
Daily Ooo's: Monday, November 3


The Loopy-O

This is us today. Yesterday too. Soooo windy and cold. If there was any hope of me finding the dog poop this morning, I think I am going to need a snow shovel to get to the bottom of the leaves.

How was everyone's weekend? Good shopping at DSD?
I was able to get a bunch of stuff done in the morning since the rest of the family slept late. The extra hour threw me off a bit too. I was absolutely exhausted at 3pm, which is when I would get tired at 4 pm. Then I couldn't get to sleep, then kept waking up. Yuck.

Not much here today, food shopping and plastic wrapping the windows. woo hoo. I think I get the Most Boring Day Award.
(I should not have said that, I just know that something will happen now that I did)

If you could give yourself an award for today, what would it be?
Obviously, I give myself the Most Boring Day. :first:

Me Me Monday
My hands and nails are already feeling the effects of the colder weather. I have to do something about the ragged cuticles that does not involve biting them off.


lOve the O!
Oh Good Morning O fam- I just loaded my planner with layouts I want to make - I think my mojo is coming back. I am getting ready to do a quick workout and then head off to work.

My Award- Ready to tackle the day award!!


The Loopy-O
Nancy- did you get blown away by the wind on your walk? When I drove Cait to work yesterday it was only 42*, and I couldn't imagine walking *anywhere.* You are a brave lady!
Good to hear that the Devils won again!

Jean- Hope that your football day got better and that your team stopped playing stupid.
Scott's new thing is to put hot sauce on everything. I bet he would like that chocolate.

Hugs to everyone!!


Well-Known Member
good morning - It seems the wind is a bit less this morning. I did get in a walk and it was not too bad. Wind blew me along so that was fun! So I will walk again today! Must do some laundry. Other than that it will be a scrapping day.
QOTD - I was award myself the procrastination award as I should do laundry but if I get into scrapping then it will not get done. Lots of stuff gets put off if I get into scrapping.

Chris I told myself last year that I am going to not let the weather dictate if I walk. I purchased clothing that allows me to walk in any weather. No excuses as I could sit all day scrapping or reading or watching hockey.

Laurie that is a good idea to plan pages that you want to scrap. Glad you are getting your mojo back.

Jean I love spicy food. My husband actually brought home the best chili chocolate he got from one of his students. It was sweet and hot but you did not taste the heat until the sweet was gone really a strange flavor but I like it a lot.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
QOTD: i wish to be awarded the Awesome Though Clueless Computer Bitch trophy. after wasting almost the entire weekend dealing with the devastation of doing the iTunes and ios 8.1 upgrades, i deserve SOMETHING. word of advice: if you haven't done these upgrades, particularly the iTunes one: DON'T DO IT!!! to make a VEEEEERRRRY long story short, the iTunes upgrade caused my desktop HP to stop recognizing my CD/DVD disk drive, and the 8.1 update on my iPad has made it impossible to sign in to GMail. so i'm off to the Genius Bar to see how they explain all this and to tell them that Apple is starting to act like Microsoft. who ever said that computers SAVE time? :rant:

gotta go get ready to head out to the appointment. hope everybody has a happy, un-upgraded day.:becky: