
Daily O's: Thursday Edition Jan 22,2015


Well-Known Member
howdy. just starting the thread this morning so Trudy can have another day off. and Chris, too! after 3" of snow yesterday and having no fun at all trying to shovel the icy driveway, today is LOOKING GOOD! well, let's not overstate the thing. at least it's not snowing, nor is it supposed to. those of you who live in nicer climates must get bored with The Weather Bitches moaning about the weather all the time. :Cry: sorry!

i'll stop by later to see who's stopped by. enjoy your Thursday! :becky:


Mornin'. I'm sad today. The bachelor dinner was fun and delicious. But later in the evening Dave asked Paul to look at something on his computer. That led them to needing to get on MY cpu, and Paul discovered that the virus he worked so hard to get rid of was still there after all. So we are going to move all my photos and documents to an ehd, then purge my cpu. In the meantime, every time I'm connected to the Internet, someone has access to my cpu! So for the next while I won't be online much. I'm writing this on my iPad, but I don't really like doing that. Way too slow.

Despite moving from PSE to Photoshop many years ago, I have contined to use the PSE Organizer. Since this operation will once again disconnect all my stuff, I'm thinking of moving it all to bridge. It will mean weeks--maybe months of reorganizing/tagging. Sigh. Not the worst problem on the planet, but not a delightful prospect.

Rain for us today,so since he can't play golf DH is taking the car in for an oil change. I,of course will be at my desk all day. I'll check on The O via my tablet from time to time.

But first another cup of coffee ( my liquid courage?).



Well-Known Member
Phylis thanks for starting the thread! So what color are your nails?

I am late today as I had my weekly talk with my sister. It is so fun to talk to her. Last night was a fun dinner with my girlfriends. Always good to catch up! Had a good walk with my girlfriend so I felt I could eat LOL! Yummy Italian food!

Trudy I would love to see you and Phylis at the pool with those crazy old men! Have a great time on your trip! Be care and don't burn!

Shar I am so glad you are trying the recipes! I felt I needed to add a bit more curry powder so do as she suggests and make sure you taste! It is wonderful that your DH think you look foxy!

Chris glad you are taking it easy!

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Shar!! yikes!:scared: you know, what you describe is why i am pulling back from lots of stuff online. i can't take it!! everything has turned into a giant MESS!! if someone isn't stealing your information, then stuff keeps coming up that takes HOUR...DAYS!! ..to extricate yourself from. i hate it. it's stressful and depressing. i do most everything on my iPad. i feel safer there, and i continuously delete history and info throughout the day. i hope you can get yourself rolling again without too much trouble. but it doesn't sound like it. :hurt:

Nancy, you won't believe this, but my nails just have clear polish on them. i never wear colored polish. in fact, i rarely WEAR polish. i feel about nailpolish like i do about makeup on me. i have the impression that i am channeling Minnie Mouse when i wear makeup or nailpolish. so, everything i do, glam-wise, is colorless. snort...suits my personality! :becky: must be nice to have a sister who is fun to talk to. mine, not so much.

waiting for the Insulation Guy to come and explain why i have moisture running down my walls in places, since we had insulation installed. i'm expecting to have a lot of jive run by me shortly.... :twitch:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I had a terrible sleep and just now crawled out of bed for the second time. :sleep: Seems I have another knot in my shoulder, but this time on the other side, so my neck and and shoulder are very stiff and painful!! Advil here I come, as soon as I get some food into my stomach! Swimming was great yesterday, hardly anyone at all there and I had a big double lane all to myself :love: Went to Walmart later in the day, bought a few things and just kind of wandered around aimlessly. Did my tanning and went home, pretty boring :bored: Today I am going to Winners to see if I can find something summery to wear on my vacation, I really need a pair of shorts, mine are all black and I need something with some colour. Then a visit with my favourite sister, she makes the best coffee and we always have lots of laughs together!

Phylis - Thanks for starting the thread this morning again! I should have just done it this morning at 3am when I was awake for the first time :becky: Sorry you have had such crapy weather!! Wish I could take you with me to Mexico even if it is only for a week! Don't worry about being a weather bitch, you can complain about it all you like here! Everyone has to listen to all of the other complaints we all have, why shouldn't you get to grumble too!! :rant:

Shar - Oh no!! I hate to hear about people getting computer viruses!! I am always afraid that I have one and don't know about it. Do you have a PC or a Mac?? What do you use to find out that you have a virus?? On my Mac I never think I have one, they are so great, but then I wonder hmmm?? maybe I do have one! That will be awful to have to move all of your files to Bridge, I have often thought of doing that, but oh my it would take years with all of the scrapbooking stuff that I have! I moved all of my files to an EHD so no danger of losing them to a virus, but then I always worry something will happen to the EHD, oh brother you can't win!!

Nancy - How great to have such a fun bunch of girlfriends to enjoy Italian food with!! I really miss my friends from the prairie days, but I have a few good friends here too. We just don't seem to get together as much as we should. Enjoy your talk with your sister! Will you be doing another trip with her soon? I do not leave for another week yet, so hopefully the fake tan will help me not to burn too much!

Chris - Hope you are relaxing and taking it easy! We should be seeing you soon in here again, but don't push it!! We miss you, but want you to completely heal before you join us again for good!! :hug:

Ok should be getting a Skype call from DD and Mason this morning, then I have to check to see if I will be able to Skype my kids if I need to from Mexico without it costing me an arm and a leg. If it does then I won't be talking to anyone unless its an emergency. I really should just leave all electronics at home, but I know thats not going to happen!! Have a great day everyone :wave:


Well-Known Member
Afternoon O-ladies! Sorry I've been mia, but have spent since Tuesday working with new data for a project at the historical society. Feels so good to track down info and assemble a picture of how people were related leading to certain kinds of interaction. (Who's related to whom and how kind of thing.) You won't be surprised to learn I get obsessive about it. For now I've got to switch over to a different project also in need of attention.

Phylis, thanks for the thread start. We had snow already, very light today but it's supposed to be over for a while now. We might even see a little sun tomorrow. One can only hope.

Nancy, I love hearing about dinner with friends and fun with your sister. The walking must be great too.

Shar I can only wince and shudder at your computer woes! Good luck with getting rid of the virus and all the work of switching things.

Trudy, those of us looking at snow are going to be dreaming of being on your vacation. Just shopping for summery clothes sounds so wonderful. Hope you get to Skype while there.

Hope Chris is really resting and not feeling too down from the inactivity. We really want you fully healed, lady!

A good Thursday, all.


Trudy: PC

Phylis: how do you delete history from your iPad?

All: thanks for sympathy and kind words. Linda Sattgast at Digital Scrapper taught a great series on getting organized using Bridge so I am going back thru that right now and making notes. I will take baby steps. The first stuff I will move is all my Oscraps goodies--the stuff I use the most.

Head is spinning...need lunch!


Well-Known Member
Shar, go to Settings--> Safari (scroll down list on left)-->Clear History and Website Data (scroll down to almost the bottom of thr main body of stuff on the right.) i do this after every place i go online. i do that, too, on my PC.


Well-Known Member
Why have I not been checking this thread? LOL I'm feeling for you Shar! I recently had PC woes and thought I had them fixed but I think Windows is a little sick. It sometimes drops my EHDs for no reason and the fav to drop is the one with my digi scrap items!! At least I don't have a virus like yours! I sure hope you get it cured real soon!

I just learned that I need to purge my iPad!!! Thanks Phyllis for sharing the method here so more of us can do it! I don't surf much on mine but I do love to check Facebook there.

I will be checking in this Chatter thing more often, except I am leaving on a cruise for a week or so. At least I got all my challenges in this month first!!



Thank you Phylis! I had no idea that feature was available, or needed!

I spent a great deal of time today setting up tag names on the bridge. It is going through and registering everything right now. I cannot believe how many thousands of elements I have. It is embarrassing. Why do I keep wanting more? Hello my name is Sharon and I am a scrapbook element-aholic I would like to have as much set up and ready to go once the computer has been purged as possible.!

Nice to see you Katy.