Oh wow - I just saw this page in the gallery by @toniboy and HAD to give it a Standing O! I love the blended profile and look at those eyelashes. Then, the elements brushed right on top - perfection!
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@faerywings ...I'm used to large groups of layers now...Yep!...groupings do help...LOL!...Oh MY!!!! I would have guessed about 40 or so. I hope that you used Groups because I cannot imagine how else you kept it all straight! You deserve several gold stars just for Layer Management! LOL!!!
Thanks so much for this, Trina. Made my day!I love this one - the art is perfect and love the use of space and colour!
@Jam-on-toastAll these frames... love this
Enough Is Enough
I just Love Art Journaling!!!....So many creative & individual pieces in this Wonderful! Artful...
thank you!!Well, this one is certainly worthy of a Standing O! Being a big basketball fan, this whole layout just moves me. It is definitely worthy of a place on the wall! @faerywings congratulations on this great layout!
Jump Shot
February Challenge #5 - Sketch Challenge at Oscraps —...
Thank you so much, Chris! It was such fun remembering this and glad the page worked out.LOVE everything about this one by @scrap-genie
You Never Know
Today I thought of this time and had to look into the details. It was a brief but memorable...
Your title works!thank you!!
I should have asked you about what a good title was, I had to Google "basketball terms" to figure out what he was doing. I *think* it is a jump shot?? hahahah!!!!!!
Thank's a lot!
Thanks so much for the Standing O Olga! I was so happy when I saw this!Love the word art and how the page looks like a peek through a window...
Linda, I am truly honored. Thank you for sharing the journey with me!@Susan - s3js congrats on this Standing O! If I were in the room with you, I would certainly be standing and applauding!Missing
Created for Vicki Robinson's monthly challenge.
Where did this woman go? I lost her in some...
Thank you for this mention and shout out!
Thank you so much Susan.xxI think the page by @Mary Davies is simply amazing. It warms my soul. Lovely, sweet, with a fantastic photo. Love it!
Scraplift Challenge
Thank you Kythe for the challenge.
Page one Vertical Side Journaling Cluster and Word Art...