
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 12


The Loopy-O
Good morning my lOvlies!!! How are you all doing today? It looks like today is going to be the last of the "warmish" days here. The temps are going to drop and quickly. Yikes!
I raked more leaves in the front yard yesterday. Might as well do as much as I can while its not frigid, right?

I am going to add into the food is too damn expensive rant too. I spent $150 and I didn't really buy anything!!! A bag of dog food was $14 and a box of cat little was $8, and those were the "big ticket items." I did get a bunch of produce, and some beans, but sheesh! I think I am going to make a veggie quiche tonight and an apple pie for dessert. That is if I get my house cleaned and still have energy left over. I don't think I have done a good cleaning since the Sept Birthday Bash. I know I didn't bother much while Gary was doing his Halloween prep, no point as there was crap all over!

It is also Social Security day here for us. Bills to be paid, easy come, easy go. Waaaaaay to "easy go." :pound:

I wish I could stretch the budget a bit more. OK, a LOT more!
I wish I have a magic wand to clean my house.
I want to get all of the downstairs cleaned.
I wish/want to just ignore it all LOL

I you had a magic wand, what would you use it for? House cleaning for me, cooking on some occasions. Definitely using it to get things off of the top shelves in my cabinets. #shortgirlproblems


The Loopy-O
Nancy- many thinks to your son. I was in the supermarket yesterday and ended up chatting with a man as we wandered through the aisles. He had a Vietnam Vet hat on and I said thank you to him- he seemed so surprised and pleased.
How was your dinner? That is awesome that your DH keeps in touch with former students. You are so blessed to have a mechanic in your fam. We picked up Gary's car and it was $178- $120 of that was just for labor on the diagnostics. :faint:
Are you all prepared for the cold front?

Jean- many good thoughts to you and your family for their service.



Well-Known Member
hiya. it feels like Monday, because Hubby was home yesterday because of the Veterans' Day holiday. i spent abut 7 hours over the last two days leaf-bowing out in the 2 1/2 acres. i feel like a truck hit me. you wouldn't think that blowing leaves would so that to a person. but it did. :faint2: DH spent about 5 hours carting away the giant piles into the woods. what, i often wonder, do people with trees and a decent sized yard DO with leaves if they don't have woods to dump them in? i didn't do the entire acreage, but most of the leaves on the acre or so around the house look pretty good. until the &^&*%$# oak trees drop some MORE of their leaves. i could scream at those trees. i TOLD DH NOT to plant more oak trees. but did he listen?? guess....

Chris, my grocery tab was $188 for two people, and that only included 3 lbs. of hamburger and a pork roast. my Big Ticket items were my Greek yogurt ($7+ a carton) and olive oil. ($20+) EVERYTHING is so much more expensive than it was. why does THAT never make the news? well, i know why, but never mind. what are you guys going to do about that $1,300 car repair bill? that's a LOT. i'll be getting mine back from the shop this morning. it needed a new thermostat for the heater, and they did my State Inspection. no idea what something like a thermostat for a car costs. guess i'll find out in a few hours.

Jean, that's quite a history of service in your family! you must be proud!

Nancy, i once told my BIL, when he had the nerve to insult my MIL's salad at the dinner table, that if I was his mom, he would be wearing the salad. i have NO tolerance for People Who Get Fed By Others who don't approve of the food. LIKE IT OR LUMP IT it is my motto!

Where's Trudy????

today i have some running around to do to finish up the Christmas gifts. then i'll make a few more Christmas cards and maybe---just MAYBE--clean a room or two in this mess of a house.

QOTD: in line with my misanthropic personality, i would use my magic wand to move every house and person within 2 miles of me further away. :rofl:

have a good one, ladies! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies.... I'm BACK!!!!! Well sort of, as I developed the worst cold ever on the trip home. Ugh! :sick: Rattling cough, temp, chills the wholes works. I was home on the 10th but couldn't even think about turning on my computer until this morning. We didn't even attend the Remembrance Day Ceremonies here, first time in years. I took some Neo-Citran before bed last night, was in bed by 9pm and slept right through until 7am. I have a headache still, but feeling a bit better. Our trip to visit my son and family was lots of fun, DH and son got a deer and so they were happy about that! I got to play with my grandkids so I was happy about that!! Trip home was a bit hairy as the roads were snow packed and a bit icy for part of the way, but once we got closer to the mountains the roads were dry no snow and lots of beautiful scenery !! We even saw a ton of wildlife, I will have to get started on a page with my photos of our trip.

Chris - We had to do some clean up when we got back, the decks and yards were filled with big branches and leaves from a big storm that blew through here while we were gone. Actually DH did the clean up I tried my best to get some groceries without passing out :faint: LOL Oh I was so dizzy,:dizzy: but there was no food in the house. Hope the temps do not drop too much for you, it is colder here now, but nothing like it was in Cold Lake Alberta where the temp was -16 when we left.

Phylis - I hear ya on the cost of groceries!! I spent $114 and only got the bare minimum I will have to go back to get the rest when I am feeling better and I am not looking forward to that cost! Wow you are Christmas shopping already!! Good for you! I really have to start and I swear I am doing all of my shopping online this year! The cost of postage is astronomical so I won't be sending any Christmas Cards this year either :pout: I love to do cards and get cards, but the cost is just too much. I was thinking that I might do the cards to all of my friends here, cause it fun to get them from all over the place, but thats it!!!! The only Christmas gifts I have done are the Calendars for the Aussie families. I really have to start on the ones for my kids and myself next. So much to do so little time!!

Well I am off to the shower and then try to get something into my stomach, I really do not feel that I can eat too much yet.

QOTD: I would use my magic wand to transport myself to all my kids and grandkids, then I wouldn't have to do those long road trips or flights!!

Have a wonderful day everyone!! I am off to try to catch up with all that has been happening here. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Good morning - Had a lovely dinner with my the family of my husband's former student. She found a great job but requires moving to California so they are leaving Thursday. They brought their son and he is a real cutie. My DH loves kids and they seem to really like him too. But what is so amazing it just how fast they can use a iPhone. He does not know his numbers but he knows how to punch the buttons that at the password to open the phone. We went to an awesome Indian Restaurant. Great food! Got in a good walk - walked around our local park. It is so nice. This am there was fog. Well my Devils defeated the Wild 3-1. Of course on the night I have to miss the game LOL.

Chris and Phylis I think the prices of food are one of the reasons I so hate shopping. I just wonder where all that money goes. It is not like there are so many people working the registers and now they want us to self check out. Maybe it is in the packaging or marketing but based on what my family who are in farmers and ranchers in Colorado say they are not the ones making a lot of money. I guess way to many middle men.

Jean thanks for all that service.

QOTD - my magic wand would do all the chores I hate doing, cook clean and yard work.


Well-Known Member
i could scream. i looked outside when the sun came up and my yard is covered with leaves again. :hurt:


Well-Known Member
QOTD: Wow, there are soooo many things I could use a magic wand for. Clean house, thinner, less achy body, genealogy books written. Oh, my!

Noise this morning turned into tree removal people taking down the two tall old pine trees in the yard behind us. They may have needed to go (maybe) but it is so sad. They've been home to so many nesting birds over the years. It still could be partly good if this meant someone might actual buy the house and live there instead of its being vacant and poorly cared for.

Trudy, so sorry you came home to such a cold and storm debris as well. Hope you are better very soon. Look forward to the trip photos.

Nancy, sounds like a lovely evening. And good for the Devils even though you didn't get to watch them.

Phylis, we have such small yards, but still the leaves pile up. Supposedly the city was to pick them up yesterday, but guess they forgot about Veteran's Day. Now who knows. We just have to get them to the tree lawn.

Chris, the grocery costs just keep going up. But the cost of everything that goes into them goes up too. Your parents will remember when things were lots and lots cheaper. Doesn't help a bit knowing that though.

And no, I'm not ready for the cold and s---!


I love the "O"
Hi girls,
I only want to say thank you for the birthday kit I got yesterday. This is very nice and made me really happy