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  1. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, January 27: Snow-Bust-Apocalypse Edition

    Chris, let's call this one the Ironic Storm. yep. we got more than you did. probably 7-8 inches. The Onion had a funny piece about De Blasio's weather overkill: http://www.theonion.com/articles/nyc-mayor-reconcile-yourselves-with-your-god-for-a,37850/ but, honesty, what can you do but...
  2. whatnext

    Daily o's monday up way to early edition jan 25,2015

    PINEAPPLE EXPRESS!! WHERE ARE YOU??? phooey! :smow: Nancy, i'm missing most of the "historic" blizzard, but it's been snowing here since last evening. we have about 4+ inches, with more to come. we'll probably end up with about 7. i don't envy you at all! 2 feet of snow would probably just...
  3. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: January 24-25: Weekend Edition

    just a fast fly-by for me. feeling a little icky this a.m. and spending a lot of time in the bathroom!! i blame it on Trudy's PanGalactic Gargleblaster!! love that emoticon, Trudy. that's one of my favorite inventions from "HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy!" hope everyone has a lovely day. 4-6"...
  4. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: January 24-25: Weekend Edition

    couldn't delete my post, but left a message over THERE to come on over HERE. reposting below what i wrote when i posted: we only had an inch of snow last night, but, WOW!! did you see what that Big Blob of Weather looked like on the radar yesterday??? scary! :scared: happily, we were on the...
  5. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: January 24-25: Weekend Edition

    hahaaa!!! Chris, we both did this at about the same time. i will try to get rid of mine so confusion doesn't ensue!
  6. whatnext

    Daily O's: Weekend Edition Jan 24-25, 2015

    Chris posted at the same time-ish i was creating this post, so i'm moving myself over to her post. why can't a thread be deleted by the person who started it? i've always wondered that!! see you over at Chris' post!
  7. whatnext

    Daily O's: Friday TGIF Edition Jan 23, 2015

    Chris, what you mentioned is NoT the Italian Wedding Soup i know! mine (ours over at this end of the state, at least,) involves chicken broth, tiny meatballs, acini and escarole or spinach! drat. now i'm hungry for Wedding Soup!
  8. whatnext

    Daily O's: Friday TGIF Edition Jan 23, 2015

    hi, Katy! i didn't see your post yesterday until now. yes, absolutely stop by here as often as you can. the more, the merrier! for both you and Shar and anybody else who doesn't do their Apple device cleanup: don't forget to close out all your old screens that are still humming behind the...
  9. whatnext

    Daily O's: Friday TGIF Edition Jan 23, 2015

    geez. is it afternoon already? no? oh, i guess it feels like afternoon because i've been awake, on and off, since 3:38 a.m.!!! :rant: Trudy, if misery loves company, i'm right there with you in Insomnia Land. i should start that "Up in the Middle of the Night" thread that was going on here a...
  10. whatnext

    Daily O's: Thursday Edition Jan 22,2015

    Shar, go to Settings--> Safari (scroll down list on left)-->Clear History and Website Data (scroll down to almost the bottom of thr main body of stuff on the right.) i do this after every place i go online. i do that, too, on my PC.
  11. whatnext

    Daily O's: Thursday Edition Jan 22,2015

    Shar!! yikes!:scared: you know, what you describe is why i am pulling back from lots of stuff online. i can't take it!! everything has turned into a giant MESS!! if someone isn't stealing your information, then stuff keeps coming up that takes HOUR...DAYS!! ..to extricate yourself from. i hate...
  12. whatnext

    Daily O's: Thursday Edition Jan 22,2015

    howdy. just starting the thread this morning so Trudy can have another day off. and Chris, too! after 3" of snow yesterday and having no fun at all trying to shovel the icy driveway, today is LOOKING GOOD! well, let's not overstate the thing. at least it's not snowing, nor is it supposed to...
  13. whatnext

    Daily O's: Wednesday "Give Tridy a Break" Edition Jan 21, 2015

    hi, Chris! i'm still not kidding about the visit to tie you to a chair, so be good. for goodness sake. sounds like so far, so good, though. so continue to behave, would ya?
  14. whatnext

    Daily O's: Wednesday "Give Tridy a Break" Edition Jan 21, 2015

    Nancy, you KNOW what i'm going to say about the car....:becky:
  15. whatnext

    Daily O's: Wednesday "Give Tridy a Break" Edition Jan 21, 2015

    GAAaH!!, of course i have an uneditable TYpO in the thread title. SORRY, TRUDY!! or should i start calling you "Tridy??" sheesh.... :faint2: hiya. since i'm up at the crack of dawn on the East Coast, thought i'd give Vancouver Trudy a break a start the thread early this morning. some snow...
  16. whatnext

    Daily Ooo's: Monday, January 19: The Missing You Edition

    eeeep. another day with Hubby At home. we should be able to stay out of each other's way, though. i have grocery shopping to do and he's going to the library. the key to true love, at least in this family, is SPACE! Chris, hope you've gone back to sleep by this time. still taking it slow and...
  17. whatnext

    Daily o's weekend/missing chris edition

    well. we're not having any fun over here this morning. crabby husband, because we have an oozing kitchen sink faucet, bought the new parts to repair it, and we can't get the OLD part OUT that needs replaced. it's acting in a totally incomprehensible way. i was ready to resort to my cork puller...
  18. whatnext

    Daily o's weekend/missing chris edition

    CHRIS!!! i am late getting here. been away all day, but i thought i'd check in to see if there was any news about/from you. glad i did!! so happy you're home. hopefully you can get some relief from the pain meds and continue to rest. i said :CONTINUE TO REST!! i hope you will come to agree...
  19. whatnext

    Daily O's Friday Edition Jan 16,2015

    well ok for SOME people to sleep all night!:mmph: my night went like this: to bed (chair) at 9:30. awake at 11:30. fall back asleep. awake at 2:08. fall back asleep. awake at 4:38. didn't fall back asleep. you can imagine the mood i'm in today.... Chris, i hope you're back home and in bed by...
  20. whatnext

    Good thoughts and prayers for Faerywings

    The O's own Faerywings (Chris) is in the hospital for surgery today. Please direct your good thoughts and prayers toward the East Coast!