
Daily Ooo's: November 15-16: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Ok, so today I can officially freak out about being half way through November. :pound:
At dinner last night, Scott and Leah were saying the exact same things about that topic as I did here in the morning. Crazy how fast it is all going. Flying by! :flypig:

Today is the Coffee Party! Yay! I can't wait to hang with my family and friends. I hope that my BFF can come up too. She found out that her other BFF has breast cancer. I have to hug her in person. Text and email hugs are not the same.
I have to prep a bit for that today- doing a bit of baking for the cake part of cake and coffee.

I wish all of you could come and enjoy a cup with me today :tea:

Hugs and love!!!


lOve the O!
Morning Chris and the rest of the O fam- life is moving at hyper-speed. I have been thinking I should have more time, not less. I am planning a layout today from last nights wine and paint class! Okay - off to dance


The Loopy-O
Oops, I almost forgot a QOTD
Since I have coffee on my mind (ok, so when don't I ???)... anyway,m what is your favorite hot drink? Coffee, flavored, unflavored? Tea? Green, black, white? Cocoa?
As y'all know, I looooove coffee. I usually like just straight up non-flavored, but everyone once in a while a flavor is nice. Tea- I like green tea. Cocoa- not a first choice, but like flavored coffee, it is nice as a treat, especially after shoveling snow.

Phyllis- I totally get the loving of not having to go anywhere when it snows. It was really crazy as I was driving to work how pockets of areas had almost 2 inches and others had nothing. My town has the *weirdest* weather patterns.
I hope that the people in your area officially have "first snow and I forgot how to drive" out of their systems.
You are awesome with the cards being almost, or perhaps all done by now. Please post a pic of the embroidery!

nancy- you don't usually see deer by you? We obviously have bears and deer. The other day we had a gaggle?? of turkeys come through. I think we counted 6 of them. They were huge. And very funny looking. LOL
We have a Japanese Maple too, and overnight it went from leaves to a twig! I was out raking on Tuesday and it had a lot of leaves on it. Thurs-- not one left!

Trudy- please try to not overdo it. Your body needs to rest. Take good care of yourself! I love looking in little local shops too for little unusual ideas.

Jean! That is awful about your friend getting stuck in the snow like that!! I am with you-- NOT ready for winter. How much snow did you end up getting?

Hope that you all have a wonderful day!
If there are any lurkers reading this, what plans do you have this weekend?


Well-Known Member
Chris. hmmm. time. well, i always try to think of James Taylor's advice:

the secret of life is enjoying the passing of time.
any fool can do it.
there ain't nothing to it.
no one knows how we got to the top of the hill,
but since we're on our way down, might as well enjoy the ride.

i don't always succeed, though. particularly when i haven't had a good night's sleep in a while! :rant: <---- me....

just a fast fly-by to say HI. nothing splendid planned today. more vacuuming and card-making and gift packing. i'm making a mess....

Happy Saturday! :becky:

whoops! QOTD--i'd drink coffee, if i could, as hot drink of choice. but it kills my stomach....
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Well-Known Member
good morning - yesterday was really nice. My NJ Devils defeated the Capital 1-0. It was a great game. They kept Alex Ovechkin off the scoreboard so that was really good. Then I got in two walks, first to get bagels for lunch and then wine for dinner recipe, chicken francese. Rachael Ray's recipe was really good and simple. The best for me is always when the boys go back for seconds which they did. It is one of my son's favorites that he often orders at restaurants. He said it was as that good. Made me feel good and the best was he went to the store to get the ingredients. Tonight I have another Devils game at home this time. Hoping we beat the Avalanche. Then they go on the road. Should be a good day!

Chris I too feel the time is going fast but always does around this time of year. Have fun at your coffee party.

Phylis I love James Taylor's advice. Thanks for sharing! I know I am past the top going down and trying to enjoy the ride.

Laurie enjoy the dance!

Trudy hope you really start to feel better. Wondering if you need a flu shot after having what sounds like the flu. Will be interesting to see what your doctor suggests. Have you been reading about the mumps running through several of the hockey team, Ducks, Blues and Wild? Heard that all the Wild just got new MMR vaccines. I guess you will probably need that flu shot.

Jean I hope that the snow stops soon and you get to have your conference. I was lucky my maternal history is all compiled in a book done by one of my relatives. It is really fun to read. It only goes back as far as the first relative that came to America.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies, feeling a bit more like my old self, but very weak and last night I woke up to the chills again!! I went out to the Living Room to sit by the fire and try to warm up. I did not want to wake up DH and I shivered for a very long time before the tylenol I took finally kicked in and I was able to crawl back into bed again. Hope that this flu is done with me today!!

Chris - Oh I wish I could come to your coffee party!! I could use some fun and warm coffee and cake! :becky: Give your BFF a gentle hug from me too, she is lucky to have such a good friend in you! :hug:

Laurie - :wave: Hi Laurie, you are a very busy lady!! Have fun at dance and looking forward to seeing your layout! Although I have been a very absent CheeryO and have not been up to leaving very many comments lately :sad:

Phylis - I love James Taylor's advice too and I am trying to enjoy the ride on the downhill side of things too! Hope you manage to get all your gift packing and card making done today. Then you can deal with the mess later!! Hope you get to have a good sleep tonight! :hug:

Nancy - Glad the Devils are doing you proud!! I keep thinking that I should buy myself a few Rachel Ray Cook Books, her recipes always look so good! Sounds like your son really likes them! Yes I think I will need the flu shot, as there is more than one strand of the flu out there and with my luck I will get them all if I don't get the shot. :becky:

Jean - Yikes sounds like winter has officially arrived in your area! DD has gotten lots of snow also in past day or so (Stratford Ontario area)

Ok DH is looking for some breakfast and then I guess we have our usual running around for groceries and other items today. It is a very sunny and frosty morning here, it will be good to finally get outside in the fresh air today! Hoping I can start swimming again on Monday without passing out from exhaustion!! Have a great day all!! :wave:


aA Creative Team Member
QOTD: tea. I have a friend who travels regularly to China. I have a wonderful assortment of teas :). Although, can't say that I would walk away from a good cup of hot chocolate with just the right amount of whipped cream.

Chris, I hope your party went well ... how could it not when there's cake involved!

Laurie, I will look for your page in the gallery. What did you paint?

Phylis, :wave: I hope your cards and cleaning went well. I made 3 cards! omgosh, I could not get my head around the fact that I could not "undo" or "move" or "click" eye icons on and off. Seriously, I think my mind needs to be rewired.

Nancy, hope the Devils did well. You know how much I love your hockey pages. It's always nice to have dinner appreciated.

Trudy, hope you are feeling much better!

Happy weekend to all.
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lOve the O!
Well dance lessons went well, then I came home and scrapped. We were supposed to go to a bonfire party, but I was feeling like my cold/sinus issue was progressing. It is, my eye is all goopy and I will be heading to urgent care for a prescription as soon as it opens. Here is the layout I did!

It was a lot of fun- I would love to do it again- have to keep my eye out for coupons though!


The Loopy-O
Why oh why is it so hard for me to stay asleep? I woke up at 4.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Rolled out of bed at 5.30. Wasted the past 2 hours on Facebook and doing surveys.
i swear, its crazy, I give up so much information online, just to make a couple of bucks. But it will help pay for Christmas. *shrugs*

So the party yesterday was so nice, really a nice time. It was my brother, SIL and my godson, my IL's, my BFF across the street and my BFF/Sister even came up too. My BFF even stayed for pizza afterward so we could catch up and chat and just hang out. The coffees were yummy and everyone brought some good desserts and it was just a really nice time. I like when it is small enough where I can actually sit and chat rather than run around as a crazy host.

My MIL broke her foot in Sept. She has a boot to wear but she has a tendency to not wear it all of the time. The other day, the orthopedist said that the bone is not healing and she needs to be back in the boot and now on crutches. Lucky her-- she is hosting Thanksgiving next week. I had contacted my client that I clean for on Friday's to see if she wanted me on Wed, but she was going to be cooking. That worked out great so now I can go down and help MIL the day before T-day.I know that she is going to push herself but maybe she can hold off and wait for me to do most of it for her. (I know, I would be the same as her, so no judgement from me ;) )

Today I am going to clean up my kitchen and then I am going to take it easy. (STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!!!!!)
How about easy-ish? I hope to get a few more pages for my IL's scrapbook done too.

Hope that all of you had a great day yesterday and an even better one today!
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lOve the O!
Oh Chris- how horrible for your MIL- maybe she could rent a knee scooter instead of the crutches? I have dl the forms and will head out in 45 min to see the dr. My eyelid is swollen too- no photos- as a co-worker had an issue with a swollen gland in her eye and looks just the same- I do not want it to be the same. Okay off to eat breakfast and fill out the forms!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- I saw your page on FB-- what fun! My SIL has done that, there is a shop near her that does that. I hope that you got the meds you needed and are feeling better.

Adryane- I bet "real" tea is so much nicer than supermarket tea. My SIL brought her famous crumb cake-- seriously to die for! On the healthier side, my friend brought an Emily Bites low cal apple wonton crisp, and they were really good too. Of course the low cal part disappeared after we put fresh whipped cream on them. LOL
That is how I am with paper- I really get so frustrated by i, it's not even fun anymore. I wanted to recolor/resize/rotate etc and I can't!! *stomps my feet*
I give you a whole lotta credit for attempting!!!

Trudy- sending more tea and chicken soup to you! I hope that you are listening to your body carefully and not pushing.
Wish you could have been here too to enjoy the cake and coffee. One "good" thing is that my BFF finally got her first mammo done. It only took her 2 BFF's in one year to get diagnosed for her to do it.

Nancy- Mumps going around the hockey teams? I have not heard of many people getting mumps at this point. I guess a lot of those diseases are slowly creeping back. Hope you enjoyed cheering your Devil on!
And yes, I love chicken francese, I don't eat chicken very often but that is one way I love it.

Phyllis- Yeah, I am with you and James Taylor- right about hitting my high point (fingers crossed that is true!!!!). Now I should be entering the I don't Give a S*** about what Anyone else Thinks. I am just going to Live. *trying to, at least!*
Hope that all of your cards are done!



Well-Known Member
hiya. looks like a gray, pre-snow kind of a day. i understand that tomorrow is going to be a mess around here. oh, goody. i need to get out for a long-overdo haircut, so it should be interesting.

Chris, glad your coffee party went well. how's the new machine? too bad about your MIL's foot. nothing worse than a "workplace injury" for a woman around the holidays. she's lucky to have you. i'm pretty sure none of the men in her life will be very helpful, if they're like most guys.

Adryane! great to see you! this made me laugh out loud:
omgosh, I could not get my head around the fact that I could not "undo" or "move" or "click" eye icons on and off. Seriously, I think my mind needs to be rewired.
it always takes me a while to get back into "paper mode." i do love the feel of it, though. when i look at some of my old paper pages, i wish i was still doing that. but then i remember the mess and the cost and, and, and....

Trudy, i actually yelled at the screen: "Trudy, do NOT try to go swim laps yet!!" you nut. how are you feeling? DID you go swimming? i hope not. i'm going to sign you up for the Chris Overachiever Club!! you need a few more days at least to recover from the flu! i hope you are feeling much better but taking more jammie time.

Nancy, that chicken sound good. is the recipe online?

Laurie, do you guys have a ton of snow over there? geez. hope your sinus stuff clears up. it seems like winter and the furnace coming on causes a lot of this stuff. at least it does for me.

Hi, Jean!

today DD is coming over for dinner and to give me the gifts she bought for The Grandmen and Peanut. then tomorrow..erg!! it's the day when the snow is coming!!...i can carry the six boxes over to the post office to mail them.

have a peaceful Sunday. :becky:


The Loopy-O
Laurie- I hope you have good news from the dr. Try some chamomile tea bags on your eyes. Really good for inflammation and infection. Brew up a cup of tea, let the tea bag cool slightly- you want it warm, but not hot. Keep that on your eye as much as you can. You can also take a cotton ball in the warm tea and wipe from the inner corner out to get rid of the gunk.


The Loopy-O
Hey Phyllis! How much snow are you supposed to be getting??We are supposed to be getting flurries this morning then some rainy/sleety/snow crap tonight.
Weather Bitches-- UNITE!!!

The new Keurig is really cool. The *huge* drawback is that you can only use Keurig brand k-cups. But Gary found a way to hack the refillable ones that we can use in the new one. It has a lot of neat features which makes Gary happy ;)
MIL- oh yeah, she is very happy that I am coming down. My FIL is a lot like Gary- very OCD in the kitchen, there is no other way to look at a recipe other than as a scientific equation. If we can get enough stuff done on Wed, hopefully she can sit back and watch the mess fly by him on Thursday.
i'm going to sign you up for the Chris Overachiever Club!!
Please come and hold me down in January. I think this surgery is going to be harder on my body than my lumpectomy. Remind me that I am asking for help now to make me behave in Jan!

Hugs, everyone!


Well-Known Member
good morning - well my Devils were leading 2-1 with 10 min to go in the game and ended up losing 3-2. My goalie let in a soft goal. Was very disappointing! But had fun at the game as we celebrated with a bit of a dinner before the game for his birthday. Did not walk yesterday expect at the game to and from the parking lot and around the arena but it was something. But the best is I found a new vacation and my husband agreed! So I signed us up for a 2016 Viking River cruise from London, ports in Scotland, then on to ports in Norway and up to the Arctic Circle. I am very excited, I know it a ways away but as we all know time goes fast.

Chris so glad the coffee and cake we so well. Always fun to catch up and just enjoy the talking. Enjoy your calm day today. So sorry to hear about your MIL broken foot. I think it takes much longer to heal than young kids! I know she will love your help!

Laurie so sorry about your eye problem. Hope it is nothing serious. Enjoyed your layout.

Phylis thanks for the strange win by the Penguins. I don't think I have ever seen teams go to the dressing room only to be called back because the shoot out goal was not legal.

Trudy so glad you are feeling better.

Adryane thanks for the comment about the hockey pages. I find it much harder to do them when my team makes such stupid plays. LOL!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-Zies!! I am not better yet :pout: and don't worry Phyllis I have no intention of going swimming yet either, seems I can't even get my hair combed without breaking into a sweat and having to lie down again. Uggghhh this one is really taking its toll on me!! It took me literally all day to get the few groceries that I needed to buy yesterday. This morning I thought when I woke up it would all be better, but nope, I am still sick :sick: It will take me a few more days before I am back to normal I think.

Sorry guys, I have no energy for personals, but please know that I wish I could spend much more time here with all of you and hope that you are all enjoying the weekend much more than I am :becky: :wave: