O
Laurie- any luck with Quickbooks? I used to use it when Faery-Wings was doing a good business, and I used it for my MIL's quilting biz. But that was years ago and probably many versions ago. It wasn't hard for me once I got the hang of it, and I am sure that will be the same for you too.

Nancy- any day w/o dealing with laundry is a good day indeed. How did the Devils do last night?
Silly question but are shootouts more common now that say in the 1980's and 90's? I used to be a huge Rangers fan, and I really don't remember many games that this happened.

jean- yes, I love mail-in ballots now too!
How was your mtg?

Phyllis! Say it like ya mean it!!:pound:
As another POV, One of the things I like best about mail-in ballots is that we get them much earlier than the sample ballots. I had already sent in my ballot by the time we got the samples. It also gives me a lot more time to research the candidates that I don't know that much about as well as dig deeper on any Public Questions. Typically, I vote for the ones I am sure of, then will put it aside, see what I can find, think about and go back to it again and again.
I also like paper ballots because I do NOT trust the touch screen voting booths. I find a comfort that there is a physical "thing" that has my votes on it.

So cute that G-man wants a ghost costume for Christmas! My mom used to get my kids costumes right after Halloween when they were dirt cheap and save them for Christmas. My kids *loved* dress up!

Adryane- LOL about the sticker! So as you can see from my post yesterday, I was fed up with the election "stuff" everywhere. We were watching Sleepy Hollow last night and one of the first scenes was in a voting place. I yelled out "OMG (insert a curse int hat too!) I cannot even escape election *&% on TV!!!"
But hen it was very cute when Abby gave Crame her I Voted sticker :D

Time for me to head out, I hope that youall have a wonderful day!!!


Well-Known Member
hiya. wish i could sleep for longer than 6 hours. i've been awake since 3:48 a.m. spent some time looking at the election results and wondering what the Republicans will actually DO with their victory. i don't expect much. :yawn:

Chris, i loved the canoli stories. your kids do such cute things!!

Nancy, do you like the fact that there are shootouts? i think it's such a cop-out. i love the 3-overtime games instead!

Adryane, i'll warn you in advance about the plastic snow that will be falling into your lap with this year's card.... :rofl:

today i have to brave putting on actual clothes for a few hours and venture out to the framers. i made a hand-outline embroidery picture for my DS's family and need to get it framed, pronto.. not the most gorgeous thing, artistically, but what the heck. it captures the moment. because i have to mail all this stuff overseas, i'm starting to panic that i won't be able to get all of this done and packed and sent on time. the UPS guy must think i'm a spendthrift. he's been coming to my house almost every day. i actually LOVE shopping for stuff online. i think you have a better chance of the thing you want being in stock when you order online. not good news for my local brick and mortar stores. when i get the framer trip done, it's putting together more Christmas cards and ironing some dress shirts and toying with the intention to do some housework....

let me just say again how much I HATE the ios Apple update. my iPad is sluggish, freezing up, has too many steps to do stuff now and is inexplicably showing some sort of generic bullseye/graph-like logo for a bunch of my apps on the homescreen.

ok. off to start the day. oh, wait. i already did that at 3:48 a.m. :faint2:

have a lovely Wednesday. :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning! The Devils lost 1-0 to the St. Louis Blues. It was a good game. It was the national broadcast and my team looked really good against a power house Western team. And yesterday was really nice. It was 72 degrees when I went to vote! So I just kept on walking after voting. A nice day.

Chris there were no shoot outs when you watched hockey. If a game was tied at the end of regulation that was the end. The NHL over time has decided that the fans hated ties and that some team should win. And I do not like shoot outs as it is a single player win not a team win. But while multiple OTs are fun to watch they really are not good on a week night when people have to go to work nor when the NHL decides team have to play back to back games in different cities. Love the canoli story!

QOTD - Chris can't say that has happened to me yet.

Phylis I love on line shopping! Going to order my son's birthday present today.

Adryane thanks for the comments about my hockey pages. I am glad to have hockey back. I don't get a sticker when I vote you lucky girl!

Have a great day all


Well-Known Member
i forgot the QOTD: i never zone out at the computer.i am usually on for a reason, then i get off. can't look at the screen for too long. my zoning usually happens when i set out to get something in the house, then forget what it was on the way there, often because i get distracted by something else i need to do or get while on the way to getting the FIRST thing!


Well-Known Member
QOTD: It has probably happened to me, but I can't remember! I do get involved and completely forget things that I meant to do while on (along with other things I forget.)

Yesterday was a small board meeting where there wasn't a lot of business, but we had some very good discussion on more general genealogy topics. Today I take my sister to an appointment and then marathon shopping.

Nancy, glad the Devils at least looked good on national TV even if they did lose. We're also still having a beautiful day today.

Phylis, guess you can tell I don't agree on the ballot thing, don't know what my sister would do without mail-in. Your errand to the framer sounds like a nice one.

Hope everyone has a nice day!

Chris, I don't know about the cannoli story. It's cool that she wanted to bring ones she'd filled, but I'm sure she knows they're pricey. She sounds like a good kid though, so I'll go with it was cool.