
Daily o's monday up way to early edition jan 25,2015


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am up far, far too early and have been awake for hours :mmph: Tossing and turning half the night is not my idea of a great sleep!! You would have thought that spending most of the day outside in the fresh air I would have slept like a baby?? Oh well perhaps tonight will be better. We broke many temperature records yesterday as it climbed to almost 16C. thats almost 61F the record on this day was 12 degrees Celsius back in 1951. Thank you pineapple express!! The best laid plans often go array as our trip to the kinsol trestle got trashed out when unexpected company arrived for a visit and a cup of coffee. That was ok, it was good to see some of our old friends and catch up on what they have been up to. So DH and I went on a very long walk after they left and went to see a new subdivision just down the road from us a couple of miles. Lots of new houses and gorgeous yards, it has really grown since we were last there. Well I think that I will go get another cup of coffee and then leave some love in the gallery, then hopefully back to :sleep: for a bit. Hope you all slept better than I did and that you have a great morning!! :wave:


The Loopy-O
Good morning, Trudy! I am so sorry that you aren't sleeping well. Maybe it is from being excited about your trip?
I have been up early again today too. I thought I was being smart by not taking pain meds before I went to bed last night, and I woke up in a lot of pain at 4am. Not only from the abdomen but my hips and knees. I am not sure if it was all Lyme/Tindamax or partly Lyme and then the storm.
The East Coast is getting prepared for a "historic blizzard." We are supposed to be getting somewhere between 24-30"? I guess once you start counting in feet it doesn't really matter, eh? I feel terrible that I won't be able to help with shoveling b/c even the snow blower will be tough to use. The Blizzard of '96 we got 2' and I was pg with Scott and Gary was up in CT on business and my neighbors had to come and shovel me out. I felt terrible then too but warmed them up with coffee.
It is also really weird that I can't to my typical pre-storm prep. I usually cook up a storm, and get all of the candles/flashlights/fridges cleaned out and organized, and that the laundry is all finished. We are all electric so if we lose power we lose everything including the ability to get water from the well. I have been ordering Gary around, doing some of the stuff I normally do, and I asked Cait if she wanted to learn how to make my "famous" banana bread, which is our Storm Staple. We have the generator so we will be able to have a little bit of electricity here but it will be very limited. Limited is waaaay better than nothing.

Nancy- you are going to get hit harder then we are, I think? We are on the western edge of the worst of it, but I imagine you are int he heart of it? Be safe!!!!

QOTD- what is your Storm Staple? French toast seems to be a thing, but not for us. Banana bread, egg salad, deviled eggs are always on my list.



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- how are you feeling today? I hope that your stomach is better. Would you believe I have never read Hitchhiker's? I tired a few times and could never get into it. Someone is going to have to revoke my Geek Status. :nerd:

OMG, Nancy- crazy about the swine flu! Hope that you continue to feel good. That is awesome about your DH cooking! Be safe today and tomorrow, and stay warm!!!:smow:

Sharon- The recipe sounds good to me too, bet it was yummy. I hate deveining shrimp, ick is right, but worth it in the end.
I was good but stupid yesterday. Like I said, I am tired of taking pain meds so I wanted to hold off as long as possible, but you know how they say to stay ahead of the pain? I didn't. :(
But it was awesome seeing my brother and SIL and nephew. He is getting so BIG!!!! He will be 4 in May. Crazy!
2 more days until your computer will be fixed. Lots of fingers crossed for you for an "easy" fix.

T- glad you got a bit of a walk in with your Gary yesterday. I wish we had a pineapple express here.
Love your smiliis!!!! Thanks for the shower ones!

:faint: You ladies are *killing* me with your warm weather

::grouphug <~ Me, Phyllis and Nancy trying to stay warm


Well-Known Member
good morning - Yes I am smack dab in the middle of the projected blizzard with 18-24 inches expected. I am not stressing as we have all the food we need and hoping we don't lose electricity as that is my worst nightmare. My son packed up the Escape with water and birdseed and a shovel. The weather says today should be fine with maybe 2 inches but the worst starts overnight. We have gas for water and cooking. I will make sure that all my electronics are charged. Yesterday got in a good walk and my DH did cook and it was yummy! And I am lucky he is willing to cook! I hope I get my buns out and walk today.

Trudy so sorry you were up so early. I have gotten to the point that my body will tell me when I am tired and should sleep and no use worrying in bed if I am awake. I mostly get a good night's sleep but on occasion my mind just won't sleep. The joys of being in these golden years! Glad you got a walk in! Having friends drop in must have been nice too!

Chris shoveling belongs to someone else. Luckily for me my DH loves to shovel and I let him. I am sure your son will help. The new semester starts for my DH tonight does your son start his semester this week? I bet he is excited to be back.

Phylis Hi glad you are missing out on the blizzard! LOL

Shar I am so glad you are enjoying the recipes. And I think that coconut curry sauce would work with chicken or fish for sure!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member

Nancy, i'm missing most of the "historic" blizzard, but it's been snowing here since last evening. we have about 4+ inches, with more to come. we'll probably end up with about 7. i don't envy you at all! 2 feet of snow would probably just throw me over the edge into TOTAL Weather Bitch-hood!:rant: can't believe you're thinking of going out for a walk!

Trudy, maybe we could start the 3 a.m. Margarita Club!! i'm always up, roaming the halls like a ghost. who knows the reason for it? i'm always happy that i don't also have to then go to a JOB on no sleep! too bad you missed the walk you planned, but friends are good exercise, too. just a different sort. laughing and talking must burn a few calories, at least!

Chris, stopping pain meds too soon is never a good idea. as you found out, catching up with the pain takes too much time and effort! not to mention having to suffer. are you allowed to be taking those ABX so soon after surgery? i don't know much about any of the sort of thing you have to do with those, but i'm sure you talked it over with your surgeon. bummer about all the snow. i guess you're going to have to send DH and DS out in one hour shifts to blow the stuff away so that they won't be looking at unblowable stacks of snow! good luck. and STAY PUT, you.

Shar, where is this recipe everyone's talking about with the coconut stuff? i couldn't do the shrimp, but i'd like to have a look. did you post it somewhere and i missed it?

well, i've been out already this morning, in the snow, to get to my dermatologist apt. at that point the roads weren't at all bad. things are looking a bit dicier right now, but i'm home for the day, so no prob for me. all i have to do now is worry about DH and DD getting home this evening. i need to tackle something BIG at home today, to make me feel like i've done something. dunno what that will be, but i'll think of something. oh, did i mention that that box i sent to my son overseas in November has STILL not gotten there, after having been in San Francisco TWICE and supposedly being directed correctly to Chicago?? it has once again dropped out of sight since Jan 1. i have the Military post people trying AGAIN to figure out WTH is going on. i most recently told them that i want the blasted thing BACK if it can't be delivered!! enough, already!!

May the Pineapple Express find its way to your neighborhood! :becky:
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Phylis, the recipe is on the pioneer woman's website.

Chris I agee! TOTALLY! Do NOT get behind on the pain meds. Your body cannot heal if the stress of pain has to be dealt with. BTW, my cpu won't be fixed in two more days. Then, or Friday is only when we get started.

I'm so sick of doing this on my tablet, I almost didn't log on. But sine I did, I'm gong to tell you what your parents would say if someone suggested they get a new bed.

Dad: this one keeps us off the floor. It's just fine. We've only had it 20 years. MY parents only had one bed their whole lives.

Mom: oh heavens! I'd way rather spend that money helping Chris with her medical bills!


Phylis, sure hope that pkg finds its way to PGH.

Hope you can all cope with the snow. Well, one way or t'other, I guess you have to! What's the alternative? Oh yeh. Go to Mexico!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
To all of you lovely ladies out in the Eastern part of the U.S.A. Stay safe and warm , it looks like you are in for a pretty scary ride!!