
Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 31: The Spooooooky Edition!


The Loopy-O

Happy Halloween to all who celebrate that! I love Halloween but I miss getting dressed up and taking the kids out to trick or treat. Gary is in his crazy-element, and has been busy creating a space themed set up outside. He has a video on FB. I don't know if this link will work, but he posted this yesterday.

I finished painting yesterday and it really looks good. I hope the sealer keeps the stains and smells out. I only needed 1 gallon of each primer and paint, since the DR is small. It used to be the kids' bedroom before the addition went on. Its open to the rest of the downstairs and it was only the bottom half of the walls. We have tan on top, a white chair rail and then the plum on the bottom. I have to say, it is actually easier to paint full walls than just the bottom half. I was hunched over most of the past 2 days. The best part of it was being able to listen to an Outlander book on my ipod while I was doing it.

Today I am off to clean, the put the rest of the china back in the cabinet. After that, I have to figure out where to put all of my coffee pots! The keurig 2.0 machine came yesterday for the House Party. It has some amazing features, the only drawback is that you can't used the refillable cups, and K-cups are expensive.
I have that one out, plus the old Keurig that MIL gave us, the Tassimo that I got for the House Party last year. I think that House Party knows how serious we take our coffee here. Then there is the 12 cup pot that we brew in every day. That one was an anniversary gift a long time ago for IL's- its a Cuisinart and brews amazing coffee, keeps it really hot too.
So-- 4 coffee pots and not one of them purchased by me! LOL

QOTD In honor of Halloween, what is your favorite candy?
I am not big on candy, I could live on cookies however (yay for Christmas baking!). But if I had to choose, Reese's are nice. I also love the Lindt truffles. I found Sea Salt Caramel ones at the dollar store and they were sooooo yummy!!!! I should have bought more than one bag. I mean, lindt truffles for a dollar?

Finish It Friday:
Gotta finish getting my DR back together!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I know what you mean about painting. And the bad part of painting is that once you have one area looking nice and fresh, the rest of the house looks so dingy. And that make me want to paint more. But next bit up will be the bathrooms and *that* is going to be a total PITA. I hate ceilings!!!!
hah!we both found Maureen's bit amusing. Says something about our inner bitch perhaps?
Great news about the well! (I think). Hopefully it is all done freaking out and you won't have to worry about it again.

Jean- totally with you on reading a good book. I love when you can get totally lost in one.

Trudy- how did the calendars come out? I bet they are amazing! DId you have a nice visit with your brother? when is he leaving Ca?
I am so sorry to hear about your DD's kitty. Always such a hard decision. :hug:
I do hope that you had time to breathe with all of that running around. IKWYM about not being able to get into a book after finishing a good one. Book Hangover, I call it.
PS: LOVE your relaxing!!!

Phyllis- I don't know whether to laugh or give big hugs about your non-relaxing. I can relate, it is really hard for me to relax (Surprised??? No????LOL) which is why I think my relaxing involves wine!

Hope that all of you have a fantastic and spooky day!

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Just dipping in as I'm putting off folding my laundry.

I'm not big on Halloween - wrong generation, it didn't happen when I was a child but my kids love it. Thank goodness it only last an hour or so each year, although my kids are all going in different directions tonight without me.

Chris - you gave me my "are we really talking the same lingo?" moment today - I had to look up what a chair rail was. Never heard it called that - we call them dado rails. Any Canadians or Antipodeans want to chime in with what term you use?


Well-Known Member
Selena, HI!

Chris, i'm still getting over the guy under the lawn mower in your DH's video. holy cow! you guys go all out! at my house, you wouldn't even know it was Halloween. as an Old Bag, plus the fact that no one comes on our little street, it's one of my many "why bother decorating" holidays.

Trudy, sad about the kitty. i am dreading the time when i have to make a decision about The Boomeister. so far, so good though. he'll probably last for years. i hope. i read Hubby your comment about the Old Guys in the fast lane, because he goes to the swim club in the summer and does laps. i told him i hoped he wasn't pokey and one of the old lane hogs!

Jean, aren't books the greatest? The Great Diverters of Attention Away from Disagreeable Thoughts!

QOTD: i was never one for candy, until it became off limits when Diabetes set in. companies think that diabetics are dying for candy, so everything they make is dedicated to satisfying a sweet tooth, which i don't have. i want someone to invent low-carb baguettes!! consequently, i eat more "candy" now than i ever did. i don't mind chocolate and peanuts together, so these Atkins things serve as dessert sometimes:


they're tasty and easy and almost carb-free. i still would rather have the baguette.

ok. off to start the day. have a great day! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - wow I have been busy but not sure now what I have been doing LOL. My best friend from work called just as I was starting to write on Wed and on Thursday my sister called. It was great to talk to them. The best of course is that my Devils finally won a game in a Shoot Out after 18 straight loses. This was not a very well played game but they still got the two points. I have a game Saturday night and then on Tuesday before they are off on a road trip. Cant believe today is Halloween the last day of Oct. And I do not want daylight savings to end. Love reading the answers to the QOTD
QOTD - I have my mom's china, silver and crystal. I did not use them when the boys were young and I regret that now. I have been making a real effort to use them.
QOTD - I relax by walking. I find be outside and just letting my wander resets my balance. I also love reading!
QOTD - I love candy. For Halloween I love good candy corn, in general I love payday's and reeses peanut butter cups but I love snickers and butterfingers and just plain old hersey bar.

Chris glad the painting went so well.

Phylis that is amazing that now the well seems to be working. Could it be that there was just an over all lowering of the water table in your area and you have now gotten enough rain to raise the level back to normal.

Trudy do men every think they slow down LOL! Good luck with the complaining.

Have a great day all and I hope I get some cute kids knocking at my door!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Halloween O-Zies!!
I am all ready for the little goblins to arrive this evening, but with the weather being so wet I am not so sure that we will have many kids this year. I did not go all out on decorating this year as we are leaving very early tomorrow morning for out trip to visit with DS and family. Not looking forward to the long drive, but I will keep busy reading on my Kobo and I have also downloaded a few new episodes of Downton Abbey to watch and will do a chick flick movie today also. Hubby is happy to just drive, drive, drive LOL only likes to stop for gas and then back on the road again.

Chris - Ouch my poor aching back!! I would be so sore from all that bending over! Your hubby really does go all out for Halloween doesn't he!! Great video and love the the guy under the lawnmower! Calendars turned out great, they love them and will take them to Australia when they go in November, they leave just a few days after we get back home. So not sure if we will get to see them once more or not? Glad you are enjoying your audio book so much!!

Selena - How nice to see you here! Ugh on folding the laundry! Don't you wish the laundry fairy would come and do that for you!! :becky: I think that we call chair railing "Wainscoting" here in Canada, I have never heard of chair railing or dado rails. :noidea:

Phylis - I hope your kitty has many more years with you before you have to make that dreaded decision! Heather was sad, but realized that they just could not go on cleaning up after a sick kitty and they could not afford to have it on meds all the time either, even the Vet told her it was the right decision!! She will be happy to not have to scoop the poop anymore and vacuum up the tons of cat hair, that cat shed more than any other cat I have seen. Hope your hubby doesn't think I am a bossy old woman :becky: He probably is very polite and gives way to other swimmers if they are faster than him. :becky:

Nancy - Happy to hear that your Devils broke the losing streak with shootouts!! ITA that walking is a great way to relax also!! Sounds like you have a real sweet tooth!! You must love Halloween LOL.

QOTD - I think that my most favourite candy is Turtles mmmmmm I love Turtles!! but they do not give those out at Halloween, so my favourite halloween treat would be the little OHenry bars, love that salty and sweet together!! :hungry:

Hope you all have a wonderful day and that you enjoy this last day of October! Don't eat all of the left over candy in one sitting LOL
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Well-Known Member
Somehow missed coming here earlier. Evening now.
QOTD: I love candy, especially chocolate. So, even though it's off limits, I eat pieces of a Lindt bar of very dark chocolate with a bit of chile. It makes everything else seem bland, though still good.

Hope everyone had a Halloween of fun.