
Daily Ooo's: Thursday, October 23


The Loopy-O
Good morning to everyone! I think the dreary weather this past week is taking its toll, so here I am with :tea: for everyone!

And some more :tea:


I got a lot accomplished yesterday. At least I think I did.Maybe I didn't? Either way, I got some stuff done, and that is always good. I still have some more to do, but hopefully I can work on that this morning before I head off to work.
Speaking of work, Caitlyn got a job! It's counter/phone girl for a local pizza place. She starts today at 4. A bunch of her friends work there so hopefully it will be fun for her.

She also finished her Flour Baby and texted me a picture of her. Its pretty cute, if a Grandma Flour is allowed to say so. She also texted me that her Culinary teacher brought in a coffee pot for the class and she can keep a mug in the classroom and can drink as much coffee as she likes. That's my girl!

Other than that, not much going on here. Tired today... but I guess, what else is new, eh?

Temptation on Thursday
I *really* want to go back to bed!

PS: The spaghetti squash was really good. Scott wasn't crazy about it, he kept expecting it to be spaghetti and then it wasn't ;) but the rest of us liked it. Next time I will use more garlic- it called for 2 cloves, but it wasn't enough.


The Loopy-O
Maureen- I was going to track you down and ask you about the bean soup/crock pot conversion if you didn't pop in :D
I do soak my beans overnight and I typically cook them in that water for the extra nutrients. So I used 2 cups of dried beans, and 4 cups of chicken stock. If I throw that in the crock, it should work out ok?
I have to start stalking your blog again! It always makes me hungry.
I hope that all of your appt's went well. Cait and I went for mother -daughter mani/pedi's before my surgery and it was a nice treat.

Nancy- I love the Outlander series. I am listening to book three ATM and am almost finished with it. I love to listen while I am cleaning since it makes me feel less like I am working. It takes me longer to get through a house, but worth it.
I totally get your irritation at your friend. I have learned to not talk politics at all with certain friends for the same reasons.
The car wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Front brakes and rotors. Back brakes just needed an adjustment. The bad news is that the noise that drives me *insane* is a wheel bearing or something but they don't know which wheel it is. They said to wait until it gets louder (arrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and then they can fix it.

Trudy- I know that Ottawa and Quebec are on the other side of the country, but how scary to hear this in the news for you.
Bet that Mason brightened up your day!

Jean- bwuahahahha!! You all k now me too well!! I did work hard, cleaning out closets and under the oven etc.
Did you get to baking? It was a good baking day here as well.

Gotta run! I am late!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-zies!! We are having a Thunder Storm of all things??? We never get thunder here! Especially in the Fall WTH?? But it was actually loud enough and close enough to give the house a bit of a rumble. It reminded me of being back on the prairie again, although those storms would scare the bejesus out of you sometimes!! :fear: A sad day for all Canadians yesterday as we lost a very young brave soldier to some crazed maniac!! That is two in the last week or so. What is happening in the world? Guess we need some boots on the ground and deal with these crazies once and for all!! But this is not the place to vent my feelings about such matters, so I will keep my opinions to myself :tape:

Chris - That is cute about how Scott expected to have actual spaghetti LOL. WTG Cait for getting her first job, I hope that it all works out and it does not interfere with her schooling!
Hope that your day goes smoothly and you get to enjoy the rest of your audiobook!! I have just finished the 8th book in the series and now am anxiously waiting for her to get her next one on the shelves!! What will I do without Jamie and Claire in my life?

Well better post this before the power goes out, it is storming like crazy!! Tears from Heaven for our poor men in uniform!! Try to enjoy your day everyone!! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Trudy, my condolences for that soldier. The world seems crazier than ever.

Hope the thunder storm wasn't bad and that you have good day.

Chris, exciting news for Cait (and the Flour Baby). You'll have get get pictures of the two of them. Trying to imagine you listening for which wheel is making that sound!

I didn't get to baking. Dick did his morning bird count and saw a neat little owl. He took me back in the afternoon to see it too. It was lovely and saw quite a few nice migrant birds. He also read my new version of an article on a relative and this time he liked it. Spent time working on it and getting in the footnotes. I'm trying to get it done in time for the coming issue of our bulletin in case there's room for it. World Series last night was interesting to see the Royals tie it up. I don't have a team in it, just like the baseball.

Hope everyone has a good fall day.


Well-Known Member
hiya. still hangin' in there. still have the various maladies. but kn to more interesting stuff! our well stopped working yesterday, so no water except the emergency supply i have put by. the well guy just left, so we'll see how it all turns out.

for the bird lovers. i got this in my inbox today:

Trudy, when something happens to Canada, it feels like it happens to me. i am following all this closely, and i'm so sorry that this mess has come to our neighbors. i despise the people who can do nothing but create chaos and grief in the world. and, right. someone needs to explain how it is that we can't just kick major ass and be DONE with this &$/%.

howdy to everyone. just a fast fly-by for today. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Hi all

A busy day here as a friend came over to take our room air conditioners (which Dick got out of the windows) down to our cellar. He was here at 08:00 so the work started early and meant that I had to get up, and dressed and eaten earlier than I usually do. Jammies usually stay on til around 10. ;) After the a/c move, he and Dick finally !!! got the vents at each register blowing correctly for the heat. I KNEW the vent in the living room had no heat coming out but it was a 2-person job fiddling with that and a lot of yelling throughout the house....NOW, it's off! or NOW, it's blowing. Phew!

Midday our two new recliners arrived - one may be my new bed if sleeping post knee surgery is an issue. Finally, this afternoon we voted and then had a tour of the rehab I'm going to. One nice little perk is that I get one free shampoo and 'set' in the salon. I like that since showers will be out for a bit.

Chris, after soaking your beans and adding all the other stuff I think a 6+ hour cook on high should give you a time to start checking. However...they usually say to trash the soaking water to eliminate a lot of gas. if that's not an issue, go for it. And well done to your new Pizza girl! I say Pizza once a week sounds good!

Trudy, I couldn't believe the deaths in Ottawa but the phrase 'boots on the ground' sends chills up my spine. My son's 7 years over there since 9/11 gave this mama a lot of worry but thank all that be he came back every time w/o a scratch. Just some nightmares about things he had seen. Fortunately, he was not a combatant.

Jean, interesting that we both have Richards at home. Using their nicknames has often had my posts bleeped in places! You have your baseball, I have a lot of tv I'm enjoying 'on demand' though darn them, they now don't let you fast forward through the commercials. I walk or go to the bathroom during those bits. ;)

Phylis, I sure hope your well is ok. h2o is critical so I hope you don't need a new one. That can be pricey!

Well, it's dinner time here so have a great evening all!https://ozone.oscraps.com//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/