
Daily Ooo's: November 1-2: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Hello to all of my dear O-Friends! How are you today? It is 7.30 and looks like it is pitch black out there. We have a cold and rainy day here, but at least it didn't rain for the Trick or Treaters last night.
We actually had a pretty decent amount of kids, at least for this area. I bought 4 bags of candy and only went through 3. Gary was in his glory every time someone complimented him on his set up. He blew it off, but I know he had to be please. Then there was a group of little girls who were much much more excited to be able to pet our dog. ha!!!!

Do you have a good weekend planned? I don't have any major plans today and I *must* rest.I woke up at 4am, Gary's sugar was very high and needed to get his pump supplies and that got me up and then I had to check on him to make sure he was ok. I went back to bed but sort of drifted a bit and then got up when my back and hips said "No more"
I am pretty proud of myself-- I got everything put back into the "china cabinet" (It is actually a shoe cabinet we got at IKEA 20 years ago hehe!!), got all of the switch plates back on, and it looks good.

That is about it from me.
I hope that all of you have a super-de-duper day!


The Loopy-O
Selena- hi there! This is always a good place to hang out when you are putting off laundry or other assorting cleaning activities LOL
That is so funny that you never heard the term chair rails. We both speak English but sometimes its so different. I even notice that when I am listening to Outlander, the words might be the same, but some of the pronunciations are totally different.
Hope that your kids had a good time last night.

Phyllis- Oh yeah, Gary goes all out. Lawnmower Man is a fixture now. Cait's friend dropped her off after school a couple of days ago and was shouting- OMG, this is your house? My mom LOVES your Lawnmower Man!
I am with you-- a good loaf of warm bread-- I would rather have that over candy too.

Nancy- I was wondering where you went! Great having you back :) And great about the Devils broke that shoot out streak!!
I am glad you like reading about the QOTD-- which reminds me that I don't have one for today yet :)

Trudy- safe travels! How long of a trip is this? Sounds like a loooong one! I am the same way with driving. Once I am in the car, I am not stopping. Of course I don't typically drive more than a few hours anymore.
I really hope that you can squeeze in one more visit with your brother before the fam leaves for AU.

Jean- I have been seeing a lot of the chocolate and chili combos lately. Do you typically like spicy food? I am not crazy about it, but I tend to like weird flavor combinations.

Before I run off... QOTD


Are you athletic? Or are you like me, totally uncoordinated?
I swear, I would fail a field sobriety test stone cold sober hahah!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning - It is a raw November day - cold rain and lots of wind. But a great day to stay and get some scrapping done. Tonight I have a Devils home game and hopeful that we LOL they can win again. Devils are playing a team that is missing 7 of its star players including their goalie so that might mean an advantage but who knows. I have been having a good time playing with the Shazam and Spotify apps. I use Shazam to find the name of the song I hear that I like and then use Spotify to create the playlists. It is so easy. And I am finding songs that I would never have come across. Watched on line an interview with the author of the Outlander series. It was so interesting to hear how she writes. She is also a PhD. Gives me more of an understanding as I am reading her books.

Chris we had very few treaters. I miss seeing the little kids come by. And do rest. Glad to hear you are so happy with your dining room!

Phylis how is the itching doing? Finally calming down. I found that as I have gotten older wool is way more itchy that when I was young.

Trudy must have been fun visiting before they headed off to AU. Free salmon and a turkey how nice is that!

Selena in the west where I grew up there were no chair rails so it was surprising to find it when I moved into my house.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
hiya. the weather stinks around here, too, Nancy. but i hear you East Coasters are getting a real storm coming up the coast. here it's just drizzle and cold and gray skies. blerg. not a fan of November....

Chris, we had our usual ZERO Trick or Treaters. I'm sure your DH feels happy when people love his decos. If he didn't, he wouldn't keep doing it! what happens when Gary's sugar gets high, with a pump? does it beep or something? i thought pumps took care of highs and lows, but i don't know much about them. hope he's doing better and that you get a NAP! i was up for a few hours around 3 a.m., but i forced myself to try to sleep some more, so i woke up for the second time around 7.

Jean, i can't get my head around chocolate and chile! but dark chocolate can make for some strange but successful combinations, i guess.

Trudy, hope the trip is going great. i'm right there with your DH: drive, drive, drive. i love it!! ROAD TRIPPPPP!!!!!!!!

i got a few photos via email of The Grandmen and Little Sis in the costumes i got for them. too funny! the oldest one was in full Ninja character. hopefully i'll be getting more pix. we usually are with them for Halloweening, so it's tough to be half a world away!

just finished feeding my BIL and SIL some lunch. they were here to pick up some furniture we had no use for anymore. they packed the SUV, ate some lunch, chatted a bit, then left. high point of the day, i guess. gotta figure out what time my teams are playing football today so i can listen and do other stuff at the same time.

happy weekend! don't forget to Fall Back tonight! :becky:


lOve the O!
Good Morning O fam- My body is not set to daylight savings time- if only we could really save daylight. I am so very excited- I love going to the ReStore- which sells items that make money for habitat for humanity. We have one in my town and I try to stop in to see if they have any must buys. I went on Thursday and found this reddish mahogony looking table with two outlets in the front and immediately thought- sewing table- rounded edges and all. Turns out it is a desk from a fancy hotel in Cleveland- the Intercontinental. It was only $40- so I took a pic, took measurements and thought- okay after work on Friday I am buying it- well when I went on Friday- it was marked down to $20- which made the fact that the legs could not be removed to easily get it into my basement okay with me- not so much hubby. We have been so busy with our new meat raising business. Today I am staying home and working on paperwork- and perhaps the basement so I can post pics of my new sewing table!!


The Loopy-O
Good morning, happy Sunday and no more Daylight Saving Time. I hate to see it so dark at dinner time, but its nice to not be driving to the bus stop every morning in the pitch dark. Although, in another few weeks I will be doing that again.

Did all of you have a nice day yesterday?
I don't even know what I did. I puttered and wasted time in the morning, then downloaded the next Oscraps collab kit. OMG-- wait until you see this one!!! Gorgeous!!! I used it to make my Christmas cards (don't hit me! :fish: ). It is just that I got an offer for 101 free 4x6 prints from Shutterfly, and that is how I make my cards inexpensively. I get them printed from there, and for a few bucks I get a box of invitation envelopes from Walmart. Costs me around $10 to do that and I hand deliver as many cards as I can.

I am hoping for some more Shutterfly codes coming up too. I am doing at least one book for a gift, and I am sure that I'll want to make a few more gifts. If anyone sees a code online for them, please share! I will do the same;)

Today will be more of the same. Puttering, getting ready for a busy week and posting some of the November challenges LO's that I did. I have to go and get Scott from Leah's. His car is now leaking coolant and he didn't want to drive it that far so Leah brought him back with her yesterday. I think he will have my car this week and I will take his since I don't have to leave town. He has his going in the shop on Thursday. *sighs*
I am really glad that we told him that he didn't need to find a job, that his health and school came first, but sheesh-- it would be nice to make him pay for his car stuff LOL

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! May the sun be shining by you!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- That is really cool to hear Diana G. be interviewed. I had no idea she has a PhD. Her books are just so amazingly detailed and complex that it doesn't surprise me.
How did your Devils do last night?

Phyllis- not a fan of November either. At least December we can focus on the holidays instead of the weather. But-- november is still way better than February!
My parents don't get any trick or treater any more either. They live on a bad curved road with no sidewalks and there is a development of McMansions behind them.
The insulin pump doesn't monitor his glucose levels, he still tests about 10 times a day. He will still get highs and lows but they tend to not be as bad as it was when he was one shots.
What did your Grands dress up as? Bet it was sweet to see them, even if just in photos.

Laurie! So good to see you here!
If there was someway to save daylight and warmth... I would be so all over that.
I would love to have a ReStore by me. The nearest one is about 50 minutes from here. The desk sounds really neat!

Talk to you all soon!


Well-Known Member
good day! It is lunch time and the sun has finally come out! The wind is really still blowing but at least the sun has come! Today my oldest came over to claim some more furniture. But glad as we don't use it anyway! My Devils won again a come from behind in the 3rd so that is good but I wish they played with that urgency in the first 40 min of the game. It was a fun to see them win. I actually walked yesterday in the late afternoon as the rain was just a drizzle. My son has this great rain hat so that meant I did not get wet! Today I will get see how it is to get blown around. I did enjoy my extra hour!

Chris I will miss the daylight in the afternoon but do enjoy the morning light. Enjoy your puttering.

Phylis glad you got the photos of the grandmen and little sis! Giving away furniture is awesome when someone else can really use it. And I can't dislike November as my oldest was born this month.

Laurie what a great find with your new table and to help a charity at the same time!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
It's another football Sunday. Half time at the moment of the Browns playing really, really stupid!
Yesterday was at the historical society for a genealogy meeting and class and some research. A really nice time. It felt cold last night but the rain quit and it was sunny today.
As to the chocolate with chile, yes, I like spicy food a lot. So do my DH and sister, so that is fun.

We don't do the Halloween thing, but our neighborhood gets hordes of trick-or-treaters, brought by the carload (blocking the street even) from elsewhere in addition to the real local kids. It looks more like a business than kid fun. Maybe we're just old grouches, but others in the neighborhood complain too. One weird observation was that kids came accompanied by costumed parents who expected treats too.

Phylis, hope you feel better and have sunshine today too.

Laurie, the sewing table find sounds super. Look forward to the photos.

Chris, the card idea is amazing. What a cool way to get them done.

Nancy, going back to Standard time is always a jolt as the days are getting too short anyway you label it.