
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 30


The Loopy-O
Where is the "I am in so much Pain" smilie??? :faint:

I am sorry that I never made it back for personals yesterday, but I was painting from 8.30 to 4.30. I needed 2 good coats of the primer and the places where the stains were worse on the drywall, it seemed to soak in quite a bit and took longer than the hour to dry. Then I needed 2 good coats of the paint to cover the white primer. I still need to do the baseboard covers and touch up a few spots that need a bit more coverage, now that it is completely dry. Then it is time to move back the little china cabinet, the table and chairs, etc. I swear, if the cats pee in there again, I might have to ... ugh, I wish I could say that I would get rid of them, but you know I can't even type it. *sucker for fur-babies*

How was your day? I hope everyone had a great one.

What do you do to relax?
Last night when I finished painting, I got my heat pack, a glass of wine and watched TV with my hubby!

Temptation on Thursday:

Find someone in my neighborhood who has a hot tub and soak!!:bathbaby:


The Loopy-O
Hi Cinda! Yes, the table does look pretty when it is all set with china. I knew my mom would appreciate that when I did it for her B-day too. I even used a tablecloth. haha!! I am more of a grab a paper plate, fill it with food type girl, but that time it was full sit-down fancy dinner.

Phyllis- that is a fantastic story, so heartfelt. You really just never know what the next day is going to bring. I have some silver pieces from both of my grandmothers, stored in my attic. At one point, I was thinking about selling them to get some extra cash. I couldn't do it, they are a part of my heritage.
Hope you are feeling much, much better today!

Trudy- how was swimming and skype with Mason? I have broken a few pieces too and of course my pattern is discontinued so I can't replace anything. But how many times will I really have 12 people sitting at my table that only holds 8? hahaha!
Actually, I didn't break my china, one of my cats did. I had postpartum depression after Cait was born. Christmas day of that year, I was alternating between crying and trying to set the table with my china for the family to come for dinner. The cabinet doors were open and that darn cat jumped onto the shelf and everything came crashing down. More tears from me. :Cry: The next day I called my OB/GYN to say that I needed help, desperately. Yay for antidepressants!! LOL

Jean- that is a great story too! I remember the grocery stores selling china too.

Adryane- same as me, stuff from my grandmothers, all stored away. But someday, I will take it down from the attic, polish it up and put it back on display.

He didn't like the pattern so it was a petty gesture.
I Love it!!!!! :pound:
Tee-hee, I looked at the website link and that is where my mom stalked to find replacement pieces for the one my cat broke.
Good luck with your appts. And yes, on demand stinks with not being able to FF through the commercials.

I gotta run... although it probably looks more like :crutch:



Well-Known Member
well. where IS everyone?? Hi, Chris! when you said you bought a gallon of paint to do your dining room, i couldn't imagine how that would be enough! sounds like a HUGE job. bet you're glad it's over with! i have a lot of painting that needs done around here, and i'm starting to feel like i do about raking the leaves. the job looks too enormous to start, let alone finish!

Trudy, you must be getting incredibly BUFF with all this swimming! it must be something you actually like to do, or it wouldn't be worth all the trouble of going there, getting into your suit, swimming, then doing it all in reverse! how old is Mason now? it's great that you can read to him over the Internet. i doubt The Grandmen would sit still for it.

Jean, i wonder whether your blue roses china is the same as my Blue Garland. i think there's roses on there, too!

He didn't like the pattern so it was a petty gesture.

Adryane, sometimes it's a comfort just to know what's there in the boxes, like the short story said.

still itching. still having trouble with clothing, except my cotton nightshirt. but things seem to be resolving. i look forward to seeing the back end of this experience. and our well seems to have had a Miracle Cure, at least for the present. the cistern is back up to where it usually is. so, no idea what to do. or NOT to do. i guess we'll see. ha. yeah. we'll see what happens when this happens again in the middle of January.... :faint2:

see ya! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Great stories on our china! What to do to relax? Probably the most soothing thing is go birding, but that takes a certain amount of effort. To just get away from it all kind of relaxing I think it's burying my head in a book.

Phylis, how spooky that the cistern mysteriously returned to the proper level. Glad you're starting to feel better.

Chris, that sounds like a heroic job painting with all those coats.

Hope all the missing are also doing well today.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hey ladies... I am super duper late getting here today, but my brother and SIL came for a visit first thing this morning, so I had to quickly get dressed and run to the Printer to pick up the calendars and then get them wrapped.
So then I had to make a mad dash up to the town of Lake Cowichan where my sister lives and go get a couple of salmon out of her freezer to take with us to DS and his family. She has a freezer full of huge salmon and was happy to part with a couple of them. She also gave me a beautiful turkey too, she wanted it out of her freezer as her hubby gets them through work and they just don't eat that much turkey. Lucky Me!!! :becky: I love turkey and haven't cooked one in ages as we always seem to be at someone else's house for turkey dinners. So then back home in the pouring rain to get something out for supper and now finally here for a couple of minutes until hubby gets home and wants his dinner. Where did the day go??? Poor DD had to take her cat in to the vet today to have him put down, she is very sad, but the cat is very sick and has been pooping all over the house and has ruined the mattress in the spare room downstairs so now she needs to buy a new mattress!!! Not a good day!

Chris - Hope that your aches and pains go away quickly, your job turned out to be a lot more work than you bargained for it sounds like! Lots of Advil should do the trick!! Make sure you have a full tummy though!!

Phylis - Not sure about getting Buff with the swimming that I do, but I do feel a lot better! I usually get my bathing suit on before I leave the house and just throw my clothes on over top, a quick drive to the pool, maybe 5mins. Then afterward I usually shower and wash my hair there and then get dressed and wait to dry my hair when I get home. Not so bad. We have a wonderful facility here and it has great change rooms with lots of showers. I just hate sharing the lap pool with some of the grumpy old men that come, they think they are fast swimmers and take up the medium/fast swim lanes when they should be over in the slow lanes. :mmph: me and few other women are always waiting for them to get out of the way :rant: they are bullies and won't move!!!!! I think we are going to have to complain about them!

Jean - I'm with you on relaxing with a book, but now I am done with my favorite series, I really am having a hard time reading anything else.

QOTD - I love to have a hot bath and sip on a glass of wine while soaking and that is where I usually read my books too. :becky:

Hope everyone has a great night! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
forgot the QOTD answer: generally speaking, i don't think i DO relax. for me, it's more a matter of diverting my attention from stress with something else. usually that's an audio book or video, while i'm ironing or something.